Why do you oppose truth? Governor asks detractors
Governor Augustus Jaspert has sent a message to Virgin Islanders who are against the upcoming Commission of Inquiry (COI), saying honest citizens shouldn’t oppose such a process.
“I know some people will oppose this Commission. To those people I ask, why do you oppose getting to the truth? If you are honest – which I know, the vast, vast majority of people in BVI are – you have no reason to oppose it. It is a chance to clear names and end the allegations of corruption which threaten to plague our community,” Governor Jaspert said in his statement which announced the historic COI.
On Monday January 18, Governor Jaspert rocked the territory with his decision to order a COI into alleged political misconduct by present and past BVI administrations.
While many support the move, some sections of the public say the COI is the UK government’s deliberate attempt to undermine the authority of elected leaders.
While the public continues to voice its opinion, Governor Jaspert has urged residents to feel “empowered to engage with the Commission”.
It will be your opportunity to shape the way things are done and help put things right for the next generation,” Governor Jaspert said.
Elected leaders invited
The Governor also called on elected leaders to support the COI, adding that Governor-elect John Rankin supports the decision.
“I hope that the Premier, ministers and all elected members can and will fully support this opportunity. I am acting in full accordance with the Commission of Inquiry Act passed by honourable members of the House of Assembly in support of the public whom we all serve. It also has the full support of my successor,” the Governor’s statement read.
Hard decision
Governor Jaspert also said ordering a COI wasn’t an easy decision but is something that had to be done to carve a clear path to better governance in the BVI.
“We want BVI to remain one of the safest places in the Caribbean, underpinned by an effective public service, strong rule of law and internationally successful industries. Through this Commission, we can take stock of where we are and give the people the power to say where we go next. It is inspired by the people and will deliver for the people and is one of the greatest levers under local law designed to ensure public welfare,” Governor Jaspert’s historic statement said.
Since announcing the historic COI, the outgoing governor has drawn praises and criticisms from the public and political spheres in the BVI. Premier Andrew Fahie has since issued a second public statement on the COI despite saying he would reserve all comments on the matter until more details are released by Governor Jaspert.

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Here is the truth, this is a plan to undermine the bvi as a whole to lead thd way for the uk to take over point blank. We not stupid governor.
We all seeing his tactics. After we call him out for using our money for his lavish parties and lifestyle. Buying top class vehicles by way of tax payers dollars.
This is his answer. Childish and downright shameful. He is like a little kid. He looks like one of those … We dont want you here. You not from here. We did not elect you. Go tf on your way and get out of here from trying to do “The Devils Work”.
Don’t you see a problem with how the funds were moved? Same sort of thing the previous government did.
No I don’t, the governor is just scorned that he cant control this administration with his slave master mentality. this ain’t slavery days we not going for that.
The governor was in there for so long and this administration asked question bout doing commission of inquires about previous projects and he did NOTHING!
He is just upset and is trying to show that he is the one with power and not the sitting government.
Them days are gone when we sat and let people stuff things down our throat…
We the people of the BVI have a mind of our own and we will not be push into a current day shackles and chains mentality.
That’s one of the reasons we would never get better as a people. We have to put party politics aside and deal with our internal flaws. No political party is going to address them because all they see is the X. Marijuana field instead of planting food for this country and you don’t see something ridiculous about that? Oh my bad marijuana can eat. This place needs to be cleaned up.
There is nothing i spoke about in regards to party politics. I for the BVI not no VIP or NDP. Dont push and agenda that am not pushing.
All i am saying is the governor had ample time to do Commission of inquiries and he chose not to.
But now that he and the government fall out, all of a sudden he wants to do CoI and spewing rhetoric that THE BVI is Corrupt?
Like really where was this talk all the time when things were good?
He is behaving like an ex who is upset and wants to get back at you.
Only a blind person can not see the nonsense he is doing.
You are wrong about a lot of things but mostly when you say the uk wants to take over the BVi. Why on earth would they want to do that? They already have the control as the Governor is demonstrating. The uk would not want the pain in the a** of running this tiny place. It’s nothing to do with slavery and you insult our forebears by saying it is. We have incredible wealth and freedoms here but as is the case in all countries , there are some that steal and are corrupt and the government has a lot of money so that’s where these people go to take advantage. We are kicking that we have this opportunity to sort out who is good and who is not.
You should be grateful that the UK does watch the politicians. Without it the place would be Haiti Mark2. It is already Turks Mark 2.
So you dont think there is any problem here? And if there was our own could fix it? Dont make me laugh. Another 150kg dope just came in.
You are obviously a die-hard VIP that watches too much TV. Well I am here to tell you VIP and NDP arent sport teams. So get your head out of the sand. Some of the politicians that you obviously vote for mainly out of popularity aren’t honest or even competent people. It’s because we let our voted officials stuff things down our thoughts is why the financial sector suffering, Tourist Board never knows their head from their foot, our roads are bad, and schools are crap!…
At least the kids are IN school….
UK in lockdown …
Pretty sure most parents aren’t loving another round of home schooling
to say something like that you must have a personal monetary interest in that.
Only interest I have is the interest of the BVI not going back into modern day slavery.
Because that is the plan the UK has.. We not foolish.
I bet you if they try that we the people of the BVI will be marching in the streets.
Well at least the people who are patriotic to the BVI and value what we have been able to accomplish through our own decision making.
Don’t be fooled the Governor and the UK have already rolled out their plans… Its clear…
Look at the way they have put out information in the International news. Labeling the BVI as “Corrupt”. This is all a ploy to put the BVI in a bad light to the world….
So that when they try to take control they could use that corrupt label as the reason why the taking over is needed.
NOPE! That ain’t happening!
Only one sentence needed here because they ALREADY have
control and are now exercising it lawfully.
[insert speaker of the house image with his colonial wig here]
Most of these people replying to you are either foreign or too simple to think about this I hear no bvi landers rejoicing except the one that lost her job.
This party politics system is ridiculous. Her majesty’s loyal opposition.
Can we not see how this divides us as a people?! Democracy is the tool by which we are kept in a circle of fighting each other.
You go in the house now you are the royal opposition or the sitting government and you play the role. They take it seriously and personally. They attack each other.
We are one people, our ancestors came on the same f-ing ships. Don’t be fooled by these tactics. Good governance my ass. I want to see civil change where the opposition and government work together as one.
Who ever we elect we need to move forward with the best interest of Virgin Islanders at hand. Stop pretense stop playing the role they gave you.
stop fighting each other in the ring and unify.
With Brexit, COVID and everything else you really think the UK really want to have to deal with the BVI?
What would the UK take over? A tiny island nation that’s corrupt to the core?! Please.
The UK is hoping that the BVI is daft enough that it will vote for independence and so that ties can be severed. When will you realise that the UK doesn’t see the BVI as a pot of gold, but more as a pain in the backside.
Do us all a favour, and move your mindset in to 2021.
You obviously ain’t a patriot of the BVI… I can see that from the colloquial language you speak. So
I expect that from some one like you who has no skin in the game.
who ever called the BVI a pot of gold? No one!.. But this is our home and we are the ones electing people to make the decisions for us. That is what we have grown up to know and that is the way its going to remain.
No scheme or calculated plot that the gov and the UK has is going to change that!
A patriot of the BVI will welcome a COI. Why? Because it should bring to the fore any corrupt or wrongdoing by governments that has plagued this territory for decades. All this talk about slavery is nonsense. The UK has her own troubles with transitioning away from EU and effects of Covid-19 on their table. The BVI will just be added burden. Stop the emotional and irrational ranting.
No weapon forged against us… none
It’s “tracking”, not “trackin”.
It’s so simple to get this stuff right.
the G is in Govt…
Actually, you are.
No that’s your opinion. The truth is more persons have significantly disliked this comment than liked it.
You sound real silly! It’s not like the present leader does not have a track record. Always the same narrative that the people can see and smell. They get in and its big cars all around. B****ing and big mouthing. He goes power mad with security companies doing unnecessary tasks. And a f******e from Detroit paid large sums for doing nothing. The Cookie jar is open to specific friends. The b****ing and v*******ation is part of a smokescreen to do *** things. We all know what has been going on for donkey’s years. The sad thing is there is hardly any improvement in this country since Lavitty died. The Karma now catching up. We learned nothing from IRMA.
The UK had/have a plan to take over the BVI. 2019 The people of the bvi spoke and elected another government that threw a spoke in their wheel now that this government is standing up to them, their finding everywhere possible to implement that plan to take over. We ain’t stupid.
Apparently you are.
Headset who paid you to mind other people’s business? I smell a racist
@ Truth: Why would the UK want to take the BVIs over? As beautiful as it is, it’s small, has little in the way of assets and is thousands of miles away. Cost benefit analysis falls heavily on side of cost, at a time UK has much bigger problems, including generating funds to address their own problems.
CoI means chickens coming home to roost.
Its only the British who know what the truth is. We don’t know anything about the truth. Our people are soo blinded that anyone could mislead us. If anyone in government has done anything wrong they must be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law so lets get that out of the way.
What Governor jaspert has done goes way beyond what any reasonable partner would do. This is about a different agenda that is not in our best interest. It was a carefully coordinated attack on our country to satisfy their objectives cloaked in the usual corruption blanket that the British always use. Do we have corruption? I’m sure we do. Is it worse than Britain or any where else? No it is not. But we are made to believe that it is for their own purposes.
How did this cocaine bust get part of the BVI corruption? If it includes police officers, isn’t Governor jaspert in charge of the police service? Isn’t this his failure? or is it ours because they are corrupt?
If it is supposed to be an independent inquiry then why are all those terrible things spread all over the British Media? Our country has been damaged long before we know whether the allegations being made are true or not. Are we that dumb to believe that all that information was not fed to the British media by Jaspert and his allies?
BVI people stop being foolish. Stop allowing people who have their own agenda to turn you into idiots and cause you to hate your own people. Stop it. You will suffer for it. The UK has been destroying the economy of the BVI for years. They tried everything to destroy our financial services. They hate that we live good and think that all of us are corrupt.
Wow, at least you didn’t say ‘word from the wise’! I agree that if anyone in government has done anything wrong then they need to be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law but as to your other points.
Why do you say what the Governor has done goes way beyond what a reasonable partner would do? Governor is there to protect all of us BVI people, he’s standing up for us all to protect us from the minority in power who may have abused that power. Can’t you see that? If those in power haven’t abused it they will face no action, if they have then I would hope they would be forced to repay our money back to us, the people.
Who knows about the cocaine bust, who knows who else was involved or how high this goes. If they decide to cover it then it’s up to the commissioner to determine.
The british media print what they want, the tabloids don’t like any offshore tax havens, it’s pure sensatialism as it makes good news. If you think the governor can control the british media then you clearly think very highly of him!
You have no idea what is really going on. From what you have said I can see that you don’t know enough about what is happening to connect the dots. Its not your fault. And just so you know, the minister for overseas territories who read the statement in their parliament is closely connected to the British media. Pay closer attention and try to better understand things.
News flash! We ain’t all living good in BVI. You must never drive on these roads for the last 20 years, you have never seen inside the high school before Irma took it, you must be the last to know BVI does indeed have poverty, and you must not be concerned about the government dipping they’re had in social security…. Leave it to VIP marijuana going to save us meanwhile farmers can’t meet the demand of one grocery store.
UK take over wah? you think it’s like back in the day when we were blind.This land belongs to us.
Yup the BVI Belongs to the BVI and we marching if someone else say so!
Governor the reason some may oppose is probably the way you went about it. It was done in a distasteful manner. So don’t be telling people how to take this action you put on the people and this country.
A commission of inquiry needs to be done on you as well .
Why do you oppose the truth?
This governor is so condescending and racist no man
Why do you jaspert oppose the truth that we don’t appreciate monuments, waterways and roads named after atrocious human right violating slave masters.
Who cares what the British position is as governor he could have made his recommendation and fight for it like he’s fighting to bring us down.
It’s not what you do it’s how you do it, and from my perspective jaspert has behaved like a royally spoiled child. Tit for tat is his game.
A commission of inquiry needs to be ran on him to ascertain whether his actions as governor were based on good governance or on his bruised ego and new reputation as a racist.
This is 20 yrs late..as far back as peter Island scandal, the Purcell Ghut scandal, the gresn house scandal,the millions spent on street lights putting up and taking down, putting up, takkng down…All the money in rent when that land next to qwomar was bought by government around 15yrs ago to remedy the rental cost by building a government building on it, those days we had money, but they were concern about enriching themselves,.The Sea Cows Bay Midget wall that have a tall cost,,anyone with sense knew that wall was too low for it purpose, needed to be another 18inches higher now all the weed just falling over it… Our treasury were raped constently and consistently for yrs by the people who should be protecting her,, This COI is well needed and long over due,,, atlease our door keepers will start thinking twice,,
Why wasn’t this done when the other party was in when they were doing the dum things? Is it because he knows that he have a leader that is not going to kiss his royal A**. Why don’t he just leave quietly. You can not get the money no more just leave. New power in house.