BVI News

Man injured in Friday morning shooting, police launch probe

Road Town Police Station

POLICE PRESS RELEASE: Police are investigating a shooting early this morning that resulted in non-life threatening injuries to one male.

A man was in his vehicle around 1 am outside an establishment in Little Apple when he was approached by a masked gunman.

The victim was assaulted by the gunman resulting in a struggle and then he was shot. The gunman then fled the scene. Nothing was taken in the incident.

The assailant was described as being dressed in all black with a hoodie and a mask covering his face, between 5’11 and 6’2 in height and slim built.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Alwin James points to the continued fight by officers of the Force to seize illegal firearms and to arrest those who carry them.

“Just last week we arrested two more persons, a male and female, on firearm offences after a lengthy investigation. It is a persistent fight to keep firearms off the streets; we could be more successful with the public’s help. We need the eyes and ears of the community to help in identifying persons who carry illegal weapons. This kind of information is critical in protecting the public and reducing violence,” the Deputy noted.

Last week, Shakeem Blackmore of Huntums Ghut and Shundi Niles of Sea Cows Bay were both formally charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition.

Their charges stem a weapon uncovered during a search of a vehicle last year.

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  1. Ak says:

    I pray that one day these so called gunmen roll up on the wrong person

  2. what.... says:

    where is Little Apple?

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  3. Wannabe says:

    Heard H— Borrowing gun to them low life there in cappoon bay, yall don’t look far, the clown working at the same establishment (aka t– boy).

  4. Huh says:

    When was this?

  5. No nonsense says:

    @what…this sounds like a typical I born here? For our mentality we are Not verse in our home land young and old. Even the people in government offices, not familiar with business, locations etc. So how are we going to promote tourism…? Some children don’t even know that their parents cleaning boats, taxi drivers…are in the tourism industry!! Where are we?? Where are we going??

    Like 5
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  6. For real says:

    You joking where you live in ndp world

  7. Priorities says:

    Up to now the government can’t get the CCTV cameras back up. Imagine if the camera by the west end police station was working when they shot Mr.Penn and the little girl and people saw the scooters heading in the Capoons bay area. We need the cameras working

  8. Joke! says:

    BVI News – why is it that you cannot follow up on any stories? What is going on here? What about all the other gun crimes, murders, etc? You just let all this news slip away. Your readers want follow up on things. Hold those accountable responsible that’s your job!!! As part of your news cycle you should be keeping everything alive – young lady and her daughter killed at west end, the young lady that disappeared from her house, murder at Brandywine Bay, shooting sin East End …. why is it that you let all this stuff fade beyond memory? Shame on you and all the other new providers.
    Keep us informed, and keep the important stories front and center so they are not forgotten!

    • hmmm says:

      trouble is there are so many unsolved killings, there would be no room for other news.

    • To Joke says:

      I agree with you. I’ve said before,most news site only run the crime stories for a few days and then all the victims are forgotten and not talked about. But,some of us still remember the victims and continue to pray for justices. Many of us were touched and heartbroken to read about the little girl killed with Mr.Penn at west end and we will never forget

  9. @joke says:

    I totally agree with you.I also wonder if the guns that they find if they test them against any of thd unsolved murders that they have outstanding.Many of those murders no weapons are found most of the times but then weapons keep popping up out of the blue.Check them against unsolved murders.

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