BVI News

10 officers receive BVI’s first Meritorious Service medal

(Photo representational)

Ten officers from the five branches of security and protection forces in the British Virgin Islands recently received the first-ever Governor’s Medal for Meritorious Service to be awarded in the territory.

The Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) is a silver medal for distinguished service and is principally awarded to non-commissioned officers of all of the British armed forces.

From the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, Inspectors Vernon Larocque and Gilbert Charles were the recipients;.

Awardees from Her Majesty’s Customs include Senior Customs Officer Osbert Pole and Customs Officer II Mark Morris. Meanwhile, awardees from the Immigration Department were Immigration Officer II Juliette Christopher and Trevor Chalwell.

In addition, Her Majesty’s Prison Service saw Principal Officer Sonia Musgrave and Prison Officer II Kesena Okoro being awarded while Deputy Chief Fire Officer William Penn and Station Officer Melvin Jeffers of the BVI Fire and Rescue Service were also awarded.

Speaking on the award, the then Governor Augustus Jaspert said he was proud to have initiated the award to highlight those security and protection officers who went above and beyond to help the territory maintain its status of being a destination where it is safe and enjoyable to live.

He said: “I hope that this award becomes something that inspires officers across our agencies to keep doing their best to keep our public safe.”

Acting Governor David Archer, Jr commended Jaspert for recognising excellence and bravery exhibited by the officers in the line of duty. He also showed appreciation to the men and women who were honoured.

“I extend my deepest thanks to these ten officers for all the work that they have done and continue to do,” he said.

According to the Governor’s Officer, it is their intention to continue to award selected officers the Governor’s Medal for Meritorious Service on an annual basis.

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  1. SMH says:

    Congrats to All even though it’s only William Penn I recognized.

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  2. Wrong isn't Right says:

    Thugh these so called Medal for Meritorious Service awards have their place, they are to some simply an insult and an attempt to hide the fact that those same people who are receiving those fake medals cannot, neither them nor their children’s children children, children, and on and on, will never be able to aspire to holding the jobs he holds, because it is a job set aside only for white english men.

    This is plain wrong, but to them it is all right.

    Like 2
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    • BuzzBvi says:

      Instead of actually doing something to honour the positive and the good. Long live the racist jibe. What a misearable sess pit of hate the VI has become.

      Like 9
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      • @BuzzBvi says:

        You do know, from historical to current accounts that the world was and is not shaped for people of color.

        It was shaped by Europeans for Europeans. That is why the highest most powerful jobs in the territory is set aside for english men, in Black country. That is not racist. That is fact.

        Step out of the denial and see the world as it truly is.

        Like 2
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  3. Corruption says:

    We got problems, at least one corrupt

  4. @wrong says:

    Just another r****t Belonger. With the COI there will be an end to this.

    Like 4
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  5. Wow says:

    When will the BVI Airport Authority honor their Fire and Air Traffic Controllers. The board seems to be doing more beautification than regulation. ASSI is watching, hope they are prepared.

  6. Hmmmm says:

    A corrupt ******* senior officer in the midst, his partner came back and push him there to look good.this place will never see good when you see this kind of nonsense. It’s a real shame.

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  7. strups says:

    People of the BVI We have turned into a community of hate. Haven’t the 2017 Hurricanes thought us anything. We should be happy for the persons receiving the medals. Please accept and respect each other differences and move on! To God be the Glory

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  8. Light pole says:

    Boy it will shameful see when the corrupt badminded one get expose and they put up the picture of him next to the governor he so badminded not even being corrupt he can be loyal to

  9. Zero tolerance says:

    Boy it will shameful see when the corrupt badminded one get expose and they put up the picture of him next to the governor he so badminded not even being corrupt he can be loyal to

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