Visa-free travel difficult because of cannabis?
Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has disclosed that a number of BVIslanders continue to be denied visa-free entry to the US mainland because of previous convictions for small quantities of marijuana.
The USVI and the BVI have a visa waiver agreement which allows BVI nationals to travel to that territory and the US mainland without visas, once persons meet certain criteria.
However, in the House of Assembly last week, Walwyn said people should not be denied due to previous convictions involving small quantities of marijuana, especially since the US is taking steps to further decriminalise marijuana.
“I started the question by bringing to the Premier’s attention the reclassification of marijuana in the US. I know the Premier would also be aware of the USVI’s position in terms of approving cannabis for recreational use. I’m harping on this because a lot of persons with conviction for small quantities have not been able to access further education, have not been able to access the US mainland for opportunities, business and visit,” Walwyn expressed.
He also asked Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley whether his government has lobbied the USVI to soften its approach to individuals who have convictions for small quantities of marijuana.
In response, the Premier said he was unaware of the “latest politics around the decriminalization of marijuana in the US.” He also said he doesn’t know how any new developments might affect how US Homeland Security looks at people who have been convicted for small quantities of marijuana.
“That is certainly something I can discuss with our colleagues in the USVI on behalf of individuals in the BVI who may be in that situation,” the Premier said.
At Walwyn’s request, the Premier also promised to discuss the issue at the next USVI-BVI Inter-governmental Council meeting.
Recently, the US Virgin Islands took further steps to make recreational marijuana a reality, with the approval of critical regulations that are needed to fully implement the law in that territory.
The BVI’s cannabis law — which proposed to expunge the criminal records of those convicted for small quantities of marijauna — remains in the hands of the UK government.
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America has some of the most strictest drug laws in the world that’s why is hard to get in after small drug charges and big ones. The only solution is with the hranka waiver and that cost a lot of money. Note the it goes of 3 things .1 time passed since the offense
2 . If you are a threat to USA citizens
3 purpose and trip and proof of rehabilitation
Just lie on the form about your drugs use, and they let you in. It helps to have a reputation as a liar, because if anybody challenges your admission, the Judge will ignore any confessions that you have made in your book on the basis that you probably lied in the book so that more copies would be sold. It also helps if your are a prince married to a z list actress best known for simulating oral sex on Beverley Hills 90120.
Dear Mr. Lie to the authorities,
The U.S. CBP is trained to detect lies, and, really? Lying to the authorities! Who raised you?
From, Really..
No matter the weed will flow once the money is right…the air plane and boats always ready
ever there is demand there will be suppliers, plain and simple, just ask all the crooked officials who are on the side of law enforcement in title only.
This wasnt about the weed in the first place.
It was about segregation continued, jailing minorities, fueling crime through prohibition to justify militarized policing, and giving the US/UK an excuse to send their agents around the globe in a never ending militarized war, on ‘drugs’ which in reality is a war on people.
I read what truth says but there is no logic to the rules. A person burn a j and now is a threat to America?
… Yes that’s right because a mind which can think outside the box and eventually think for themselves is the greatest threat to their Armageddon culture the people are born into.
Cant have soldiers and the very same agents asking themselves why am I doing this? God forbid they have empathy for their victims.
They tried, both the US/UK. They gave soldiers all the drugs in the world to see what would happen and if there is an advantage to be gained.
What they learned in short was that people dont want to fight while high. Ghee who would have guessed, it was the hippies who led the Vietnam anti-war movement.
Do they want more flower children sitting in the roads peacefully protesting the next war and talking about love maaaan? Nope. That will be bad for war monger’s business.
Scribble on paper, issue propaganda to people who cant think for themselves, now they are dangerous druggies and we arrest them! Cage them with real criminals. Problem solved!!
Under certain substances ‘drugs’ the experienced soldiers were prone to have a religious experience, wander out of line, laugh hysterically and be unable to fight.
They want society to be willing to drop a bomb and go drink the PTSD to numb the feelings. Soldiers are allowed to drink off duty -a mind altering substance- yet tested for other substances they used off duty. Stay in line!
This system which wants world domination is evil incarnate.
Technology to land on the moon & they still claim there is no accepted medical use for ‘marijuana’ the most studied plant and use courts of law to enforce their lies.
That is why its called Babylon as of old. Evil continues.
No respect to truth, health or religious ties.
Exactly as the transatlantic slave trade & native American conquest was justified.
The corrupt Sith lords are comfy. Nothing good can happen on a wide scale with this special type of corruption in power.
There’s men being drafted into battles they don’t want to fight as they try to escape to peaceful civilization, modern day slavery and US/UK taxes are supporting that.
Thank god that isnt us back into slavery but I am sorry it is happening. These rules dont make sense because they are not meant to help people, but to hurt people.
to the USVI or further into the USA. BVI persons are usually foreigners in the US and not always welcome. Just go somewhere else; DR, St. Martin, Columbia, Guyana, etc.