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56yo Trini found guilty of raping friend’s stepdaughter


Andre Stedman, the 56-year-old Trinidadian accused of raping his friend’s stepdaughter roughly two years ago has been found guilty.

Seven of a nine-member jury returned with the guilty verdict before Justice Ann-Marie Smith last Friday.

Stedman has been placed on remand pending his sentencing on April 5.

What the court heard happened

The court heard that on the day in question, Stedman met the rape victim’s stepfather at their family home for a social meet-up.

The two men then proceeded to watch sports on television while the young lady remained in her bedroom.

Sometime later that night, the stepfather went to bed while Stedman fell asleep on the couch. The court heard that at some point during the night, the victim exited her bedroom and noticed Stedman sleeping. She subsequently returned to bed.

Later that night, the young woman was awakened by Stedman on top of her. He had penetrated her, the court heard.

The matter was reported to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force and Stedman was charged.

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  1. wow says:

    How did he get to take off her clothes without waking her up. .sounds like a set up

    Like 14
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    • Reply says:

      Are you suggesting the victim is to blame? Look, this matter was adjudicated before a jury of 9. Clearly, based on the evidence presented in court, they deemed Mr. Stedman guilty.

      So, please stop blaming the victim. Rape is quite often under reported. Reason being that victims quite often fear exactly what you are doing: blaming them.

      As per the jury, he is guilty of the crime period. Now,he just have to do his time.

      Listen up fellas:

      You have to have consent before you engage in any sexual act. No means no, and if you have to force yourself on someone without their consent, you are committing a crime, and have a jail cell in your future.

      There are plenty women around who may say Yes. Find one when you have an itch, and need to scratch or take care of yourself. No shame in that. It’s legal.

      Like 36
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    • @wow says:

      What he doing in the girl bedroom in the first place?

      Like 31
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  2. Do you know? says:

    Do you know what she was wearing? Do you know how soundly asleep she was? Do you know that he did not use some form of spray or other chemical to put her out? You do not know so shut your mouth!

    Like 18
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  3. Too damn nasty says:

    He knew full well she was under age. Let him keep his old ass out her bedroom. What he went in there for. In fact, he was eyeing her long time, that’s why he went to chill by his friend’s house. A message to men. Raise your sons and daughter, so vultures like these don’t pick their bones.

    Like 21
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  4. Wow says:

    You sound like such a fool. The child was sleeping and the man (an adult – who could be her grandfather) entered her room and got on top of the child. There is absolutely no excuse for such behavior. Stop condoning child molestation and rape.

    Like 31
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  5. Listen says:

    Dont you know you can have sex with someone without taking off their clothes?

    Like 10
  6. truth will set you free says:

    This hold thing is a set up.But God don’t sleep what goes around come around time will tell.

    Like 7
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  7. Lawless says:

    Some of these comments alone can tell you about how dirty some people hearts are to find excuse for such a monster. Some of you made my stomach sick

    Like 20
  8. bvi says:

    as a stepfather, why would you gp to bed and leave a man in your living room, if you going to bed tell d man we will see tomorrow or whenever, but he has to leave.

    Like 25
  9. Curious says:

    If this is true he should go to jail but something about this story is not adding up, she did wake up and went outside and saw him sleeping,, did she lured him into her bedroom and then scream rape after getting caught???

    Like 1
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    • Reply says:

      The jury of 9 who heard the evidence in this case felt her accusation was true thus their guilty verdict.

      Again, stop blaming he victim.

      Mr. Stedman had a lawyer whom I am sure cross-examined the victim, and presented his version of events. At the end of the day, the jury did not buy his version.

      What is being reported here I am certain is not what was presented in totality in court.

      Bottom line: He was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If he feels he was wrongfully convicted, he can always appeal.

      IMO, he had no business reportedly in her bedroom period. He should have stayed his @ss on the couch were he was presumably sleeping (yeah right) or go home and sleep in his own bed. If he had done so, he would not be a convicted rapist today.

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