VIP has 10 candidates for upcoming general elections so far

The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) has ratified the majority of the candidates it plans to field to contest the BVI’s upcoming general elections.
Seven of the VIP’s nine candidates who will contest for a district seat have been selected. They include Dr Karl Dawson who will contest the First District seat and Luce Hodge-Smith who will be vying for the Fourth District. Incumbent Fifth District Representative Kye Rymer will be seeking re-election in that constituency; and so too Alvera Maduro Caines and Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley for the Sixth and Seventh electoral districts, respectively.
The party will be fielding former Financial Secretary Allen Wheatley to contest the Eighth Electoral District, while Ninth District Representative Vincent Wheatley will be seeking to retain his seat for the party.
The VIP has not yet ratified its candidates for the Second and Third electoral districts. As for the VIP’s candidates for the Territorial At-Large seats, incumbents Carvin Malone, Sharie de Castro and Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith have all been confirmed to re-contest during the upcoming general elections.
First-term legislator Shereen Flax-Charles, who is also an incumbent At-Large Representative, has not yet been ratified by the party.
According to party leader Dr Wheatley, Flax-Charles’ “paperwork [for ratification] wasn’t filled out according to the provisions of the Virgin Islands Party constitution”. Dr Wheatley said Flax-Charles will have a second chance at ratification at the party’s special meeting at a later time.
The other two outstanding candidates will also be ratified at that time.
The VIP is the only political party to announce its candidates for the 2023 General Elections so far. Elections are constitutionally due by May of this year.
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Honorable confusion Shereen isn’t rectified as yet but that comes as no surprise. The woman always trying to destroy everything she gets involved in.
This is good news and true democracy.
Now time to lead. Time to do better. Make the hard the shifting and shake up that needed…
1. Carvin Run A Muck.
2. Vincent under investigation.
3. Shereen smell a rat.
4. Sheep and those contracts… Conflict of
2024.. Second COI in BVI.
March, 2023… UK Direct Rule even for 1 week.
A bunch ah dead horses
Shereen looking to jump the fence
What happen to the unity set up which seems to be the preferred set up to lead the BVI by the majority..
Not a single one I would vote for.
Will the Governor, accept if one party win 7 or more seats to govern, or he will call for a unity Government.?
Carvin needs to do the honorable thing and step down. He is a dead weight.
Let her be confusion. Shereen is good for the country. She brings out what the rest don’t want the public to know.
Hope willock make the team
V**t you always talking bad about this woman. Your day coming soon. You have created more confusion and done nothing for district 9. Just stop blogging and do your dam work
None of them fit to rule the country they did not have the balls to stand up against Andrew who will they stand up fo to save our democracy
All ah dem wash in the OBEAH Water ?
Poor the Esteemed One did not make the cut. I wonder how he feels. His own members isn’t support him and his Head Coach isn’t here to help him.
If the 9th district rep can’t hold a ministry now will he be able hold one if he wins and VIP gets a majority?? This is a big question gor the 9th voters. 4 years again with no ministry. Ayo VG people don’t be stupid
So are they all completely innocent of any wrong doing?
VIP please remove that cow from in the road.
imagine if everyone boycott the election completely…. Direct UK rule? cause I do believe the majority of the BVI want real and better change.
6th District needs a strong Rep. Time for the change.
why Vincent??? we need someone else
get the dist 2 rep. Thurnbull to jump ship and joined VIP.
Sing for your supper. As a 9yh voter, I amnot even prepared to vote this moron in much less care whether he gets a ministry or not. Vincent only knew people when he needed votes. Do not even bother setting foot on my door step. I will cook rice one grain at a time b4 I vote for this man again.,of%20the%20British%20Virgin%20Islands&text=v.,-The%20Commissioner%20of&text=The-,Magistrate%20found%20no%20case%20to%20answer%20on%20the%20fraud%20and,no%20issue%20in%20this%20appeal.