BVI News

75 firearms seized since the start of the year

Not the actual seized weapons mentioned in the story. (Image representational)

Police Commissioner Mark Collins said the police have seized 75 firearms and more than 2,000 rounds of ammunition since the start of the year.

Commissioner Collins made the revelation while speaking about the success of local crime fighters at the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force Motivational Luncheon last week.

“Each one of those rounds of ammunition, each one of those bullets is a life that we’ve potentially saved. So I commend the hard work and everything that we do. In 2021, 11 persons were charged with murder and put before the court — unprecedented. Tonnes and tonnes of cocaine recovered,” Commissioner Collins said.

He added that the seizure of drugs and guns were done in collaboration with police teams in the United Kingdom and the United States,

Though fewer than five murders have been recorded in the BVI since the start of 2022, guns are of serious concern because they have been used in many homicides in recent years.

The BVI is regarded as one of the safest when compared to its Caribbean neighbours but violent crimes have a huge negative impact on residents partly because of the territory’s size and familiarity among many residents in the community.

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  1. THE HOLY LAND says:


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  2. Good job boy says:

    Men nail Jesus to a cross, men drove nails in his hands and feet, so it is expected for the currupt few to want to nail this COP to a cross aswell,COP we can see progress dont mind the noise dont strike the rock, keep up the good works, the 99% of us who dont be on the radios shouting see your hard work.

    Like 12
  3. Just saying says:

    It would be a good idea for the Police Department’s Press Office to lay out what they’ve captured in a picture like the one you posted. Would be a very graphic way to convey the way drugs and guns are transforming the BVI. Show what all is circulating in the shadows of this very religious society.

  4. lil Beruit says:

    BVI gone to the dogs since we allowed all these outsiders to come here and breed up

    Like 1
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  5. I WANNA KNOW says:


  6. Handel says:

    Is that Ruger in the photo for sale?

  7. ... says:

    is the pink one for me somebody get lacking with their aunty hand piece

  8. Secure says:

    the sea borders 24/7 to stop all the smuggling of drugs, guns, ammo, cash and humans. No smuggling then all of the above crimes disappear.

  9. Kudos says:

    Kudos to law enforcement. Those operations May have saved lives within the African descent community, the only one who suffers from gun violence in this part of the world…

    Still, not one (gun) taken from the (pale) (white) and Arab segregated communities.. So only the local PEOPLE of AFRICAN DESCENT have weapons that need to be confiscated?

    That being so, the evidence still points to three communities in existence here, but only one is policed. The “Black community.” Why is that still so after a century and more? Is this selective and racial policing of the 21st century? People are watching.

    Also, why in the entire history of law enforcement in these Virgin Islands there has never been, and there is no evident policing of the aforementioned communities?

    Are they exempt from BVI laws? Are they, so to speak, living” white privilege,Arab, Rich and business exemption privilege” in real time right here in paradise at the expense of local Brown people, who do not manufacture or import guns or any weapon of destruction?

    Last, are there not illegal weapons, drugs and other contraband in the (pale) (white) and Arab communities? Of course there are! Even more so than in the local community!!! As, the general world statistics of human habits and behaviors are well known.

    The former Premier got caught due to personal involvement, but do we the regular people really know who the Giant Queen and King Bosses are behind the drug and firearm trade within and through the BVI?

    Guns are manufactured all over the world, but not here. Cocaine is manufactured in South America, Opiodes and Harshes are manufactured in the Middle East. How are all those items arriving upon these here shores?

    For ever, the selective and discriminatory practice of law enforcement against only one group of people has been the norm. People are aware of the disparity and are watching silently.

    Of course, there will be counter arguments, but will they make such discrimination RIGHT? Absolutely not!

    Like 3
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  10. Lodger says:

    They should destroy every gun immediately it is seized, so such a picture should not be possible. Knowing our security, seized guns could easily disappear.

  11. @Kudos says:

    The white/clear and Arab communities are not in the drug trafficking, murder, rape and stealing business that the African community is in. As a matter of fact, that’s the business the African in all around the globe. That’s why the prisons in every country around the world are filled with Africans. One can count on one hand the benefits that the African has brought to this world. Please list all the Nobel prize winners!! Only ones you can list are Negro sports figures, rap artists and a useless crooked US President. You are all a blight on the human race.

    Like 1
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  12. gully side says:

    lol no comments on facebook why is that? We as a Society really and truly will release a fully guilty person in charge for a fully known convicted person.

  13. Rubber Duck says:

    Kudos, what a racist moron you are.

    If a white or middle eastern resident shot anyone or was caught with illegal guns then of course they would be arrested the same way as anyone else.

    The sad fact is that the violent crime and murders are not committed by them.

  14. Crazy Joe says:

    Congratulations to the COP and the whole police force.

    It looks to me like we are finally starting to tackle the crime that blights these beautiful islands.

    Keep it up guys.

  15. Once says:

    Once again BVI News only posts comments that are racist against whites but the truth about Africans is not posted. What can one expect from the racist Africans.

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  16. @@Kudos says:

    Facts and truths sure put a BUTT hurting on you, didn’t they, it is clear. All your pent-up racism and hate for the Black/African race came flooding out like chronic diarrhea….whew!!what A low mind.

    Dispute what is written as non factual and present evidence proving that it is non factual. But you can’t dispute the facts written, so you chose that opportunity to go on a rambling tirade spewing feces and pig filth.. POOR THING.

    Now how about sharing some authentic facts about black people with the reading public, as we have read your ignoramus white supremist filth.

  17. @@Kidos says:

    You are dead wrong, lying or both. The white and Arab are in the drug and murder trade. They are the king pins of the business. Can’t fool who know, so wheel and come again.

  18. Ignorance says:

    Ignorance and lack of knowledge will always produce posts like these from Kudos and @kudos, black and white alike. I guess that @Kudos will say that Trump was the greatest president of all times. Moran.

  19. @justsaying says:

    Religious? Really?

    We can scream and yell that we are, but actions speak louder than your words.

    I have witnessed actions of kindness, greatness, and compassion by only a few on island who are considered “religious.” The rest are pretenders, especially our so called leaders.

    Religion is a lifestyle. Not on opportunity to be seen on Sunday, dressed up for church.

  20. Err….correction says:

    I think you’ll find Gead Coach and his band of merry men are actually bahn here

  21. @@kudos and Kudos says:

    @@Kudos: That’s a vile post flaunting pure white supremacy
    It is so disgusting I wonder how you can even be here if you are a white person. Go some place else like the US and surround yourself with Trump/klan people. Or to Little Britain where you can find many friends as sick as you are.
    Or, you’re not white and you are on here trying to rouse up a hornets nest to make people think most white people think like that.
    I’m white and I have never heard anyone say poison like this in my presence, ever, in all my life.
    I suspect a fraud. Or a fascist. Either way, f- off.
    And as for you ‘Kudos’ – you’re as misguided as @@Kudos. Both mesmerised by skin pigmentation and as a result you ignore other important angles in the intellectual endeavours you pursue. ie putting race first, in many instances, just makes you stupid.

  22. @ kudos says:

    since you know so much , then you are withholding information from the law , and if you are serious about the wellbeing of the country and its people/ expose them )> balance the scales of justice . if you are for real / or , are you just another propaganda expert flexing off ?

    for real O

  23. Funny, says:

    Heard the same thing bout your mum.

  24. Anonymous says:

    To all of you deniers of truth, is there one untruth/lie in the comment of kudo? If so do point/it them out please.

  25. Sigh says:

    All them guns look like reject in the sense that they already have bodies on them so these clowns in the bvi get them for cheap

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