BVI News

All the other parties wanted me — Flax-Charles

Junior Trade Minister, Shereen Flax-Charles

Before she ever became a candidate with the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), several political outfits were vying to recruit Junior Minister for Trade, Shereen Flax-Charles.

Flax-Charles made this disclosure during an interview on Z-ROD radio yesterday, February 13, hinting that her political stock remains high in the wake of her departure from the VIP.

She pointed out that her conversations with other political organisations were not something she was trying to hide, especially given the small size of the territory.

“Persons were seeing something in me that every single organisation wants me to be a part of them and so, it’s what it is. I haven’t hidden it,” Flax-Charles said.

The Territorial At-Large Representative recently disclosed that she parted ways with the VIP since she no longer aligned with the organisation.

But even as speculation remains rife about her next steps, Flax-Charles promised that a decision on the course of her political career would be forthcoming very soon.

“We really have to look out for the people of this country,“ the first-term lawmaker said while indicating that she has been having several conversations with persons around the community.

“I have always been very community-minded, very nation-focused, and I expect that that will continue in the coming years,“ she added.

Flax-Charles said the BVI had been through a rough six-year patch and promised she will continue to fight for residents, even if it means she has to do it on her own. “I will continue to fight. I will not be silenced, even if I have to be that lone voice in the wilderness,” she insisted.

“I will shout to the rooftops so that the people know that their business is being dealt with so that they know that I am all about making sure that the people of this Virgin Islands get what they deserve,” she added.

She further noted that the time has come for people to put country above self, and said this was the simple fact of the matter.

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  1. Where says:

    A bit of a tangent but I would love if there were some database of elected representatives contributions to legislature or projects. If one exists that I am unaware of I’d love to see it, it helps when you see folks claim they’re for the people because you can fact check it yourself

    Like 20
  2. Hmmm says:

    She should be shame to say what she is saying.

    Like 9
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  3. we the people says:

    the voters next election will give her the biggest wake up call. She is gone! gone! Gone!

    Now take that to the bank

    Like 12
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  4. Youth says:

    Beware of anyone who always into self-praise and destroy others in order to build up and promote themselves as is the case with this person.

    Like 17
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  5. VG says:

    Miss Lady mek up your mind. clock’s running

    Like 5
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  6. Oh gosh says:

    Why not just keep moving and stfu?? She seems so bitter.

    Like 9
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  7. Bitter Betty says:

    We’ve all had an ex like this. You know the kind, when you breakup with them, they claim everybody wany them. But in reality, nobody wants them and you see them in 3yrs all alone. LMAO

    Like 10
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  8. SMH says:

    No mind the noise my Sistah. I applaud you for standing up and speaking out on topics revelant to the people of the Territory especially the 9th District. As voice to be heard and reconned with I hipe that you run as an Independent and contest the 9th Seat and represent strong minded and abled will females to go forth and do their Will. Not females like the guavaberry lady who apparently let her outspoken demeanor be over shadowed by her personal and selfish motives.

    Like 4
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  9. WTH says:

    Woman Please ugh sid dung!! …

    Like 3
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  10. Tell Us says:

    Besides being someone who they can’t silence, PLEASE list your accomplishments within the last 4 years.

    Like 10
  11. Men vs women says:

    All the men in government constantly blowing they own horn…why you have a problem when women does it!!
    Hush you noise please. She is probably smarter than you are!

    Like 6
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  12. @ Bitter Betty says:

    Not because everybody wants someone means that person have to want them. That person as well as Shereen has the right to decide if they’d be solo/independent for as long as they want until they are met with the right match.

  13. Me foget says:

    Madam,kindly remind we the people,specifically what has been your contributions to your constitutents and to the VI while you were in Office?

  14. Vg Don says:

    Ayo asking her about her contributions ayo looking for her to say she sign big contracts and stuff but she is very helpful and always look in to matters when u ask her to do so. If ayo could name anything the other politicians did in their 4 years to benefit the people I’m listening. Only because she from vg ayo hating regular ting for tola people we got your back schreen u aint got to look back we here ready to go to war with u. Ayo could come for me now vg strong

    Like 2
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  15. Talentless feck says:

    Talent is zero. Ego is maximum.
    Sadly thats true of so many VI politicians who have never lived in the real world



  17. Leadership matters says:

    Look at what happened to our past Premiet and VIP put Allen Wheatley on a ticket to run as D8 candidate and outstanding citizens are supporting him . Look
    At his track record . … did Jail time for government funds . Is that the leadership we need ?

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