BVI News

Woman charged with theft claims she stole to buy food

BVI News understands that police arrested a woman on Tortola earlier this week who claimed the money she stole was used to purchase food.

Though the arrest was made this week, the theft reportedly occurred some time in August.

The woman was reportedly arrested in the Baugher’s Bay community. However, it is unclear whether she resides in this area.

BVI News has not been able to confirm the amount that was stolen, but the sum reportedly exceeds $900.

It’s reported that the woman stole the money from a vehicle and told police officers she used it to buy food.

She was later charged with theft but has reportedly been released on bail. However, our news centre hasn’t confirmed the amount that was paid for her release.

The woman is scheduled to appear in court in the coming months to answer to the charge of theft laid against her.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    I understand that we are living in hard times due to the impact of covid on the economy, however, stealing is stealing.

    Stealing to purchase food is still stealing and is unjustifiable even if her story is believable.

    I recognize the cost of living is high in the BVI, but if she really stole to buy food, did she need the take the entire $900?

    I don’t buy it. To steal from a vehicle is a conscious act. She has a case of sticky fingers. Lock her up.

    Now, what fool leaves $900 in a vehicle for some sticky fingers to take?

    Seems to me two people need to learn some lessons here from this, the victim and the thief.

    Like 17
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    • X says:

      If I leave MY money in My car, that doesn’t give anybody the right to steal it.

      Like 11
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      • Anonymous says:

        You have a right to be stupid. I understand. No crime there.

        Clearly to most reasonable and thinking people it is an unwise practice. It’s no different than leaving your purse, laptop, cell phone, or anything of great value in your car.

        It’s foolish and unwise.

        You are free to leave all your money in your car if you wish, but do not expect to find it where you left it upon your return.

        You will make a perfect victim with your mindset. When someone takes your money, please don’t waste the RVIPF time with your negligence.

  2. Yup says:

    Another sob story to stay out of prison. Every criminal caught will have a sob story to tell so they can forego prison and fines. If you do the crime, don’t worry about doing the time just have yourself a rhyme.

    Like 13
  3. Hmm says:

    Go to Family Support Network.

  4. Local girl says:

    Who she be buddy? Why no pic?a a damn thief has rights to privacy too? I can bet my life she is from down island.Any yet we wanted to chastised the Governor for saying that there’s corruption in the BVI.

    Dislike 14
    • Just looking on says:

      This down island bashing has to stop people are people there is good and bad people everywhere

    • Facts says:

      I am 100% sure if it was an down islander as you call them the news would have stated that… sound so stupid… amazes me what comes out of some ppl’s mouth

  5. Baughers bay says:

    Thieves are all over the world. Not just down island, oh and by the way if you check out HMP you will realize that is pure theif and murderers up there born right here. So dem from here

  6. I demand says:


  7. From says:

    the highest governance offices, to boardrooms to managers, accountants, departments, to offices, to street level, there is theft all around.

    It goes unknown until caught. Materialism and the addiction to it has created in man the lust to for money to satisfy a developed greed.

  8. Hmm says:

    Only one set picture or name that can go up on news hmmm

  9. Long Look says:

    Is she a local? I demand to see the Klepto’s face.

  10. Daffy Duck says:

    Times are hard, Christmas is coming, people have to steal, will steal, covid will vontinue to expose a lot of what we didn’t want others to know, lots of women are selling fresh pork, corned pork, just so they can get their hair and nails done, they like shoes and handbags and you can’t wear all those things on the street naked, they will get charge for indecent exposure, so they need a nice outfit.
    A woman is not a gold digger you just have to choose one in your income bracket.
    I cannot fault them for stealing.
    I am not in their shoes, nor do I know their living expenses, cost of living is higher than some of us perspiration and there are monies so they do whatever they have too to sirvive.

    Like 1
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  11. WEW says:

    All this as she climbs into her 2020 Range Rover

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