BVI News

21-yr-old arrested for burglary

BVI News understands that police last week arrested a 21-year-old young man from Brandywine Bay after suspecting that he and one of his peers attempted to burglarize a home more than once.

It’s understood that while the owner of the house was monitoring his CCTV camera, he saw two armed men — wearing hoodies — hovering near his home as if they were searching for something. However, they left the property without causing any trouble.

It’s alleged that the next day, the homeowner’s CCTV camera picked up two armed men trying to enter the property. They reportedly used objects to break windows in an attempt to enter the house. They reportedly left the scene shortly after without causing harm.

It’s understood that the family has been seriously disturbed by the attempted break-ins as they have experienced similar attempts in recent months.

Our sources say the police were contacted and carried out some investigations, which included reviews of CCTV footage the family captured.

They were able to nab the 21-year-old but it’s unclear whether his peer was accosted. Burglaries and robberies have been on the rise in the community and many speculate that the acts are being committed by the same perpetrators.

Last Friday June 7, the police confirmed an armed robbery took place at the Bath and Turtle Restaurant on Virgin Gorda.

Some weeks ago, armed men also tried to rob the Leverick Bay Marina, on Virgin Gorda. They reportedly assaulted the manager after their efforts proved futile.


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  1. IF says:

    they have video footage of the ba**ards , shouldn’t the public have a right to se their photos and their names ? PLUS THEY WERE CARRING GUNS

    Like 22
    • @If says:

      And you know that’s right.The public have a right to see who the little ba….ds are no matter who their kin folks are. They are hitting businesses and homes.damn you are not safe in your own home locked behind dead bolt locks.The gun men is brazen and the burglars is getting more and more brazen.

  2. Resident says:

    These sound like really low grade, unsophisticated criminals. It is very concerning that from the article it sounds as though they have access to firearms.

  3. THINK! says:

    What do you mean by”They left without causing harm.” They frightened people and broke windows that had to be repaired and paid for out of pocket. Trespassing alone was causing harm.

    Like 21
  4. Lock him and his accomplices up! says:

    These little thieves need to find a job. The same energy they had to arm themselves, attempt to disguise themselves, and enter these folks homes twice, is the same energy they could have used to find a job.

    Who will hire them now with this record? They have altered the course of their futures with their thieving ways. They just made their lives harder based on the choice they made.

    All choices for good or bad has consequences. Now, his life has to take a serious detour as deals with the consequences or his sticky fingers.

    Put his behind in jail for a decent time, and I hope his fella criminals are found and locked up too.

    Tired of these gun toting thieves. Don’t want to abide by the laws of the land? There is a place for you. It’s called Ballo.

    Thank God the homeowners were not injured. It’s a good thing they had the presence of mind to have installed those CCT cameras about their home.

    It’s unfortunate the laws does not currently allow homeowners the right to arm themselves to protect themselves and property. If these criminals knew a gun was potentially waiting for them on the other side, they might just stop their bs.

    Like 8
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  5. Po We says:

    Young Black males with ties to theupper Caribbean Islands

    Like 2
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  6. hmm says:


    Like 12
    • PoWe says:

      No way!
      This scum and others are protected and abetted by the BVI folk in charge of the “well being and protection of the people”
      These gun toting pieces of waste are free to walk on you come in your yard claiming bs reason while they examining the vulnerability of you and your property and you the victim a target put in place by the evil ones who hide and assist them in heir purpose. The gun men and their covers are peas in a pod they know each others dark secrets past and present. Partners! A curse on they them and theirs.

  7. smh says:

    Cameras OK. self defense Not OK. Welcome to the BVI criminals.

  8. CASTRATE THEM says:

    my PITBULLS love ballz just put a good price and I will be glad to buy them and my PITBULLS will be overjoyed / you won’t believe how the does react when I bar-B-Q ballz for them / U will have to see it for yourself

  9. @Castrate them says:

    Thanks for the laughter. I needed this today. God bless you! One suggestion though, why don’t you start a new business by training Pitbulls to do this? Then put them up for sale. I would take four please.

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