143 persons in quarantine to be ‘guarded’ 24/7 — Premier
“When you violate the quarantine, you are violating other persons right to live. They need to understand that they are putting us in danger” — Premier Fahie
In a bid to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus in the British Virgin Islands, persons under quarantine will now be placed under guarded surveillance at times.
Premier Andrew Fahie outlined this new measure during a live public broadcast on Tuesday, following reports that persons who are supposed to be self-quarantined were moving freely about the community.
With security guards in place, Premier Fahie said the whereabouts of these persons would be known “24 hours, seven days a week” until their respective quarantine periods expire. There are currently 143 persons of interest under quarantine locally.
“Persons have to understand that this coronavirus is no respecter of persons, and when you violate the quarantine, you are violating other persons right to live. They need to understand that they are putting us in danger. The virus doesn’t carry around itself, people carry it around,” argued Fahie.
Meanwhile, Governor Augustus Jaspert said a new piece of legislation now makes it mandatory for persons in quarantine to “stay at home”.
“Under the new legislation, those under quarantine could face penalties if they leave their homes or their place of quarantine,” he stated.
Governor Jaspert added: “I know the vast majority of persons under quarantine have been complying but those who don’t comply put all of us at risk. This is vital to protect the territory.”
Recently, Health Minister Carvin Malone said culprits could be fined up to $5,000 or imprisoned for 12 months if convicted in the Magistrate’s Court.
The new curfew
In the meantime, Premier Fahie said the new and upcoming curfew which will run from 6:01 am on April 2 to April 16, will allow residents to access agricultural produce, go grocery shopping, get cash from their respective banking institutions, visit health-related facilities, purchase gas, among other things.
These businesses are encouraged to increase sanitization efforts within their establishments and implement strict social distancing guidelines for their customers to follow.
As for residents, government said it will announce a timetable that outlines when persons from each electoral district will be allowed out.
“Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 1) we are going to make a decision on how we are going to allow persons to get out from District 1 to 9. So I welcome you to WhatsApp all of us, email all of us, give us your ideas. We have ideas of our own, but it must be done in such a way that we have controlled crowds,” Fahie said.
One person per household
The Premier also urged persons to utilize masks, and allow only one person per family to shop and to source other essential items for thier respective households.
“That is very important to help us to control the crowds and help us to control what we are trying to do so that we can meet the people’s needs while saving our people’s lives,” he explained.
Plans for garbage collection will also be unveiled on Wednesday.
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They should’ve been guarded from the beginning
Some of them are too darn wicked and selfish….refusing to stay home. But, to be honest the government was too slack on a lot of people.
The Government and Team are doing a great Job !
Hopefully a quarantine hotel such as Mariah’s can be set up for incoming residents to stay at when travel restrictions are eased in the future.
If people want to return to the VI, this will ensure they are virus free before returning to family homes and the community etc.
We would all not be in the position we are now if the FOOLS who were allowed back in and were supposed to self quarantine had stayed inside. Their selfish behavior has put us all in jeopardy shame on you all who went out when you were supposed to be staying inside.
Agree ! It’s a pity people cannot be charged if they ignore their quarantine and infect someone… if that person then dies they should be charged with Manslaughter!!
Agree ! It’s a pity people cannot be charged if they ignore their quarantine and infect someone… if that person then dies they should be charged with Manslaughter!!
Still dont hear any plans for rent and bills
Well hopefully you can dip into your RAINY DAY ACC. and replace the money when things get sorted out. If not ask or beg the Land Lord or Land Lady to work with you. Surely you must have at least half to pay. Remember all have bill to pay.
Landlord working with us? Who are you kidding? During Irma and Maria, the banks worked with the landlords but what the landlords did to the tenants? Evict them, slap on hefty raise on rents and collecting full rents from people. Some houses didn’t even have roofs, no work but still the landlords were busy collecting rents instead of making their tenants more comfortable. The banks sympathize but these apartments owners are just to hungry for money. Government needs to some sort of Bill that can protect us from these people.
The banks did not sympathize with us they charge us interest
Hope this action will extend to the people who lives seperately from us, but who will cunningly and cat like come in wilfully to infect us also.
Clearly, the honour system was not adhered to and some people behaved in a selfish and irresponsible manner while in quarantine. The violators exhibited poor social responsibility and endangered the health of others with their bad and reckless behaviour. Their reckless behaviour will spread, not contain the disease. The reckless behaviour now resulted in their being treated like prisoners and they deserved it. They are irresponsible and untrustworthy, forcing the authorities to take this extraordinary and unprecedented action. A few bad actors always make it bad for the many conformists. Is being guarded enough of a penalty for the selfish and reckless behaviour?
Many of us are not “from here” and have no idea what district we live in. We will need clarity on that if the district system is to be used to allow persons out to do their shopping etc.
I don’t know if the district thing will make sense cause …let’s say district 1 residents will be allowed out for the first day…would it be fair if they buy up most of the stuff and then the other district residents cant get any?? It sounds like chaos
Ask your neighbor or employer! How can you live here and not know your district, really!
can’t you simply ask, or do you need to be spoon fed?
In the article they suggested emailing and using Whatsapp to communicate with the government, but I am unable to find either a direct email, or a WhatsApp number for any department of the government. Can someone please post these if you have them? Thanks so much!
Please feel free to tase the idiots if they even open the Front door to get some fresh air.
Everybody calm because it’s three white expats that brought it here and they didn’t adhere to the rules put in place. If it were some ‘island’ people all hell would break loose but look at us now, calm as lambs. They should be jailed for being so irresponsible and causing us to take such drastic measures.
Ignorant buffoons like YOU are who should be jailed for your ignorance smh
2 outta 3 fool. Don’t rush in here yelling “TRUTH” unless u know what the h*ll you talking aboot.
You are right. They are all over the community board complaining about everything else but mum about their peers that brought the virus here. Imagine the outrage on those boards if a down island person or black locak did the same. Let us call a spade a spade and stop beating around the bush. Be safe everyone!
Really? How do you know this? Tell us who they are because what if people don’t know those are sick and contact with them. Is crazy!!! Why is the hush hush? Comish and spouse are on”seld imposed quarentene”. After traveling to USA and Mexico. Not even for work he should have gone to those destinations and allowed back in. Crazy!
2 white expats sir…other is an expat but nit white
so what is being done about employee’s of Harney’s that may have come in contact with the infected person? Would not anyone in that building have been exposed?
Most if not all of the VIP close followers were given curfew passes
Will the Banks be open tomorrow,
So we can make financial arrangements?
Should not the ones that “may have” been exposed to the infected worker at Harney’s be quarantined? Rather they have been advised to self quarantine.. Isn’t that how the first case got hold in the BVI. The persons were ADVISED to self isolate and did not do it?
2 white expats sir…other is an expat but nit white
They are going ‘to be guarded’ wtf that’s not a true statement is it? We are guarding all 143 persons?? In different locations?Send help for us Lord please, the fooling of the people just doesnt stop.