BVI News

Alarming: Over 300 struck by cancer in 3 years

There’s a serious problem in Nature’s Little Secret.

BVI News has received information from a local oncologist which indicates that the territory may be in the midst of a cancer crisis.

Dr.Erole McLean Hobdy is a USVI-based physician who has been seeing patients in the BVI for the past 11 years. Once a week, she travels to the Penn Medical Centre in Road Town, Tortola where she diagnoses and treats all types of cancers.

A new cancer diagnosis is nothing new. Before 2020, she’d see one or two new cancer cases per month. But around the time of the COVID pandemic in 2020, the cancer cases increased from two diagnoses per month to at least two per week.

Dr Hobdy confirmed that since 2020, she has diagnosed more than 100 new cancer patients each year. By the end of 2023, the Penn Medical Centre will have diagnosed over 400 new cancer diagnoses in four years.

“I thought it was because of the COVID lockdown. Some of those people who would normally go off island for care could not do that and it was easier for them to stay on island. That’s when I really saw the burden of cancer in the BVI. Prior to the lockdown when I saw one or two patients per month, I really thought there weren’t many cancer cases,” Dr Hobdy explained.

In fact, Dr Hobdy said the cancer cases have grown so rapidly that she had to recruit another physician to assist in the practice.

“I brought in a colleague from Barbados because it was too much for me, too many patients to see. I’m seeing a lot of colon cancers — way more than I used to see. And even now that the borders are open and people are travelling off island for care, I’m still seeing a lot of new patients,” Dr Hobdy explained. 

She revealed myelomas, breast, prostate and colon cancers are the most popular cases. She also noted that more women are being diagnosed than men, the patients are increasingly becoming younger and they have been flowing in from the four main islands of the BVI.

The reality is shocking. 

But that’s not all. 

In the last year, there’s been a sharp uptick in pancreatic cancers — a disease doctors rarely see in the territory.

“What’s somewhat alarming to me though is in the last year, we have seen at least 10 new cases of pancreatic cancer, which is rare! I might see one or two new cases of pancreatic cancer in the USVI. But in the BVI, we’ve seen so much that my colleagues and I have been saying we need to do a study. We need to see if all these people are living in the same place. But it seems they all live in different places – East End, West End, Town, etc. But for such a rare type of cancer, I am shocked,” Dr Hobdy said.

Possible causes and necessary actions

In her exclusive interview with BVI News, Dr Hobdy emphasized that the number of cases in her practice may just be a portion of all the diagnoses in the territory. She added that the National Health Insurance (NHI) may have more accurate figures and she mentioned that much research needs to be done to determine the factors that are pushing up the cancer cases in the BVI. 

But when asked to point to possible causes, the physician quickly called out dietary practices of residents in the BVI.

“Just the importation of processed foods — people don’t really farm and they don’t really eat natural foods in the BVI. Most of the food they get is from the grocery store. We know for sure – not just for the BVI – once you introduce processed foods, cancer rates go up. So in countries where people farm and eat off the land, cancer rates are low. Once they start to eat McDonald’s and all the processed foods in the grocery stores, then their cancer rates go up,” Dr Hobdy explained.

She added: “That [food] is a big factor in the BVI. They are island people but they don’t eat like island people.”

Though there’s no concrete evidence, Dr Hobdy said one of her colleagues has speculated about possible pollutants in the water that may be causing cancer cases to rise. Another possible cause could also be the stress many experienced as a result of the COVID pandemic. Many lost their jobs and experienced the death of loved ones during the pandemic and research has shown that stress is linked to cancer.

And then there’s the Pockwood Pond dump site. 

Many residents — including Third District Representative Julian Frasr — have long speculated that the fumes that emanated from the dump are carcinogenic.

Whenever the dump spits fumes, those on Torola’s West End and even on the island of St John, USVI, bear the brunt of it. Dr Hobdy said some BVI residents are convinced that this is a part of the problem.

“A lot of people in the West End will tell you that their family members and neighbours are coming down with cancer. All of this is theoretical but sometimes there is some truth to these things. It just takes time to actually study. I don’t have a specific answer as to what is causing the problem but these are some of my thoughts,” Dr Hobdy noted.

She also said the BVI government has a major role to play in stemming the rise in cancer cases. Firstly, more incentives should be given to farmers, so people can have access to home-grown foods that are healthier. Additionally, she suggests that the authorities may want to consider giving people incentives to get tested for various cancers — a method that seems to be reaping some success in the USVI.

“Maybe NHI could give people an incentive to do their screenings. Some insurance companies in the USVI encourage people to do their tests yearly and when they report the results to the insurance companies, they get incentives — even monetary incentives. It’s all about education and people have to eat better as well. I don’t think we all know how much food plays a role in cancer and other illnesses as well,” Dr Hobdy stated.

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  1. I AM CONVINCED says:


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  3. Sad News says:

    This is sad news. When Irma Passed a lot of Housewhole stuff disappeared in the Ocean and was never seen. Stress is another high level problem in this Territory. When you talk to the ordinary Person on the Streets they are saying Drug Crime must be on the rise because Government is doing nothing to help the young and old people. Work Permits after Work permits are given out on a regular basis and Virgin Islanders apply but remain at Home sitting down. Who does the really belong to? Everyday people bawling about high prices and when we think the Trade Commission would be able to set up the Consumer protection unit the Government stepped in and cancelled all plans. What do you all expect the outcome to be in this Territory? People can’t see what is going on? The Politicians are responsible for ALL ills in Society. They are intent on making the Citizens suffer. Hon. Penn spoke in the HOA about Consumer protection to help the people with the high prices and the Deputy shot down his comments saying NO STAFF and NO MONEY. STRESS is a Killer my people!!! Sad to say BUT this Government is doing Nothing for the People. And I know some will say Government can”t do everything But Governments are there to make Laws and Policies for the benefit of the people of the Territory not to make lives difficult and its not Rocket Science. People can come to BVI and make their lives better because their exchange rate is higher with US Currency but in BVI a Dollar is a Dollar. I am Pleading and Begging ALL HOA Members to Stop, Listen and show Empathy for the people of this Territory.

    ..Reduce high prices on consumable Items.
    ..Move the Payroll Tax Exemption to 15K
    ..Move the minimum wage to a reasonable Amt.
    .. Increase the Social Security Benefits.
    .. Review all other Taxes and give a short term
    grace period for payment on some.
    .. Fix the Infrastructure so that we may be in a
    better place economically.

    Imagine going into high Tourism Season with some reputable Companies having to lay off staff?

    What is this saying about us? FORWARD NEVER, BACKWARD EVER!!!

    Government Members, Do something for your people!!!

    Converse with your people. You have to be on the Ground to know. Help your People!!!

    Like 22
  4. No one is listening says:

    Keep telling everyone the open burning of garbage on the Island is the culprit. What do you expect if we are breathing poison toxins that is released in the air from the open burning dump. Use some of the money that is being wasted and RUN A QUALITY AIR TEST.

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  5. I can't believe my eyes says:

    just read that there is “speculation” over the possibility that fumes from burned rubbish are carcinogenic. Speculation? Are you off your rocker?
    It might be worth considering how many of those living East spend their day working West. Sometimes when there is a light breeze and light rain you can taste the ash in the air, you can taste the plastic. Some of that is going into our cisterns; water we use to cook, bathe, brush our teeth and some even drink.

    But I sincerely doubt that Pockwood Pond is the only cause of this spike in cancer.

    It is not a coincidence that 2020 was the year of the experimental gene altering jab that effectively trained your immune system to specifically target one particular genetic variation of one particular virus. Cancer cells be like, “Woohoo free ride”.

    That’s now a medical fact!

    Like 17
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  6. El Demonio Negro says:

    I would say the forced vaccination from Covid contributed to the rise in cancer cases in the BVI. The vax didn’t agree with everyone’s body or genetic makeup. Other than that Dr. Hobdy the people in the BVI or SLOBS they eat everything don’t like to work out. They eat bum and swallow they eat rank poke and swallow. They drink rum like juice and beer like water.

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  7. Agree says:

    And some supermarkets having them out in the sun for entire days don’t help either.

    Like 21
  8. Significant says:

    In the last 3 years. Significant! We all know what took place in the last three years. It is no secret. May more doctors continue to be honest and come out with the facts and numbers.

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  9. Stop Hiding the Stats says:

    The stats are there for the high cancer rate in West End, but they are hiding and dismissing the facts and will NEVER do air quality testing. They would rather continue to KILL OFF the population, Westside, in particular and DO NOTHING. This is my number one pet peeve, SURVIVAL OF A GENERATION. Be honest and bring the stats to the people. Most doctors in the BVI are ALREADY aware.

    Just remember, that you all in authority will have the blood of these people on your hands, the same as drug lords for their victims. That will never erase until you do the RIGHT THING!

  10. Curious says:

    What is the world wide average number of cases for each type of cancer compared to these numbers?

  11. ISLM says:

    El Demonio Negro I am Shure where you come from you do worse than that.

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  12. PT09 says:

    El Demonio Negro I am Shure where you come from you do worse than that.

  13. DropNews says:

    It’s a shame that we have the burning of toxic substances at Pock Wood Pond but it is also a shame within this same time frame there was mass vaccination. They are peer-reviewed studies readily available online from prominent Doctors.
    They also leaked internal papers that became public but with all the Russian/Ukraine situation that went away quietly. The leaked documents pointed out a few things, the batch that they did limited testing on was not the same batches given out to the world. They have multiple batches of untested products. The other problem was the batches were contaminated with ecoli. They also knew that proper toxicity tests weren’t done and cancer and myocarditis were already high risk factors after vaccination. They continue to push that the jabs are safe and effective but the data doesn’t show any of this with the numerous side effects. The FDA 70% of their operation funded by Big Pharma dear not bite the hand that feeds them. If this were a head of lettuce or some tainted beef it would be removed from the market immediately with a recall. Vaccine injuries and deaths globally and this is still marketed…smdh. See the below videos watch to the end, go online look for the studies for yourself and stop being naive.

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  14. Cancer Cluster says:

    Open burn pit cancer clusters.
    It was only a matter of time.

  15. Blame the vaccine. says:

    Blame carvun Malone and his vaccine for this.

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  16. LookSee says:

    A looming tragedy for patients and also the VI, is the $$$ cost .
    How can NHI remain sustainable?
    Standard treatment, Chemo Radiation,Surgery are all overthe top expensive and with no guarantee.

  17. Standing upright here, something not. says:

    There is lots of deflection being thrown around on this very serious issue, and is perhaps a deliberate attempt by some to redirect the narratives from other possible causes and sources.

    BVI News was conspicuously closed for comments today for a while, it appears. Wonder why? Yechnical difficulties or other?

    Could it be a fear of getting a million comments on the alarming rise of 300 cancers in three years?

    And, could there be a direct (link) correlation between that dramatic rise in cancer and the AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna Covid Vaccines?

    Of course such truths will never be allowed to surface. The rulers, controllers, autocrats and medical oligarchs.

    Some thing is not medically standing upright here.

    Like 13
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  18. My People perish for the lack of knowledge says:

    Just last week in one of USA news two doctors were mentioning the same thing about the large increase in caner patients and there findings were that 97% of them got the covid injection and they said they find this very alarming. That seems to be one of the side effects.

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  19. hmm says:

    While we are on this topic NHI needs to send patients who need radiation treatment to Guyana. the fees there are way way more cheaper than Puerto Rico and Antigua where NHI is recommending persons to go. The fees in Guyana are less than half of what those other two countries are charging NHI.

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  20. Evils and Untruths. says:

    The world is remaining silent within its hypocrisy of the terrorist state Israel and its murderous, Apartheid and Oppression against the innocent civilians of the Gaza strip and Palestinians community.

    It is worldwide shame and blatant dereliction of humanity to not speak out about the atrocities that is being dealt on innocent people for decades now.

    The real and only problem that is causing all of that trouble in that part of the world is Israel’s illegal occupation and confiscation of Palestinians lands, and the oppression and apartheid system that has been placed in effect for decades now on those people.

    If Israel politicians and population change their irrational, oppositional and imperialistic methods and propaganda to day, the whole problem will begin to be transformed.

    Religiosity, irrationality and bestiality of human nature will never bring peace to humanity.

    The pro Israel, brainwashed, the insensitive and the ungodly will see the truths differently, but those are the truths.

    The aversion to truth continues to be astonishing. Why, because the world powers are supporting those evils and untruths.

    Like 6
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  21. Meanwhile, Innocent and Vulnerable says:

    And, could there be a direct (link) correlation between that dramatic rise in cancer and the AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna Covid Vaccines?

    Of course such truths will never be allowed to surface. The rulers, controllers, autocrats and medical oligarchs will make sure of that.

    Meanwhile, innocent and vulnerable humans are suffering and dying needlessly.

    Like 8
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  22. @SAD NEWS says:

    AGRRE WITH EVERYTHING BUT..they come VI and make their lives better because their exchange rate is higher with US Currency but in BVI a Dollar is a Dollar, what about the expats from the US and UK? always quick to say somthing about the expats who making next to nothing. its the OTHER expats who come and can afford to buy home here and in their countries US/UK.YOU see any wyt expats suffering in the BVI it always the blk onesss..ANY MAN FROM THE ISLANDS COULD COME AND LET THEY WIFE WE A STAY AT HOME MOTHER AND CHILDREN GO CEDER SCHOOL OR MONTESSORI SCHOOL..EXCHANGE RATE HIGHER MY A@#$…ASK YUH WYT BOSS HOW MUCH MONEY HE MAKING

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  23. Huh? says:

    People have skipped right over obesity and increased alcohol consumption and gone right to pointing the finger at the vaccine. The information about high rates of cancer isn’t new so it has nothing to do with any vaccine. Guess it’s easier to blame vaccines than our own eating habits but, if one in four people in the BVI is obese, and one in six children, then, obviously, the situation will only continue to get worse along with diabetes, hypertension, etc.

    Like 11
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  24. Farmer says:


    wake up

    Local organic food in the medicine

    Like 10
  25. Currently fighting cancer says:

    These Cell towers that approval is being granted in residential areas right next to people’s homes.

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  26. Evidence says:

    Please bring science to the conversation. This is the type of ignorance that continues to fuel the cancer surge you are bemoaning. Act honestly people, it is in ALL of our BEST interest!

  27. @ Sad News says:

    The cost of living is has become unlivable.

    There are many, many who, due to pride and shame are remaining silent, but are hurting financially, emotionally and sociologically, stressing over their existence within this society…

    And there is section of society who doesn’t give damn. It does not care about anyone other than itself, accumulating money, its income, privileges and ways of life.

    Many, many has since lost faith in the Trade Commission, elected leaders and all of the political mechanisms that control this community.

    There will never a Consumer Protection Agency established in this country, as the business community and oligarchs will not stand for that, and the politicians will continue to receive the bribes and engage in the corruption of greed and self-enrichment at the expense, silent and docile electorate.

    He elected are in bed with the business community, and their only interest is making money for themselves.

    Indeed, there is cost to purchase and import commodities and other, but it is clear that the pricing that reaches the consumer are over-priced, of gouging and of greed origin.

    The populace, one day, will rise up and protest against the inability to get by eventually. It is just a matter of when “enough is enough” becomes intolerable. Mark those words.

  28. @ Sad News says:

    Was meant to be @DropNews.

  29. IT IS says:

    I did a PH test on the different types of drinking water in our islands, and those bottled waters, namely- Roxanne and Niagra, are pure ‘battery water’; acidic levels in these are outrageous. Kirkland is not bad. The best-bottled water is BVI Spring, and the very best is Sky-Juice(rainwater).

  30. Yeah says:

    Not surprising:

    – No exercise
    – Johnny cakes for breakfast
    – Fried chicken and macaroni pie for lunch
    – cereals for dinner
    – inhaling the dump on the weekend

    Like 7
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  31. Sugar daddy says:

    Cancer feeds on sugar. Look at the drinks sold in the stores. Hard pressed to find any drink without a boatload of sugar. The Chubbies they give to the school kids, well, you are what you eat (and drink). Read labels and demand better from the supermarkets.

  32. @ Huh says:

    It is ok to be devoid of evidence while delusional while writing/acting informed.

    Evidence buddy. Evidence. Anything else is useless dogma.

  33. Covid 15 says:

    I blame the vaccines and the gmo foods

    Like 6
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  34. The best bottled water to drink says:

    FIJI, Evian and Icelandic. A bit more pricy but worth the investment or invest in a water filter. I have seen to many packages of bottled water for sale sitting outside in the sun. The sun is melting inside of the bottles releasing whatever the plastic is made of into the water.

  35. Scientist says:

    Important to consider case reports don’t represent incidence rates. Secondly, not clear that Dr. Hobdy records all cancers in USVI. For example, she says she’s seen only two cases of pancreatic cancers in the US VI but that doesn’t mean that there are only two cases total there. Lastly, prostatic cancers are common in men over age 60. Colon cancers are also not that uncommon in same age group. Hence important to look at cancer rates adjusted for age rather than just report totals.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Indeed, people enjoy castingdesparities on the people of the BVI, their manners, way of life and psychology…

    Yet, most of them will cook and or bake their foods with FOIL PAPER, AND THEN BLAME THE SMOKE FROM POCK WOOD POND FOR THEIR ILLNESSES.


  37. @@ Sad News says:

    I was just being realistic. Do you hear the US and UK Nationals you all like to jump on BAWLING?

    When there is a crisis, Do you see any US and UK Nationals standing in lines in the Sun?

    Go figure. No Pun intended.

  38. hmm says:

    I guess people are disliking the post just because i mentioned GUYANA all I’m just saying it way way cheaper there lots of other Caribbean countries are sending patients there. NHI WILL SAVE A LOT IF THEY DO TOO.

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  39. If you guys only knew says:

    Those foil pans that you are baking your foods in and have them all lined up at functions also releases toxins in your foods. Baking your foods in foil paper is not good. Haven’t you bake or cook with foil paper and noticed the foil turns a dark color when removed?

    Like 5
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    (1) the cuban Aka mouth champ, was hollering out ( the BENIFITS OUTWAYS THE RISKS ) he was trusted by the people to make (AGRICULTURE ) a serious PRIORITY and we saw how we are benefiting from his incompetence and negligence (fake) ■ (2) the other JOKER who also bragged that he was going
    to take care of all the PROBLEMS associated with that INCINERATOR that the NDP failed to do , and we all can see what a fine JOB he did down there / I often wonder , how do these kinds of people live with themselves ? having to live amongst the same people that they have deceived ▪︎ And to add insult to INJURY , they still have the heart to SMILE with them and act as if IT NEVER HAPPENED / if that ain’t HYPOCRISY then what is ❓️

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  41. Thing is says:

    Most people here don’t eat healthy nor do they eat vegetables, people here eat to much fried starchy foods. I still can’t understand how people can drink those acid laced sodas that is eating out their insides. Pour a can of Coca Cola in your toilet bowl and see how it cleans the toilet bowl so imagine what it will do to your stomach overtime. That heavy rum drinking will do damage to your insides, why you think so many men is walking around with big stomachs.the rum is eating up their liver.

  42. Maybe, just maybe says:

    Maybe some day doctors will own up to the travesty of the jabs.
    Goodness. How hard is it to check that excess deaths world wide have sky rocketed in the past 3 years?
    And hasn’t ANYONE checked the enormous amount of reports & evidence of turbo cancers linked to the jabs, which were not vaccines but incredible disruptors to a human’s immune system & inner balance?
    Hasn’t anyone noticed how many lies are covering this up by hitherto trusted organizations?
    But individual scientists are speaking out and getting censored. So you won’t find them on an average Google search. Thank God for Peter McCullough, Geert Van Den Bosch, Ex Pfizer VP Michael Yeardon & Reiner Fuellmich.
    Follow the true science. Its not hard to do.

    Understand that the CDC lied, Fauci lied & were clearly exposed by the results. The spike proteins are destined to be produced without an off switch & certainly did not remain in the injection point.
    Never before has such an enormous experiment been carried out on so many.
    There is however a control group. The people that were vilified for abstaining.
    Are you noticing a trend yet?

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  43. Shawn Siegel says:

    But that was one of the main points of the article – it *is* new. It doubled suddenly, starting three years ago.

  44. Shawn Siegel says:

    Not coincidentally, one of the major organs where the mRNA from the C19 shots has been found is the pancreas, as well as the heart, liver and ovaries (among others). There’s a rather infamous photo of two PET scans of a cancer patient, the first one taken a week before a C19 jab, the second one a few days after the shot, and the cancer had spread tremendously. Logically, the jabs must be considered at the top of the list of suspected causes of the marked increase in cancer diagnoses in the BVI.

  45. damn says:

    No legal weed in sight. 300+ people who can benefit.

  46. Get out and yearly exams says:

    The quack docs that don’t know then hand for foot
    The food we eat those smoke bbq legs
    Fry legs wings etc

  47. @Siegel says:

    How reliable are the statistics from 3 years previously?

    Adjusting US new cancer cases projection (about 2 million) for 2023 for BVIs population (30-40000) yields an expectation of 200 to 250 new cancer cases per year. Article reports 300 in last 3 years, suggesting that BVI cancer rates are less than half in the US.

  48. what happened 3yrs ago says:

    The biggest medical test in the world… everybody taking the juice !

  49. Cellphone says:

    The abuse of cellphone is another big culprit
    With ppl even sleeping with their phones on the. Bed
    It’s sick

  50. Let’s find out says:

    Can we require NHI to find out if new cancer patients took the COVID jab (which ones and how many) so we can see if there is an actual correlation between taking the jab and developing cancer??

  51. WOW says:

    I do not need to comment. Your post spoke for me.

  52. Ummm HELLO says:

    People saying it is because of how people eat and drink in the BVI… I got news for you… They been eating and drinking that way for years and years. Why would their eating habits miraculously start turning into cancer within the past three years? That makes no sense. I think that can be ruled out! I think it would be interesting if the doctor followed up on this and found out how many of her patients received the COVID 19 vaccine. IF a large number of them had received the vaccine… THEN would you people start to consider that it likely is the cause? It seems pretty obvious to me, but… Would love some follow up information from the doctor to see if that theory holds true.

  53. Information was hidden says:

    I don’t know about anyone else, but when I learned that Pfizer holds the biggest CRIMINAL fine in history, I began doing some sincere digging.
    There is a growing surge of information out there including information Pfizer were court ordered to release, under much duress. That says a lot, wouldn’t you say?

  54. Anonymous says:

    Yep, one Pfizer jab and a normal man is almost crippled. Not. good at all.

  55. Explain says:

    NHI has chosen to respond to concerns by reducing papsmears from once yearly to once in 3 years. This makes no sense.

  56. El Demonio Negro says:

    True but samething will happen if you leave Icelandic evian etc out in the sun too. Spring water from Dominica or Jamaica etc.

  57. JC says:

    The Vax could be the most primary cause of this, but processed foods sure plays a factor.go back to nature, drink your herbs and eat whole foods

    Another major factor , parasites please check for parasites , it is a well known fact parasites causes cancer

  58. @ IT IS says:

    Did you use a calibrated pH meter in a lab or just pH paper. Did you replicate samples,, or do one test only per product? Did you do a statistical comparison between different products to determine iof the observed difference was random or significant? Did you test cistern water for comparison? Soft drinks?

    And, how does pH in drinking water relate to cancer?

  59. Redstorm says:

    I wish if we can see a research done , so we have an idea of where the cancer is having the largest contributing factors. The food and water is definitely two areas that the population should start changing. Consequently, the food shops would not change their foolish food, cubby’s, Cheetos, all those silly macaroni’s and bbq food and many more.

    Government need to put a ban on all sugary fructose, dairy and increase the good food. In the UK certain foods that American sell to the Caribbean cannot enter the UK.

    It should also consider a contribution from NHI to cover fruits and vegetables and natural juices.

    They should also introduce a kitchen garden to every apartment building, community, and homes, so that a next generation of people are healthier that what we have now.

  60. Chicken says:

    Hey it could be as simple as the BVI love for eating chicken.. Hormone laden chicken 3rd choice proudly brought to you by RTW, OM and all…
    We all cobble it up like its water, fried, baked stewed and another way.. There is very good food available from the USA it is just Not being imported by our suppliers bottom dollar for bottom rated goods that cannot sell in the continental USA…

  61. Follow the science please. says:

    Expert Panel Finds Cancer-Promoting DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines
    The World Council for Health, in collaboration with expert advisers, is
    dedicated to providing the public with accurate and reliable information to promote
    health and well-being. In light of recent concerns regarding bacterial DNA and
    genetic sequences in mRNA vaccines, the World Council for Health organized an
    Urgent Expert Hearing on this critical topic on Monday 9th October.
    The hearing took place virtually and addressed the implications of these findings for
    all people of the world. The following internationally renowned immunologists,
    geneticists, specialist physicians and research scientists shared their findings with
    the audience:Kevin McKernan (USA)Dr Janci Lindsay (USA)Prof Sucharit Bhakdi (Germany)Assoc Prof Byram Bridle (Canada)Dr Peter McCullough (USA)Prof Brigitte König (Germany)Dr Jessica Rose (Canada)Prof Alexandra Henrion-Caude (France)Attorney Katie Ashby-Koppens (Australia) shared the legal implications of the
    deployment of unregulated GMO products as vaccinesSummary of Findings:Bacterial DNA (plasmids) has been found in mRNA vaccine vials.A cancer-promoting genetic sequence—SV40—has been found in the Covid-19 vaccines. This was not present in the vials used for the approval studies but has been found in all vials of the BioNTech vials disseminated for public use.These discoveries have been confirmed in several independent laboratories worldwide.The discovery was originally made in April 2023 by Kevin McKernan at which point regulatory bodies were contacted. No official reply has been received.Multiple mechanisms exist in which this genetic information might be integrated into the human genome.This DNA could instruct our bodies to produce mRNA and foreign proteins for an unknown period with potential implications for subsequent generations.There is no constructive purpose identified for the undeclared SV40 promotor sequence, which in addition to its cancer risk, enhances the capacity to incorporate the other foreign genetic material into the recipients’ own chromosomes potentially rendering them (and possibly even their offspring) permanently genetically modified.There are multiple completely undeclared genetic sequences in both Moderna and Pfizer vials with the SV40 sequence found only in the Pfizer vials. However, latent SV40 infections in a significant portion of the population could present the same SV40 risk to Moderna recipients.Even in the absence of chromosomal integration, the DNA plasmids could generate mRNA for the spike protein toxin and other harmful proteins for prolonged and unpredictable periods of time.Integration of foreign DNA into the human genome disrupts existing natural genetic sequences; this carries further risk of disease including cancer.The Covid-19 vaccines qualify as GMO (genetically modified organism) products, which require approval in addition to that required for older, more traditional vaccines.Informed consent for these products is impossible as the risks of the products have never been formally and transparently assessed by regulators and are not fully known. Independent assessment of the emerging and available evidence is that these products are extremely dangerous with implications for disease, death, transmission and inheritance.An immediate moratorium on these novel genetic “vaccines” was demanded by the expert panelists.

  62. It gets clearer & clearer by the day. says:

    They have to stop blood donations from vaccinated individuals. Its madness not to be aware. What are the physicians doing if its up to the general public to post the obvious???

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