Policy change: China no longer needs visa to visit BVI

FILE PHOTO: Heather Tang of BVI House Asia, exchanges ideas with a Chinese financial practitioner.
Chinese nationals are no longer required to have a visa to enter the British Virgin Islands.
Premier Dr D Orlando Smith made the pronouncement during a press conference on Thursday, June 21.
“We made the decision a few weeks ago … While in Beijing, we also met with senior officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce [and] they welcomed the news that Chinese would no longer require a visa to enter the BVI.”
No immediate influx of Chinese
Premier Smith said, due to the distance between the two countries and the number of stops needed to get to the territory, his government will “not be expecting an influx anytime soon”.
“[This is] because the [Chinese] visitors will also depend on access. When people travel, they want to get to their destination as quickly as possible and if you have to make four stops, it is a disincentive,” he added.
He said an expanded TB Lettsome International Airport would play a key role in tapping into one of the largest tourism markets on the planet – China.
China is said to have had 120 million trips overseas [and] spent $215 billion on holidays abroad in 2016.
It is said many of the Caribbean islands are capitalizing on this ‘phenomenon’
There are more than 90 countries whose nationals require visas to enter the territory’s shores.
However, based on a policy implemented a few years ago, persons from these countries no longer need a BVI visa to access the territory if they hold a United States, Canadian, or United Kingdom visa.
The decision to remove China from the visa requirement list also comes as the territory seeks to forge closer ties with the Asian nation in a bid to expand the BVI’s financial services.
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This is so outrageous. Why this government messing up our country.
why is it outrageous?
You’re obviously an idiot, our financial services on the cusp of failing due to the register of beneficial ownership and they trying to strengthen out tourism industry…how the hell can that qualify as messing up the country???
bc they don’t know what they’re doing and overreacting to what they think they know…they are not knowledgeable worldly leaders even though they pretend to be
All I gots to say about this is
Wathch the take over. China will own the BVI in 5-10 years.
This should not come as a surprise.
This is a hideously dangerous move, for those who engage and for the world as a whole and I highly doubt there is a “Rule of Reciprocity” for the BVI.
Laura was just wondering about the same thing, as a BVI-resident it is practically impossible to obtain a Visa for China if you don’t want to spend the money to travel to London and spend about 10 days there – so is there going to be Reciprocity for the BVI.
This move was made to get us a piece of that 215 billion dollars the Chinese spend traveling abroad as they did in 2016…Is China trying to increase their tourism product by attracting BVislanders? Can you see why this makes sense for us, or are you just a mumu?
No you don’t. Chinese visa can be issued in Barbados
I am not against waving visa’s for Chinese Tourists I am just questioning whether there shouldn’t be reciprocation. So to obtain a Visa for China in Barbados now will be ONLY 1000 per person instead of $ 3000 per person, Progress!!!!
How much of you will visit china? 95% of ayo never been past miami or new york is china which speaks a different languange and like 15 hours or more away ayo going?
explain why this is a hideously dangerous move please.
China’s aim is to make China great by any means necessary. China’s growing Caribbean footprint is the fastest growing this visa free entry is the open door to what’s already on the cards. We need to look out for US first then last but when there are dollar signs involved our leaders don’t think very clearly. Time will tell.
Let’s focus on tourism and building relationships with investors and partners from China! They can help us rebuild our infrastructure. And who knows… if we get tired of the UK we can always become the 33rd Provence of China.
The only thing china going to help is there damn selves. First of the BVI is only being uses they want to hide their money here that’s it. In a few months of pretend interviews, they’ll tell our government we are under qualified, then bring there own people. China hates black people as much or more than white people do. But blacks are good for business that’s why they do it in silence…. Beware the enemy in silence for they are worst than the ones you see.the ones here have already admitted they hate us.
The ones we have now., who are they helping. Take take is all they do. They cone with empty pockets,bad talk us while every payday they on long lines exporting their money and their spawns causing mayhem with their propensity for crime, What they have cost the BVi for thousands of policemen, prison incarceration,lawyers and judges is unimaginable, education has also been eroded and so has the character and good name of the BVI.
None others can do more harm.
Finally some sense!!
Because of comments like these. The BVI mindset will never change.
Why not work together to build our own infrastructure. Why not partner with local construction companies and architects. All the resources are available in the BVI waiting to be utilized.
The thought of being a 33rd Provence of China, you can’t really be serious about that. You want to go from being under the rule of one super power to being under the rule of another super power. That’s the definition of primitive thinking.
Hmm I guess people would be willing to learn chinese. China would rule like an iron fist look at macau and hongkong. Hong kong residents are upset britain gave them back to china never a chinese province for the bvi trading masters?. Look at Jamaica chinese investments but the locals aint getting the jobs. No xenophobia or racism…but it would mean an influx of people. Why dosent the ministers implement restricting by the level of money being invested, locals get the jobs? Dont make decisions being blind. Chinese are not bad for the place. But more and more land will be bought. Land prices will be driven up. Look at the long term
we don’t need none to go states then or canada
Oh well, Hong Kong historic scenario soon to be played out AGAIN!
The visa requirements should have been amended to say that the Chinese passport holder should be have a passport from either Canada, US, UK prior. For those who wish to gain entry without a visa must invest at least $10 million in investment opportunity in the local economy of the BVI and where at least 20% of the jobs go to BVIslanders by birth and descendancy and 5% to Belongers. We have to make sure we cover the loop holes. All other Chinese who do not fulfill that requirement MUST GET A VISA!!! Now to think about it. Is this a set up to bring in Chinese workers without visa for the airport project. Just saying….hhhhmmm.
The best comment! Someone here has foresight. Excellent idea
Ask JA how well this has worked out for them in the long run! Seems like ???? We ???? takes anyone to lay in bed with us. Don’t mind me. Hope the bed-bugs don’t bite too much.
Citizen by Investment(CIP) Program? Investment by visa program. We have no choice!!! This is just the beginning folks. Franchises next.
And minimum wages taken more advantages of.. .! WATCH OUT BVI LITTLE, FISHING INDUSTRY!!
What a very sad day! Why does the BVIs government think that an alliance with China is a goid move.
All over the world China is known to only promote and look out for them self.
They congregate together, help each other, promote each other, get rich together..
Look at Jamaica, chinese own every prime real-estate in Jamaica. And the government of Jamaica did that, and now the BVIs government is doing the same. Setting us up for a Chinese take over.The BVIs government is not smart but stupid, and the Chinese are very good negotiators.
Can we go to China without Visa? Can we sit in parliament in China, Can we get a good paying job in China? No, to all .
Look at certain countries in Eastern Africa, ask them what the Chinese are doing to there country…
Only dishonest people can be lead astray for money..
Lord remove the NDP government from power quickly, speedily and suddenly in Jesus name.
Sheer brilliance by those whom are the team leaders, the country leaders….
Shake a little money in your faces and you kowtow.
Very good adulting.
No wonder the adult club industry has been booming under your rule.
AMEN 1000 times… They moving like the devil…they know their time is short and they doing every destructive thing you can find to these beautiful Virgin Islands
…chinese own every prime real estate in Jamaica..
Hmmm,looks like I can look forward to getting good returns. The current interlopers have only a mouthful of gimmee and empty pockets.
With the Tortola which has been changed to suit a different set of island folks,i desire to leave and if the Chinese is willing and can afford what I have,they will make my day and that of my descendants. So bring them.
The chinese spend big money whereever they go people.
NDP no matter who heads it needs to go.
And you seriously believe Andrew Fahie will make a better leader than Walwyn? Remember the non sense Andrew and Julian fraser use to come to the house of Assembly with. Both of them use to argue nonsense.
So we disregard our Caribbean brethren who we share the same waters with. To then extend warm welcomes and open arms to an entity that is overpopulated and want nothing more but to dump their populous on the BVI.
But I guess it’s okay for y’all if the Chinese are the ones that take your jobs and not your fellow Caribbean Islanders. Such a pity.
This Government and the leadership makes me sick to my stomach.
Wha? The BVl,due to its genorosity to ” our caribbean brethren” has allowed its culture and all aspects of its social structure to be adversely compromised and from them and others such as yourself no thankyous but mocking ,criticisms and ridicule. Well nothing to lose by trying some where else, At least they have something in their pockets. A new BVi,new demographic, drain the swamp. We have nothing to lose.
If handled wisely, it should be of economic benefit to the territory.
However,the China man is equally as selfish, greedy, exploitative, oppressive and anti Afro people as the European is.
Governance must be very keen to establish rules of business engagement, for example. We do want to see here what is a normal practice internationally, where businesses are opened in Black communities and labor is imported, and the Chinese is the only employee making a pay check, and all of the money goes OUT!!!
Indeed, there are such businesses operating in the territory with such a model.
So, the money of the community go one way, OUT!! The community’s only benefit is a diet if salt,sugar, grease and NCD’s.
We cannot afford to continue to sell out our country’s birth right to every capitalist looking for excessive profits while giving nothing to the local populace.
To the NDP,look at the Chinese investment history especially in Africa. Next, be hard and tough ad look for our interest first.
BVI people act so big and bold and then scared of every f—-ing thing.
Who made this rule single handed. Something is wrong here.Either someone is not thinking or that person is a dictator. You go to another man,s country and decide with them what the rules will be without even giving your country folks a heads up. We are trying to battle crime in our country and the .Chinese are given a free run. Hope Britain makes a statement on that. Did cabinet meet about this before the premier went tiAsia? This shows how taxpayers money is spent for the benefit of a few who want to trade with China. He could not attend the meeting in London. Someone else was sent so he could look at his own interest. We are sold. out.
Going to make it easier for Chinese workers to build new Chinese airport!
And some of our own caribbean brothers and sisters need a visa to be here? What’s going on with the present government?
Some of our own caribbean brothers and sisters would be doing the BVI a big favour if they werent here. We import them to help them. They come with nothing. But from them we get drag
down and you could always count on them to embarass us time and again in the media,internationally.
Stupid comment. If the bvi goes it alone see if here would be worth a cent to them…the only reason the bvi been doing ok is because of american dollars and british sovereignty. Lose either and we in the deep ocean. I wonder when we need visa to go abroad if we will go downisland to work? Hope the same treatment is belted out on you people that talk like that about foreigners. Get a green card? Ur a foreigner in the usvi and usa get treated like how u treated the same people who came to ur shores smh
Wasn’t so long ago, BVislanders went to the USVI
Money going to make you all rot in hell. Non of you all can’t speak Chinese and you now giving them visa free access to come tell us what we cum fung ya!
These old men on NDP don’t give a rats @$$ about the indiginous BVIslanders.
Money is their only language and they will dead leave it here!
Chinese have a history of discriminating against Black People. Check out their behavior in the US. You will never see a black person working for them. They will hire a Mexican before they hire a black person. They have no respect for black people. They are rude and disrespectful. The Government is making a big mistake. They are going to put the local businesses out of business. They have a Financial Organization behind them that loans them money to open businesses which is something that locals don’t have. They will control the Fishing, Fruits and Vegetables,Beauty Supplies and most of all the Nail Salon Industry. Don’t even try to get a refund for any reason of dissatisfaction, that’s when they show their colors. Brace yourselves BVI you are in for a rude awakening.. A Major Shock is on the Horizon…. You will thank me for warning you later…..Born in the BVI…. LIVE in the USA…
You are so blindsided and ignorant. There are lots of Africans in China making a living and they are not evicted by the government. China is one of the most tolerant countries. Enlighten your brain, please
Chinese look out for there own. They will box out the locals, set up their own businesses, take over and threat you like cow dung.
How is this different from what the Arabs currently do in the territory? Look how they came together and look out for each other especially after the hurricane when most of their businesses were destroyed. Being local does not atomically qualify you to own and operate a business especially with the type of attitude these sales persons have
Finally Susie Wong can come visit I
This is another BIG MISTAKE courtesy of the NPD Goverment. They sure selling these islands out…HUGE MISTAKE….PLEASE CALL ELECTIONS SOON… and please don’t name anything after Dr Smith yet…SMH
Did Dr Smith stop to think?..he didn’t even have to think….he just needed to look around him….Jamaica… Trinidad…Guyana… What nonsense is he saying about direct travel? People selling their —- for the Almighty Dollar rather than turning to Almighty God
It s a tourist visa not a residence permit. Don’t get so excited people.
Rubber duck, I agree. Being allowed to visit without a visa does not grant indefinite stay, work permits, trade licences, non belongers land holding licences, residence status or belongership. Bloggers have rushed in without thinking, as usual.
Its very sad when the relevant officials or departments were never aware or involve in the move. Premier you’ve flunked for the last time sad to say. Do you realize BVI is a hub for these persons and when sent back BVI Immigration will then have to foot the bill which is about 4- 5 thousand plus per ticket?
Why do we require anyone to have a visa to enter as a tourist? Makes no sense – we should just allow everyone to come as a tourist. It doesn’t give them a right to work or to buy property or to set up a business. What’s the risk? More people might visit?
Longshanks, Open your eyes, who are they trying to get to redo the airport- Chinese: who are opening another local bank in the territory Chinese so go figure. This is not just a tourist situation here this was also done to facilitate the move for Chinese for employment purposes also. This had to be an signed agreement with them, BVI keep on selling away the territory for free and they talking about increasing revenue. This would have indeed been a revenue generating option for BVI.
The typical BVIslander would rather wallow in their own sewage while moaning about it, rather than get help from outsiders – especially those that don’t look like them.
It’s Visa, do you think there is going to be a mass stampede of invaders? (I think I know the answer).
Did this policy went through Cabinet? Jus askin.
Some of our own caribbean brothers and sisters would be doing the BVI a big favour if they werent here. We import them to help them. They come with nothing. But from them we get drag
down and you could always count on them to embarass us time and again in the media,internationally.
Racism, causing harm to the environment, having no regard to the rights of humans, what are the benefits, have you considered the risks, no visa required just like that and the decision was made weeks ago? Someone please remove the premier’s powers before he causes further destruction to the BVI, what tea is he drinking.
This. No Visa thing for the Chinese is All part of the UK ruling us / O T
There is some agreement when UK relinquish Soverignity over China : these are some if the conditions ; but like every thing else ; We the ppl in the BVI were not informed by our NON TRANSPARENT Government until the s*^t hit the fan .
Same thing with “ open registry “‘ Government knew about that since 2015 BUT never told us till now ist is being put into effect . What else is new with doc ZZZZ
We likee velly much this a plan. You sell your soul so easily velly soon you won’t recognise BVI and you have so many stray dogs ! We will help you there yum yum!
The VI is already unrecognizable.
Perhaps you are one of those stray dogs you mention and therefore have no clue or very little about the real VI.
The VI is already unrecognizable.
Perhaps you are one of those stray dogs you mention and therefore have no clue or very little about the real VI.
there are several other caribbean countries that do not require china to have visas, barbados, haiti, st kitts and nevis, antigua and barbuda,bahamsas, dominica, grenada, have they taken over all these countries
Racism, alive and well in the BVI. While you all complain constantly about …. Wait for it….you guessed it, racism. Pot calling kettle black methinks. Sad.
So let me get this straight. Smith went Asia, he said theres someone from there who is willing to be an investor in the airport expansion, now he saying they don’t need visas to enter the BVI. To me this looking like that no visa issue come as an exchange. So he went over there seeking for airport investors instead of seeking help to build back the schools and government buildings. God bless this place cause I don’t see it getting better unless we get rid of these power and money hungry politicians.
I can’t believe there are so many retards in BVI thinking being taken over by chinese. China is a fast developing country with bountiful opportunities. Why the h**l would they go to an island with not much to offer? There are other countries in Caribbean offering visa free access for chinese. Are they invaded? taken over? killed? Please f****^g learn something don’t be a stupid island person who don’t know whats going on in the world!!!