BVI News

$150K set aside for Beef Island building, boardwalk

An addition to Long Bay beach at Beef Island may soon be in the works once the government moves ahead with a $150,000 allocation for development in the area.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley announced in the budget recently that the government apportioned the funds for the development of the facilities in that area and noted that finished works are expected to include an administration building, gazebos, and a boardwalk.

The Premier did not mention any initiatives for an administration building or bathrooms in the Trellis Bay area of Beef Island, but residents and commuters have insisted these are also sorely needed. Premier Wheatley noted that a further $120,000 has been put towards the East End-Fat Hogs Bay Harbour project, which he said will stimulate economic development in that area.

The anticipated economic injection into the East End area will likely be seen as a welcomed addition for Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn who has repeatedly chided the government for neglecting the district. The planned works are part of a raft of major initiatives the government has identified as tourism investment projects it expects to see unfolding in the coming months to help grow the tourism industry.

The Premier highlighted a number of tourism investment projects which he said have already been approved by the Planning Authority. He also noted that major hotels and resorts, such as Nanny Cay, Peter Island, Long Bay, Bitter End and Eustatia Island have either commenced large-scale expansion in 2023 or will start in 2024.

He also pointed to a $38 million investment at Blunder Bay which had its master plan approved and said approval was also provided for a Wellness Resort and Spa development on Jost Van Dyke in 2023. Dr Wheatley said his government is committed to providing the support required so that investors can increase accommodation for visitors.

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  1. Lmao says:

    Admin building on a beach, what a joke.

    Like 20
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    Like 20
  3. A big disappointment says:


    Like 17
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  4. a big waste ah time says:

    Our leader dont have a clue

    Like 15
  5. Walter says:

    About as stupid as the sidewalk to nowhere by the Queen Elizabeth park.

    Like 12
  6. Government... says:

    …ruins un-developed beautiful beach with unnecessary boardwalk and admin building.

    How about they put that money ANYWHERE else – education, roads, sewage, waste management…

    Like 14
  7. LOL says:

    150k can do all of that?

  8. Jane says:

    The amount government projects costs means that $150K won’t be anywhere near enough for this type of things. How about just allocating a litter picker to keep the area clean?

    Like 11
  9. Chupes says:

    STOP tyring to turn Beef Island into CGB!!!!! It used to be purest and cleanest beach until y’all started allowing vendors to turn into an eyesore and breeding ground for garbage. It does NOT need a board walk!!! Leave the damn beach alone!

    Like 24
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  10. Long Bay east says:

    Commercialism has ruined this beach. The best plan is to close this beach to all motor vehicles, enlarge the salt pond and build a narrow pedestrian path from the main road to the beach between the runway fence and the shoreline of the enlarged salt pond. No more noise pollution on this beach except aircraft.

    Like 11
  11. Anonymous says:

    Look how they gon spoil this beach. It’s perfect the way it is.. there’s so much charm in its natural undeveloped state. That money would be better spent elsewhere.. like the roads?? the admin complex?? Sigh

    Like 11
  12. Takethewholecar says:

    The 1 good swimmer friendly beach close to Tola they continue to ruin! Take your pictures and videos now because soon the 1 good nice beach will become disastrous.

  13. real says:

    leave beef island as it is why i swear theses people have no sense

  14. SO... says:

    How about they invest in creating sidewalks where needed, i.e : that are just along the roadway by prospect reef. Other places where the sidewalks are terrible or are needed. Make sure that they are wheelchair friendly. This place is…WASTEFUL!

  15. LB says:

    $150k can’t even build a tiny bathroom. What a joke! He gave more money to the NonStop party than to developing the actual Tourism product. Finance Minister you say?

  16. carrot bay says:

    how about finishing the seawall project at Carrot Bay AND fixing the dangerous undermined main road at the foot of the hill, been like this since Irma. Of course, we are reactive and will wait until it collapses first!! No foresight, no planning, no consistency. SMDH

  17. Plank in the Hot Seat says:

    Perhaps it’s just me but trying to imagine a boardwalk on or around a lovely sandy beach actually hurts my head. A boardwalk is what you build in town somewhere, stick it near PIER park.

  18. Real1 says:

    Leave the beach natural. No need for a boardwalk.

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