BVI News

After 3yrs gov’t approves $269K pay for BVI prisoners’ stay in St Lucia

Her Majesty’s Prison in Balsam Ghut.

Three years after BVI inmates returned from St Lucia where they were temporarily relocated due to the impact of hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Government of the Virgin Islands has only now moved to approve payment to the St Lucian government.

During a meeting held on August 25, Cabinet agreed to ratify the payment for the prisoners accommodation of BVI prisoners at St Lucia’s penitentiary.

This was disclosed in a Cabinet post-meeting statement released on the Thursday.

Cabinet said it agreed to pay the Government of St Lucia $269,940.

Following the hurricanes of 2017 while the NDP was still the governing party, Her Majesty’s Prison located at Balsum Ghut suffered extensive damage and sections of the prison had become compromised .

The governor at the time, Augustus Jaspert decided to transfer 21 of the prisoners that it considered ‘high risk’ to St Lucia’s Bordelais Correctional Facility.

All of the inmates were eventually returned to the BVI at the one year anniversary of the 2017 hurricanes which had devastated much of the territory.

Following the hurricanes, former government minister with responsibility for the prison, Myron Walwyn disclosed that 143 prisoners had escaped from the penitentiary.

Many of the inmates were left to roam the streets for days before they were eventually returned to the prison compound.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    But they can’t find a few dollars to help needy and worthy and contributing citizens right here at home, who will surely lose home, what left of it from the last diaster, and even life if another Irma come beckoning.

    One can only hope and pray that no Irma/Maria come our way. If so, the destruction and deaths of valuable citizens will be permanently etched on the conscience of few good men and women whose priorities were not with the needy people.

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    • haha says:

      boy you sound crazy. That might be true but this bill is from 2017/2018!!!! What call we have doing dealing with this still? Everything is obviously backed up!!!!! BVI government (both parties) better get it together

  2. Thinker says:

    What kind of a reputation for the BVI in the region does this late payment generate? When we need help again, why should anyone step up to assist someone who won’t pay their bills for years?

    • eye sight good says:

      the bvi on a whole don’t like to pay ,not even 1 dollar for you to get it you have to scrunt like dog to get a dollar from these people, take it or leave it

  3. Hmmm says:

    Approval of payment does not necessarily mean payment any time soon.

  4. BuzzBvi says:

    Do the math. Only $269,000. Close the prison here and keep them all in St Lucia. Way cheaper. Pay them quickly or they may not take an on going contract!!! Do the math St Lucia is a great option.

  5. Bun b says:

    This has gone out of my way

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