BVI News

Andrew Fahie requests another sentence delay

Former Premier Andrew Fahie

Former Premier Andrew Fahie has once again requested a delay in his sentencing, currently scheduled for June 25.

His attorney, Theresa Van Vliet, filed a motion citing a scheduling conflict as the reason for the postponement, proposing a new date of August 5, 2024.

Fahie was arrested in April 2022 and found guilty in February 2024 on multiple charges, including conspiracy to import cocaine and money laundering.

“The undersigned counsel has developed a personal conflict that cannot be rescheduled for June 25, 2024,” Van Vliet wrote in court documents seen by BVI News.

In her statement to the court, Van Vliet emphasised that Fahie had been advised of the request and concurred.

She added that both the prosecution and Fahie’s co-counsel are available for the proposed new sentencing date in August.

This is not the first time Fahie’s sentencing has been deferred. Originally set for April 2024, the date was pushed to June, and now potentially further into the summer, drawing even more public and media scrutiny.

Fahie has also been involved in pre-sentencing activities, including an in-depth interview on March 5, 2024, and preparing objections to the Draft Pre-sentencing Investigation Report, which is now due by June 7, 2024.

The former Premier’s trial and the subsequent developments continue to spark debates around governance and ethical conduct in the territory.

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  1. Mick Mars says:

    You got to play the game, head coach. Stop looking to call these time outs. You delaying the inevitable. Find out what you going to receive, regroup and then formulate another gameplay to mitigate the damage.

    This is akin to begging your father to beat you after you eat dinner, knowing it coming. Man just get it over with and stop wasting time and money.

    Like 24
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    • @Mick Mars says:

      “The undersigned counsel has developed a personal conflict that cannot be rescheduled for June 25, 2024,”
      Head coach did not seek any “time out”. The delay was as reported sought by his attorney to which he was informed and agreed, not that he has any choice and have any where to go soon.

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      • @ @Mick Mars says:

        How coincidental!

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        • @Mick Mars says:

          Clearly you do not understand the U.S. Legal System. You insist on making up lies. Head Coach has been convicted and likely facing many years in prison.

          His delaying his sentencing benefits him none. As his attorney has stated to the court, she has another obligation the date of which cannot be change.

          Anyone who understands that language will understand that in all probability his attorney has most likely another case or court hearing for another client at that date and time.

          When an attorney states a date cannot change, this is understood by the court as the attorney has other legal obligations at that date and time.

          The court routinely sets dates and times for sentencing all the time. It is not unusual the date set by the court cannot be met by the representative attorney, and the attorney duly notifies the court.

          The client has nothing to do with it as you are suggesting, but you just like to keep drama with this conspiracy theory Sadly others are following you with this nonsense.

          Head Coach has nothing to gain from a sentencing delay at this time. He has been convicted, and just have to await his sentencing when his attorney is available. Nothing more nothing less.

          I doubt you will accept my reasoning because you have already convinced yourself and others that Head Coach is responsible for this delay.

          Again, he stands to gain nothing from any delay in his sentence. Stop the sensationalism, and pick sense out of nonsense.

          Like 8
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  2. SMH says:

    No matter how much delays, you are going to serve time till your around 75yrs.

    Like 19
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  3. LOL says:


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  4. Don't worry says:

    Don’t worry fat albert. we will be sending the bvi corrupted politicians to meet you soon in that jail cell

    gather around the campfire and sing songs to each other while getting you backs caved in by BIG BRUCE

    Like 14
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  5. Badness says:

    He just like n***n want he come from jail new style he getting any way any how

    Like 1
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  6. head couch says:

    no matter how hard moonlight run, day light must catch it

  7. Mad Max says:

    August 5th? Going for the 70th Anniversary of Festival and the connotations of slavery and colonialism to seek sympathy and a lower sentence?

    Like 4
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  8. maria louisa varlack says:

    other british virgin islanders do not have a job/employment and cannot have a job/employment while these public servants/civil servants commit white collar crime and other british virgin islanders have to spend all of their lives being homeless and jobless and penniless poor and needy and downtrodden and living in poverty with a job/employment to be able to sustain and to take care of themself. other british virgin islanders have privileges in the public service/civil service and other do not have anything to life for and no livelihood.

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  9. Something cooking says:

    Does anyone have a funny feeling? Maynard sentence delay now Andrew??? Something cooking in the kitchen in the kitchen.

  10. Real stuff, BOSTON says:

    No matter how much delays Andrew the convicted criminal on all counts, he is going to serve time in an American Federal Prison System. The longer he ask for a delay, the longer he is going to sit in Prison. The free the Drew and free West Bank head cheerleader has gone ghost. OH FORGOT, the head cheerleader derailed his own Radio Show. ZROD RADIO HAVE A HUGE FAN FOLLOWING ON THE OUTSIDE. Queen DON AND CINDY IS DOING AN EXCELLENT JOB. KUDOS LADIES FROM BOSTON, MASS.

    Like 3
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    • @real stuff, Boston says:

      I will agree with your comment.Dude derailed his radio show. He allowed others to use him and do their duty work to get rid of Cindy from the Morning Braff. And another thing, he kept hollering free two known Island criminals on air, not a good look sans you become questionable. One of the questions is, did this person took $$$ or was offered a favor to get rid of Cindy from the Morning Braff. The fake Rasta man derailed his own radio show.

      Like 3
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  11. LaDa Frickin Da says:

    How does this delay further negatively impact the territory? Seems like a delay issue on account of his US lawyer; no input needed by the territory.

    Does it seem odd and coincidental that while all of this is being delayed in the States, we have in the BVI Claude Skelton Cline due in court soon to answer his own charges involving past dealings with the O’Neal Administration lead government via a vis he allegedly provided consulting services to the Education Department headed by our very esteemed Fahie aka FAHEY?

  12. Virgin Queen says:

    Wonder how he’s making out in the prison laundry? Some honest work will do him some good.

  13. Honesty not Enough? says:

    Cannot believe that mind manipulated and manuvered a political party into a machanism and or tool to enrich himself, party members and others off of the government purse..It is said that reputation finally set its trap and snared the culprit.

    Someone read the tea leavesand intentions and set out to derail it.

    Often,honesty is not enough for some minds.

  14. My Guess says:

    An appeal is pbanned I would assume and could be dependent on the outcome ofMaynard’s sentencing.

  15. My Guess says:

    An appeal is planned I would assume and could be dependent on the outcome ofMaynard’s sentencing.
    The longer this takes the more intense my feelings of disgust loathing and disappointment towards Andrew. He is wrong on soo many and soc security,immigration and the DR slop that
    that now permeates our homeland…

    Like 1
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  16. Stop Calling says:

    he Head Coach..he a dead roach

  17. SMH says:

    Could you imagine CLaude Skelton In Balo. Pumpkin will smiling.

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