BVI News

American music mogul P Diddy spotted in the BVI

American rapper and music mogul Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs has been sighted in the British Virgin Islands.

The 52-year-old was captured on amateur video footage arriving through the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island.

He was spotted with a small entourage.

“I’m here live in the flesh,” the rapper was heard saying when greeted by a local.

It is not clear when Combs arrived or what is the purpose of his visit to the territory.

Combs, also known as ‘Puffy’, is not only a rapper. He is also a record producer, actor, clothing designer and businessman/investor who discovered entertainers such as Christopher Wallace; more commonly known as The Notorious B.I.G.

According to Forbes Magazine, Combs is the 14th highest-paid entertainer in the world. He is said to have a net worth of $90 million.

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  1. good says:

    now we know just how much he is worth; can you please ask him for a cheque for two million and have it send to me. thanks

    Like 11
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  2. Who? says:

    Never heard of him.

    Like 12
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  3. polite says:

    You know, in Bermuda the media have an unwritten rule that when “celebrities” go there. they are left completely alone. Nobody takes pictures of them. Just before they leave, they have a quick interview with the media to say what a nice time they’ve had and that’s that. No wonder their GDP is 3 times ours. Respect people’s privacy and they will want to come here.

    Like 68
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    • @Polite says:

      That is not a bad idea but we should also note that Bermuda has a population 2 x ours – so it’s not quite an apples for apples comparrison.

      Like 6
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    • ha says:

      no tit for tat here…. your spotted at the airport and thats it. we offer greater privacy and more and better options.

      Like 5
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      • Me says:

        Clearly that’s untrue since it is being reported here.
        In Bermuda there would be nothing written before they leave.
        They respect privacy whereas we are rude and invade their privacy the minute they land and post on sites like this.

    • Stupes says:

      Its is so interesting how BVI is encouraged to adopt other country’s practises except those where work permits are concerned (:-)

  4. Wrong net worth says:

    $90 million? Try $900 mil

    Like 21
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  5. STEFU says:

    That has nothing to do with anything..You think he cares?! These folks love the attention..Over here aint begging them for no interview…Do you see a pic of him vacationing here?you need to fly into their triangle respectfully.

    Like 12
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  6. Retep says:

    Yeah his net fortune is nearer 825 million. Not far off

    Like 4
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  7. I hope says:

    I really hope he went to the keys via trellis bay and did not drive through East End!

    Like 19
    • n/a n/a says:

      like for the love of God FIX EAST END ROADS. if you dont want to do it for the east end people PLEASE fix it for the rest of us and the world

      Like 15
  8. Smh says:

    Did this have to be news? I’m sure the man wanted to get away from America and paparazzi’s… y’all be doing too much.

    Like 19
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  9. BuzzBvi says:

    Maybe he went by Cox Heath and saw the disgusting state of all the lands around there. Every bush has trash in it. In fact BVI drowning in trash in the bush. Check the side of any road.

    Like 10
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    • Wisdom says:

      To add to that. They destroying the mountain to do what? Up to now they cant get the land fill under control. In other areas of the world you cant find the land fills because there is grass growing on top. Please let’s get it together B.V.I.

  10. Feo Gomez says:

    All the top FISH in the BVI get ready cause Diddy here to party!

    Like 3
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  11. Watching on.. says:

    LOL LOL!!
    Mehn some of yall sickening…yuh gotta find something negative to say bout EVERYTHING!!!! Jeez man..

    Like 6
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  12. Wow says:

    So what is so important about this? The guy is coming to spend vacation and that’s big news. I saw three guys, three women and three children coming from other Caribbean islands here for vacation. Why haven’t I seen that on the news?

    Like 7
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    • Jokes says:

      Because they are not returning home. When we check next year this time so, they will be working and in school. LOL, that is not called vacation that is called migration.

  13. Yep says:

    Okay, saw him at the baths before, so what’s the big deal?

  14. JAY-Z says:

    I’m quite sure that PUFFY does not mind that we’re showing him some love here in the BVI.

    Like 3
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  15. Ummm says:

    Where is his maskkk? If it was the locals it wud have played differently.

    Like 1
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  16. TurtleDove says:


  17. Anonymous says:

    Trust me Puff loves it that people in a small island like Tortola knows his name. You might hear about that in one of his lyrics sometime.

    Like 7
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  18. :) says:

    You know what’s ironic Puff invented the term playa haters and judging by the comments there’s a lot of them in Tola.

    Like 1
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  19. Hmm Sad says:

    And we have nothing to offer him

  20. Bermuda says:

    Billions in debt not a good example of good governance Spend,Spend,Spend let the grandchildren pay .

  21. Stupes says:

    Its is so interesting how BVI is encouraged to adopt other country’s practises except those where work permits are concerned (:-)

  22. net worth says:

    90 million bvi?… why out here giving out false information to the public…puff is right next to being a billionaire…90 million is what he had in his early 30’s…lmao

  23. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm Bermuda, this didnt age well. More like, welcome to bermuda diddy, we will be discreet about trafficking and rape of underage girls and boys. VI woke up after Epstein, but we still sell our kids in Bermuda…….to increase gdp of course. Smh

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