BVI News

5-yr contract issued to fix Customs system after misuse claims

The government has moved to engage a Bahamas-based company to the tune of more than $1 million for the next half decade to address several needs of the Customs Automated Processing System (CAPS).

In the most recent Cabinet post-meeting statement, it was disclosed that the tender process will be waived for government to enter into the contract with IBM (Bahamas) Ltd to provide management, maintenance, support and enhancement services for CAPS.

It was suggested that the single sourcing of IBM was due to proprietary software rights.

The contract is expected to be issued from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026 at an annual rate of $234,300, the statement said.

Cabinet said the Financial Secretary will instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to vet the relevant agreement.

Cabinet also decided that the contract is to be reviewed by the Financial Secretary within three years and the results of the review be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.

Meanwhile, Auditor General Sonia Webster recently gave evidence before the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) to the effect that CAPS was simply not being used in the way it was intended to ensure revenue maximisation.

The government’s internal auditor, Dorea Corea, shared similar findings when she gave evidence before the COI recently.

At the time, Corea said the overarching effect of the CAPS deficiency is that it was very difficult to understand exactly what importers may owe and also hard to understand whether there are revenue losses to the government as a result of this.

This was in direct contrast to a statement given previously by Commissioner of Customs, Wade Smith, who expressed that CAPS was working well and was doing exactly what it was supposed to do.

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  1. What? says:

    And people hungry and can’t pay their rent and mortgages> . What the heck is this government doing?

    Like 22
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    • doh says:

      The problem is the crooked customs officers letting things pass. Drugs, guns, goods, etc all make it in with bribes. Seen it firsthand when the ferries come in. Luggage doesn’t go through scanner or is checked… Hmmmm

      Like 10
      • jah says:

        There is a reason why they don’t allow cell phones in customs. That’s why i recorded them with my spy glasses. They do move stuff around on purpose. some shady stuff

      • True dat says:

        And take a look at the retired customs officers and workers who just go in and take their goods without respecting the process in order to stock their businesses.

    • leave a comment says:

      They are making sure that they can pay for theirs

  2. And says:

    And the BVI crooks will find a way around this to steal. Hopefully it’ll be a short lived contract. Governor should be running the losers by that time.

    Like 10
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  3. LG says:

    stream line the system. have a flat Tax of 10 or 12% and get rid of all the paperwork.
    save half the salaries, Make it easy to import and you will see revenue go up.
    the system we have is archaic and completely non user friendly. Too many bureaucrats.

    Like 39
    • High Time says:

      Isn’t it high time we did away with this burdensome blunder of customs duties? The BVI very much needs to become a duty free port, a real one… Take away some of the thunder of our competition in the USVI and Sint Maarten, where they claim to be duty free, but they are not.

      Like 6
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    • Captain BVI says:

      Agreed, we must be spending $20K to chase after $200 ! And by getting rid of Customs Dept, we’d be improving our guest arrival experience by 50%! Now to fix Immigration…

      Like 9
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  4. PT9 says:

    It was disclosed that the tender process will be waived for government to enter into the contract with IBM (Bahamas) Ltd to provide management, maintenance, support, and enhancement services for CAPS. Whats the point of having a tender process when its been waived so often. Cant wait for the return of the COI.

    Like 25
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  5. Anonymous says:

    @What? They are trying to save there A$$ but I think it’s a little to late.

  6. Island peep says:

    The problem is not the system, it’s the people. With the flagrant bad administration in Customs and the losses/fraud, the whole of Customs management should have been fired years ago. Where’s the responsibility and accountability?

    Like 17
  7. SMH says:

    So disappointed! Money being allotted for everything that appears to generate money, but none for Schools, Public Library and Government Emplo yees increments. Remember, if you take care of your employees they will perform immensely. If not, your establishment( Government) will fail! Mark you!

    Like 6
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  8. WELL says:

    was all this talk to pause the (coi ) because of the new
    outbreak of covid and we need a break / but it seem to energized the boss to say ( let’s get

    party started ) taxpayers $$$$ again going down the drain

    • Give me the Job. I can fix it easily. says:

      First I will introduce BVI law as it relates to Law enforcement and the importance of honesty and integrety in Uniform inforcement as a Subject for all fourth formers as mandatory then gave them the choice to chose when they move to 5th form, Those who wish to have a carrier in uniform law enforcement may chose it and they can graduate and go strIght into uniform may it be police immigration, or Customs with the understanding of their job and have the skill set, Just require minimum on the Job training,,You can easily move out and switch up..

  9. WHAT ABOUT SS says:

    WELL IT IS TIME TO increase SS payments. Elderly are suffering.

    Like 2
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  10. Stop wasting Tax payers money.Pls says:

    There is a saying that says “If you kno the problem the solution is easy” From listening the COI the problem is honesty, as it is across the board with Govt. So why a 5yr contract to some cronie to waste more tax payers money when you have just about a yr and half in power. I really hope the new administartion doesnt honor this, then again, its their tricks and dishonesty on display, why would they try to burden down a new administration with this bad contract..The Deputy Governor who should be a smart man should be able to fix this, find the right personnel..

  11. Kingfish. says:

    Would be interesting to know who the local agent is for this contract. Check the church. The answer might be right there.

  12. Watching u says:

    This is nonsence. Cost of living gone up and we cant even get. Proper salary. Ofcoirse there will be curruption. Pay your staff a proper salary.

  13. Watchi says:

    This is nonsence. Cost of living gone up and we cant even get. Proper salary. there will be curruption. Pay your employees. It seems only white men can come get a good salary. While we here struggling ti pay our bills.

  14. Windy says:

    Fix it AGAIN. More money down the Tortola toilet

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