BVI News

45% chance next hurricane season above normal

The 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season has a 45 percent chance of being above normal.

The Department of Disaster Management (DDM) said this is compared to a 35 percent chance of a near-normal season and a 20 percent chance of a below-normal season.

According to the DDM, forecasters at the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center said there is 70 percent chance that 11 to 17 named storms will affect the region this season.

Forecasters said these storms will carry winds of 39 miles per hour or higher.

Forecasters also believe five to nine of those storms could become hurricanes carrying winds of 74 miles per hour or higher.

Further predictions are that two to four of those possible hurricanes can become major disasters.

What is a major hurricane?

A hurricane is described as ‘major’ when it reaches category three, four, or five strength and has winds of 111 miles per hour or higher.

The DDM said an average hurricane season produces 12 named storms; six of which develop into hurricanes, and three becoming major disasters.

“This year’s likelihood for an above-normal season is being linked to three factors; a weak or non-existent El Niño; near or above-average sea surface temperatures; and an average or weaker-than-average vertical wind shear,” the DDM said.

The department said though the hurricane season runs from June 1 through to November 30, it is not unusual for storms or hurricanes to development outside of this time frame.

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  1. rastarite says:

    Look out!! We in for another rough hurricane season!

  2. Bystander says:

    It’s a good job we’re all repaired and sorted out; we’ve got nothing to worry about.

  3. Diplomat says:

    Oh boi, we are still digging out from last season and the coming season is just around the corner. This should be an anxious time for all residents. It is early but it not too early to start planning. Assume the worst and hope for the best. Start preparing :
    1. Stay tune to weather station(s) and heed the warnings
    2. Collect and store non-perishable food items, including bottle water
    3. Purchase a transitor radio with a supply of batteries
    4. Collect, store and secure important documents in a zip lock bag
    5.Procure an ample supply of critical medication(s)
    6. If you going to shelter in place, do so in a safe room
    7. If you are going to a public shelter, know where and get there early
    8. Place loose items indoors or tied down to keep them from becoming flying missiles.
    9. 2-3 days out procure ample supply of cash; ATM may not be available after the storm
    10. Cover windows and doors; batten down the hatches.
    11. Add a portable generator to bucket list

    • Really? says:

      Be anxious for NOTHING but in all things give thanks.

    • Lessons from Irma says:

      Place clothes, school books and other valuables in your suitcases and put them in a room with minimal windows and doors like a bathroom so when the whirlwinds mash down the shutters and blast in the doors only the bed and not the clothes on it and the stuff on your dresser will end up 3 floors down in the neighbours yard

  4. Almighty judge says:

    More judgment coming for ago wicked people

  5. watcher says:

    Their record in predicting hurricane seasons is rubbish. You might as well look at your tea leaves.

  6. Ford says:

    These islands need more purging. The people back to their dirty ways. Especially the LandLord’s.

  7. rastarite says:

    A prominent preacher said we are being punished because of the witches, gays and lesbians.

  8. (284) says:

    Somebody rebuke this s*^t!!!!

  9. Relac and let God says:

    We will not have another IRMA….any time soon….for to go through that sgain ghis year…some thing is totally wrong with the BVI

  10. Where is the government here? says:

    You have a few months to get rid of huge pile of trash last Pockwood Pond…. and nothing is happening to take care of that …
    We still have people living in tents….
    It won’t belong until our tourism is ruined like St Croix from all the violence
    I just returned from a night out with friends in town and Indid not see one single officer on the street! Who patrols our streets after dark?
    When the BVI goes into a recession it will be those in office who are to blame….
    I am just a mom …. but I could run this country better than these people who call themselves politicians!
    Wake up BVI, it’s time to change your vote, cause your relatives or cousin who are in office are killing our livelihood!!
    Such an embarrassment to the world that watches… as an expat I am ready to go to St. John or St Thomas… which I never would have considered but the BVI government has totally left the people and I no longer have hope or see this county as a place to retire….
    The BVI is now a dangerous place to live, there is no police presence at night and the people are still suffering!
    Where is the money going?!?
    Why does it take Volunteers to clean the schools?! You do not have to fund an army so where is the money going?!?
    Such a shame and waste
    I already hear cruise ships are going to cancel this destination but not from Irma but from the violence and crime…
    Way to go
    Police protecting their own
    Watch your people continue to suffer to keep your own
    Recession is coming…
    Tourist see no progress
    Too many still in tents….
    Such a shame and the government doesn’t even care…
    Schools should have been a priority but will never happen here….
    Time for the Queen to appoint new blood and get rid of the junk in office that is ruining the BVI!

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