BVI News

71yo visitor still missing in BVI waters

Photo Credit: VISAR

Authorities have said a search is still ongoing for a 71-year-old male visitor who went missing in BVI waters recently.

Patrick William McLellan of Florida in the United States reportedly went swimming near his family’s chartered catamaran off Cooper Island on Saturday afternoon (April 6) but never returned.

His sons reportedly proceeded to search the surrounding areas but found no signs of the American.

The Virgin Islands Search and Rescue along with Sail Caribbean Divers and the local police marine unit carried out an extensive search routine on Monday, April 8 but remain unsuccessful.

BVI News will provide more on this developing story.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again, another inheritance disappearance?

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  2. What!!! says:

    “Anonymous “ Please stop with your disgusting comment, you know nothing of the family who are searching for a loved one.God only knows what people who are reading your words must think of us.

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    • Sarah J says:

      You ppl are so gullible. That’s why they come to BVI to disappear them

      Like 4
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    • key West Florida says:

      @What, I am so Sorry to say this but,It appears that most people in your Country is lost and will continue to stay lost. One of my wish is for tourist to stay far away from your Country. Someone just lost a Family member and it hurts to read some of the comments.

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  3. Mary says:

    I also had a problem off Cooper Is. I’d swam over to the island without fins and on the way back to our catamaran was stuck in a rip current. Luckily our Captain was attentive and brought the dinghy out.

    Like 12
  4. Bryce Johnston says:

    It really is amazing what horrible things people will say when their identity is hidden in anonymity. I would dare to venture you would not make such callous remarks face to face, or if your real name was posted along with your comments.

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  5. Tourist says:

    Thank You BVI. You guys are really rude and thoughtles. Will never visit your Country again. Accidents do happen,not everyone that visit the BVI visit the BVI to kill their love ones.

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  6. What!! says:

    I really think that whoever is in charge of this news site should not print some of these comments which are so hurtful and disrespectful to a family that is suffering.. Freedom of speech does not need to be so hurtful.

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  7. My two cents. says:

    First of all sincere condolences to the grieving family. It must be heart rending to lose a family member especially at a happy time such as being on a vacation.
    On the other hand we watch a lot of American television and unfortunately we see that horrendous scenario too often.
    We have to ask how come locals don’t disappear in our fairly safe swimming waters? I’m sure the police have to think of such scenarios so don’t come down too hard on the bloggers. A lot if people have these thoughts.

    Like 7
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    • @My Two Cents says:

      Correctly articulated. for all who perhaps has similar thoughts, but the inability to articulate.

      Condolences to all.

    • Here's why says:

      That could be for two reasons:
      a) some local people swim regularly, very well and they have good understanding of potential dangers;
      b) this applies to most, I believe – local people don’t swim off boats or in other such places often. Indeed, the majority of local people don’t swim at all.

      It is a sad, sad story and we should all be wishing condolences to the man’s family and friends, and gratitude to the rescue teams for their efforts.

      Karma will deal with the bad-minded bloggers.

    • Enjoy Life says:

      Please STOP watching “a lot of American television.”

      As an American, I a see first-hand how the cultural rot that is happening in US is being exported and ruining many other places, turning people of goodwill against each other, and making everyone cynical.

      As an American, I am embarrassed. Please read good books and enjoy your life in the BVI.

    • Greg says:

      Locals very rarely disappear because most don’t go swimming everyday.
      And the ones that do understand the currents, locals are also smart enough to know the dangers of jumping off a boat when its dark

  8. So True says:

    You have to be careful swiming in that area of Cooper Island. The rip current will sneak up on you at any given time. Please people, it sounds so terrible when the majority of the BVI always accuse tourist of comming down to the Caribbean to kill their relatives.If a group of BVI people visit MT. Rushmore and one happen to fall in a canyon and lost their life, would that give anyone the right to assume or say people from the BVI went to MT.Rushmore to kill a Family member for insurance/inheratence money.

    • Debbie says:

      Excuse me! I know this family very well. They are my in laws and to suggest anything else than a tragic accident is unimaginable! How dare you. To lose a loved one is bad enough but to lose that loved in such a horrible way is beyond horrific. Time will not ease their pain at losing such a wonderful family man. Those demented individuals should never have anything like this happen to them.

      • DReam says:

        John McLellan is a dear, dear friend of mine, they’re not hopeful, which just breaks my heart. I know this is going to be a really tough time for them.

  9. Debbie says:

    I know this family. They are my in-laws and to suggest that this was anything but a tragic accident is horrible. Time will not be on their side getting over losing such a wonderful individual. Those demented persons who turned this into an inheritance issue should be ashamed of themselves.

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  10. Retired says:

    My condolences to the family of Mr. McLellan.

    In order for the BVI to keep attracting marine tourists I believe it is time to consider a tidal current guide for these BV islands. Most divers on the Rhone and Wreck Alley will confirm that strong tidal currents(not rip currents) flow between Cooper, Salt, Dead Chest and Peter Island for a few hours every day. These currents are predictable, like the tides, and could be published by a UK or BVI authority(VI Ship Registry?) to the benefit of visitors and residents alike.

  11. Hit the nail on the head says:

    Condolences to the families. The suggestion of riptide warnings is in order. It is unfortunate that some bloggers thought the unthinkable about your family because of the unexplained and unresolved disappearances around that island in the last 15 years. Finally, an acknowledgement of riptides surrounding Cooper Island is a tip for the police to take another look at the other disappearances in the area. Again, condolences to the families.

    • Tourist says:

      Shame on the skeptics and God bless the family that experienced this tragedy. Our boat was next to theier’s in Cooper Island and we watched the search and rescue efforts. It’s heartbreaking to think of what that family is going through.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Alfred james very nice commens

  13. Patti Mac says:

    Would appreciate if the person who wrote the Hit the nail on the head comment would include their name for the family.

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