BVI News

VIP proposing to create exclusive Anegada, JVD reps to replace At-Large

While describing it as a potentially unpopular proposal, Virgin Islands Party (VIP) leader Andrew Fahie said he is considering to do away with two of the four Territorial At-Large seats in the BVI.

He said the VIP is further considering to replace those two At-Large seats by creating exclusive seats for an Anegada representative and a Jost Van Dyke representative, respectively.

As things stand now, the sister island of Anegada is part of the Ninth Electoral District while Jost Van Dyke is part of the Second District constituency.

These are things the VIP would review if they get elected as government, Fahie said.

“We have to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the whole At-Large system versus what they said it was intended to do, what it is doing, [and whether] the people are getting the quality representation from it overall. Is it an asset to the territory? We have to review this,” Fahie said on Tuesday.

“We want to look at the whole composition of the 13 members [of the House of Assembly] to see if we can change how some of them are now elected or if we have to reduce accordingly or even expand,” he further explained.

The 13 legislators that are elected after a general election comprise nine district candidates and four Territorial At-Large candidates.

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  1. Flamingo says:

    I agree with Fahie. True representation comes from the district villagers. Really and truly it done hard to represent a district much less trying to represent everybody at large. We need true and proper representation. At large is just pure popularity, hot air, and get little done. Especially now focusing on tourists I think it would be a good move for Jost and Anegada. Excellent!

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  2. bull shiggidy says:


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  3. People says:

    This one I can’t wait for it to happen. It is by time.

    Like 11
  4. Blah says:

    The At Large reps supposed to be for everybody but when the district seats fall in the opposition we have to suffer.

  5. wow says:

    we need less not more rep. right now we not getting value for money. soon every village will want a rep. wow a rep for 100 plus people. Do the math.

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  6. Voter says:

    that is a constitutional change. the people decide, not you.

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  7. TurtleDove says:

    And if you want to be Premier you should have to run At Large.

    Like 15
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  8. Sad says:

    It’s sad to see VIP fishing and fishing and throwing any and everything at the voter wall hoping for something to stick. They’re all over the place making overly zealous and foolish promises. These places don’t need a representative of their own, the entire Territory needs proper systems to be put in place for accountability. Why should a Territory of 30K plus population need all those representatives? 9 elected and 4 at-large are more than enough and there’s nothing wrong with the system. People just need to do their jobs and we the people need to hold our reps accountable not just when we want personal favors but when it favors the Territory. Let’s get real and stop the political maneuvering.

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    • NPolitico says:

      @Sad, agree. A tiny dot (59 square miles, 36 islands, 15 inhabited) with a population of approximately 30,000 has 13 elected members. That is 1 elected member for 2308 residents and a ratio that is much higher than in some larger countries. Would residents notice if the number of elected members were reduced? No. Current elected members are not going to take action that may put some outside of their comfort zone so if change is needed, it will have to come from the people. The people will have to agitate for it.

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  9. Real Simple says:

    What we had district councils and mayors that were locally elected and a smaller territory-wide government that was completely at-large?

  10. Political Observer (PO) says:

    I will probably receive some heavy incoming fire for what I’m about to wax about. But it is all good. The exclusive districts proposal is aspirational. But, at this juncture, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke do not need exclusive representatives. What they need are more effective representation from the D-9, D-2 and the 4 at large candidates. Additionally, village councils or whatever we called them should set up and taken seriously. They will be the eyes and ears on the ground that work close up with the elected reps.

    Moreover, the At Large system failed to meet the spirit and intent of its design intent. The intent was to provide more/additional district representation. The fear was that popular figure(s) in districts would not limit the global representation of districts. The current focus of at large reps seemed to be focused on government held areas. To strengthen the At Large system, suggest re-apportioning/slicing the territory into At Large districts. For example District 1 could entail VG and Anegada and other outlying islands, District 2 the eastern part of Tortola, District 3 the middle section of Tortola and District 4 the western section of Tortola, including Jost Van Dyke.

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    • @PO says:

      You talking sense!

      The at-large system can work if we want it to work! The problem is that too many of us are selfish pricks which is why it’s not working at present. It starts and ends with LEADERSHIP! Set goals/benchmarks/deliverables and the system can work.

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      • Hah says:

        The At Large system hasn’t worked so far.
        Have you seen Ronnie, Archie, Myron and Dr. Smith in certain parts of the Island? No they are just At large by name but they dont provide equal representation territory wide. It is proven that the 3rd and 1st districts have been ignored by NDP. NDP’s 3rd district candidates always boast of grand plans for the district but when they lose none of their plans are even considered by the NDP. Name one thing NDP has done for the 3rd besides the usual paving of road that is mandatory. Actually it doesn’t seem like the At large is working great for the other districts as well as there isn’t any major developments in any district besides the 4th that is controlled by the Minister of C&W.

    • RealPol says:

      “To strengthen the At Large system, suggest re-apportioning/slicing the territory into At Large districts. For example District 1 could entail VG and Anegada and other outlying islands, District 2 the eastern part of Tortola, District 3 the middle section of Tortola and District 4 the western section of Tortola, including Jost Van Dyke.” Endorse the idea. You are balling! Before the ministerial system in 1967, think the territory was broken up into 3 or 4 at large districts.

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  11. Right/Wrong Direction says:

    Yes, Anegada and JVD need their own District Reps, but it should not be at the expense of At Large. In fact, we need as many At Large votes as there are Ministries. That is for X ministries, give us X at large votes. In summary, there should be 11 Districts + as many At Large seats at there are Ministries.

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