Visitors opting to postpone instead of cancel vacations in BVI

Director of Tourism Sharon Flax-Brutus said visitors who booked their stay in the British Virgin Islands before the global impact of the coronavirus are still showing interest in vacationing when the pandemic is over.
Flax-Brutus said this shows that the visitors are loyal to the BVI brand and will be crucial in assisting the territory in getting back on its proverbial feet.
She said: “When tourism rebounds — and it will in a different shape or form — the BVI will still be one of the most sought-after destinations in the Caribbean; that I am sure of. We are seeing where guests to the destination especially, on our social media page, are telling us ‘stay safe’, and they haven’t cancelled their reservations. They have postponed their reservations, and they are also looking to the future.”
She described the BVI as having one ‘of the highest clientele in the Caribbean’ and said this helped the territory after the 2017 hurricanes.
“I am absolutely confident that it will help us when we re-emerge from this situation,” Flax-Brutus said.
Tourism is the second-largest economic pillar of the BVI and is responsible for injecting millions into the local economy yearly.
The territory’s borders have been ordered closed due to the threat of COVID-19. The BVI, who has reported three confirmed cases of the virus, is now on 14 days of a 24-hour curfew that is slated to end on April 19.
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This would be the perfect opportunity to go back to the days of charter boats and overnight visitors. The cruise ships carry disease. Simple cost/benefit analysis will show the cruise ships are a bad deal for the BVI. Let’s work on filling our hotels/inns and charter boats before whoring ourselves out for the cruise ship head tax.
The problem with that is only white people benefit and prosper with that structure. Look at how they bring in only their friends to work for them and how quick they buy land and build houses. That structure is a white boy club looking to get rich off our land, while dissing the natives. They only get in sweet with you when they want something. The minute they feel they get what they want, they ain’t know you.
What nonsense. The tourist sector is the largest employer in the BVI! What group do you think is the largest to make their livings in that sector? NOT whites! Open your eyes…better yet, your mind and your heart.
Sad, but the comment by “To Change” is true. The tourist sector is the largest employer in the BVI, but the point is who benefits most and who barely makes it in certain tourist sector?
The BVI is not your land you are squatters and need to be removed. This is the Queens land and you people like those inhabiting the rest of the Caribbean should be removed. How’s this for an answer to your racist crap.
Who knows the psychology of the white man knows he does not speak, live, accept or respect truth. He has a natural aversion to truth existing in his dna. The truth is, the white man is and always has been the greatest profiteer and benefactor of BVI tourist dollars. He would not be here otherwise.
The question as to who owns these lands have developed into a complex set of political issues.The facts are, the so called crown, after centuries of forcibly killing the inhabitants, stealing their lands and resources, claiming and then occupying same lands across the globe and installing their political nouses, social and economic standards and values, including the flying of their flag upon those lands, are how they became to be called “crown lands.” They did not obtain these lands by godly, legitimate, legal or divine means. History has taught us that.
History has also taught us another fact,that thousands of Black people worked and tolied on said lands for centuries without as much as pence in return, making the so called crown rich. When that free wealth was no longer available,and or sustainable, the crown left those poor, penceless, hungry and homeless Black people to fend for themselves, 99.999% of them. A few names weregiven some land.
The crown took the riches, ran back to england and created many banking, insurance, industrial and technological revolutions with that blood, slave and oppressive money. The crown left the Black wealth generators behind for to eat sand, rocks, dirt, and drink their tears of suffering misery and helplessness.
As a result of those facts and truth, these lands should belong to none other than the dscendants of those wealth producing slaves, period. The fact is, the crown’s political system should have already issued decrees and ediths proclaiming these islands as belonging to the descendants of the slaves that made them rich and into an empire.
It cannot be expressed forcibly enough then, the overwhelming anger that erupts inside when someone, who is clearly racist and does not have the interest of Black Vislander in mind or heart, expouses the notion the “we” are squatters and should be removed.
That is an insult of the wickedest degree. So are you suggeting that we are all of no worth and should be removed from the life we have built for ourselves, and be returned to a slave, with no land, no home, no identity? Clearly, that is your mind set. You are of the same mental stock as your forefathers. Evil, inhuman and none human.
Where was the self entitled modern day squatter him/herself a hundred and sisty years ago? Where were they when our neterus toiled from scratch to build this nation by themselves from NOTHING?
Now today they have returned from the cold and inhospitable place to once again, squat in their segregated communities andwork in the jobs secured for them, spout their cold, heartless and evil towards a people who have done nothing but good for them. Sad indeed.
You are certainly outstanding in your field. That is the cotton field where you would be most valuable. I find it humorous reading how it is that the land belongs to defendants of the slaves. In fact after slavery you were given permission to live on the lands so that the colonizing super powers didn’t have to deal with you. That was a mistake and the super powers are now paying for that mistake. You should all have been transported back to your ancestral homelands. The BVI belongs to the Crown. You belong in deep dark Africa.
Well said buddy.
Listen and watch what the white men will do in these coming days with what they own. Starting with the oldest and largest law firm in the BVI.
What the fxxxxk? The Queen’s land? Do you know how certain people got here in the first place. Might I remind you they were brought against their wills and left to die on this bird sanctuary, which they made a paradise. The Queen does not want these lands buddy.
Whatever is destroyed can and will be rebuilt.
Be reminded, we started from nothing and build our (bird sanctuary) country up, allowing you to come in and set up your law firms.
We are resposible for your being here and earning money on this bird sanctury.
Do note, both during and post bondage have proven overwhelmingly that the African descendants of this territory and worldwide are a resilent people.
Hence, your comments reminds all of your authentic nature, EVIL.
I agree. That tourist plan worked great in the late 70’s, through the 80’s and into the 90’s before the cruise ship pier was built in Road Harbour.
Some of us have no choice but to return because our charter contract does not allow for a refund. If I could get my money back I’d cancel and then consider my options.
Thank you. Same for me. My airline and hotel refused to issue a refund so the only option was to postpone for one year.
This is all nonsense by the Tourist Board. There will be no tourists coming for a very very long time. People will not be willing to get sick and possibly hospitalized in the Third World. Remember people come to the BVI for its natural beauty. The locals had nothing to do with that. They are responsible for the lack of everything including proper health care, internet, transportation, restaurants and most of all a lack of hospitality.
Sorry to hear the bitterness, but we are a resilient people and will survive. The virus did not originate in the BVI, and we sure do not wish for it to be imported. Every country around the world benefit from visitors, and for some to think that they are more important than others is a damn shame. At least you admit that the BVI is beautiful. I can assure you that others are also aware of this, and the BVI will be just fine. We are aware that there are some things we must work on, and we will get it together.
Which country has all perfect people? I would want to live there.
Yes you have a choice?
You say cruise ships carry disease, yet it wasn’t cruise ship passengers who brought the virus here.
When the cruise ships come around Christmas a lot of people get sick with some type of cold or flu.
Cruise ships are good yes but they do bring disease. Every season.
You are not certain of this!
Yes. But make sure there are systems in place to ensure those coming are not bringing the virus to vacation with us. Although we need the money it is not worth it if carona virus comes with it.
Hell yes when them come to our shores they bringing all sorts of diseases with them along with all sorts of hard drugs, straight talk no chaser.
Tourism in the Caribbean is Slavery all over again, them getting the future we get the History. Most money from Tourism don’t stay on these islands just the dog tax.
The white man don’t care about us until he want something or to use us.
Our Custom Officers would turn us up and out looking for the promise land, but when they see one of Satan’s Disciples they let them pass with the contraband. We still have Uncle Toms, Yardboys, House negros and Jimbos here in the Caribbean waiting to be used by the pigs in blankets.
That way of thinking is why we no longer vacation in the BVI.
Who is “We”? Is this one family, a village, a state or a town?
Do you think that BVIslanders are going to lose sleep because you don’t come? Boy please, get over yourself, most of you come to the Caribbean and don’t spend a damn red cent, everything is comp, because you win a trip, them some of you lie your a@$$es off saying you lose diamond wedding bands when you couldn’t even afford cubic zirconia, don’t worry we watched White American greed.
We are a resilient people
Caribbean people are naturally courteous considerate and caring because we are Islanders, get it right ok Salmon fresh Dave.
Yes, I with you on that. Virus free persons are welcome to vacation. Don’t come if you coming to share virus.
is that the image we project? How about getting in shape. You all need to go on diets and get fit. Promote wellness enough of the food!
Have you looked around your country or even your neighbourhood because there is no one in the BVI that weighs the same as a cow?
The cruise ships are not the problem, remember that the Bible spoke about plagues and diseases, especially in the last days.
It’s not that s**t…
I blame the demonic cats of 2017. They brought us the storm. And potholes
1) A pitiful response to historical and psychological truths.
2) Indeed your wicked evil non human ancestors colonizers made a mistake by not taking us back to our deep dark Africa.
1) That deep dark Africa has enriched and is still enriching your country and the entire western world.
2) You are where you are today because of that deep dark Africa.
3) No Africa in existence, no you. Indeed, we were outstanding in the cotton fields producing wealth for colonizers. Now it is time to pay up.
4) Explain to an inqusitive mind the legal facts as to how the BVI came to be belongs to the crown. History has aleady pointed how. Your turn.
4) Indeed, your views indicate one who is delusional and unaccepting of i trruths, and still existing a long dead and gone era..But that is understansable.
5) Technically today, because of colonial political mechanisms, the BVI, like many countries across the gllobe, are still ownership attained by illegal and atrocious means.
4) When a thief murders and or steals, does the property he stole make him the rightful owner?