BVI News

Anonymous anti-NDP billboard mounted days before elections

A little more than a week before the territory goes to the polls, a billboard has been mounted in the capital city of Road Town campaigning against the Myron Walwyn-led National Democratic Party (NDP).

It is not clear whether one of the NDP’s political opponents is responsible for the sign, which sends what can be described as a strong warning to the local electorate.

The advert — which is simply signed ‘concerned citizens’ — does not purport to favour any of the other three political parties contesting the elections.

The message on the sign suggests that the NDP has brought the territory into something of a run-down state while serving as the governing party for the last two consecutive terms (eight years).

As depicted in the above photograph, the sign reads: “Our territory will not survive a third NDP term”.

The other parties | Fraser knocked out of race for Premier? 

The other parties contesting the polls are the Julian Fraser-led Progressives United, the Andrew Fahie-led Virgin Islands Party (VIP), and the Ronnie Skelton-led Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM).

Fraser’s party is fielding six candidates which considerably decreases his chances of becoming the territory’s next Premier considering a party needs at least seven persons to form government. The PVIM, in the meantime, is fielding a total of nine candidates while the VIP stands as the only party fielding a full 13 slate of candidates for the upcoming elections.

The NDP has fallen just shy of having a full slate with 11 candidates.

A total of 14,935 persons are registered to vote in the elections which will see advanced polling day on February 21 and the general election on February 25.

READ: Total of 41 candidates nominated for elections

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  1. Funny says:

    It’s funny that they put up something like that because as bad as the NDP may have been they have done some very good things. I don’t see another party right now that can do better than the NDP and that’s just being objective and honest at this time. I see good candidates on all teams but as a party VIP, PVIM, PU cannot match NDP. People need to ask themselves if now is the time to change the Government based on all that is happening around us.

    Like 79
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    • oh yaes says:

      People have asked themselves if now is the time to change the government and the answer is a resounding YES!!!

      A Myron Lead NDP is dangerous for our country. THEY MUST GO!!

      Like 107
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      • Lies says:

        Please stop telling lies as they are the only party with visions and a plan on how to get things done!! NDP ALL THE WAY

        Like 21
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        • @LIES says:

          @LIES, please excuse. The NDP does have an Eye specialist on their team; but if their good vision saw planes on direct flight from America and the world touching down on TBIA without doing the necessary research and due diligence, we’d have the call it something else. If they didn’t see the Pier Park expansion sliding way past the allocated $35-million, that’s very poor vision. If they didn’t see Peebles Hospital rolling past the allocated $65-million, now at $120-million, the Vision master needs upgraded equipment or a refresher. If they didn’t see the $23+-million lawsuits being drained from governments pockets, that’s not vision to brag about.

          Like 13
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      • Lol says:

        So your saying one of the other leaders is better where is the puff your just a nother person that listens to other and dont know facts

        Like 4
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      • The Truth says:

        I hope it is not because his roots is not from here, and because of the important reason.

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    • Loud and Clear says:

      We don’t want this man.

      Put the BVI first and give him the freedom to go run his restaurants.

      BVI <3

      Like 76
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    • BVI says:

      @Funny: you spooking something. Another 4 years of NDP will result in the UK suspending the VI Construction. Let’s hope and pray that it’s the best from among the field meaning from every single candidate.. matter of fact party politics should be outlawed

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    • high time says:

      Need a change most definitely

  2. Accra says:

    so true none of the other parties ready to lead this country

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    • Eyesontheprize says:

      So what is this pronouncement based on. A government that let us go 7 years, ten months without decent roads and 2 weeks before elections all of a sudden there is money to fix the roads. I for one feels insulted and taken as a fool.

      They put on a good show during campaign time.

      When its all done, they go into their silos and make there decisions with no regard for the country, its people or our best interests.

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  3. Troll King says:

    Cardcaptors of the Clow,
    Expect the unexpected now!

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  4. Anonymous says:

    Our territory will not survive under any of the other parties unless they can create thirteen

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  5. Putting ALL Jokes Aside says:

    As we countdown to the final days to the general elections and sift through all the drama that is now going on, we as a people need to take a serious look at which party we REALLY feel is the best one to run this country despite all the campaign rhetoric, social media memes and inflammatory billboards. I believe by now every voter basically have a good idea who they SHOULD vote for. We ALL know that we are at crossroads, and what we are up against in the near future needs careful thought and mature thinking voters to do the right thing. What I do know, is that none of the parties are perfect but the one that operates more like a cohesive team with experienced candidates should get the job.

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  6. Well says:

    Wow, look at the level some people will stoop. Is that legal? Whoever is responsible and who they hire to put up the sign, you are worst of the low of lows.Only kids do s**t like that. Goes to show you,someone is really scared and paranoid. That sign don’t sway me one bit. The joke is on the person responsible for having the sign placed there.

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  7. Weir D. Playne says:

    This is a remix of an earlier post of NDP’s accomplishments:

    – Missing plane $7.2 million

    – $8 million for East End Sewerage project diverted to Pier Park.

    – Destroyed Agriculture (Farmer’s week cancellation and poor support previous years)

    – Green Houses never used just because it was a VIP project resulting in millions wasted.

    – Brandy Wine Fake Beach over $2 million wasted project apparently abandoned.

    – Over $1 million spent on widening Georgie Hill road.

    – Pier Park millions overrun and millions spent on a few kiosk.

    – Road Town Sewerage issues including today in peak tourist traffic.

    – Hospital millions overrun and years to complete

    – Fake Culture Dress/Song no song or dress can instill pride when sewage flows in town and garbage burning causes the USVI residents to angrily complain.

    – High School Wall issue, millions spent on a wall
    Trump would be proud.

    – Cane Garden Bay Sewerage near popular tourist attraction.

    – NHI operating at a massive loss despite being established to save money (how ironic) from paying for a few people that had no insurance to go overseas for treatment in emergency situations.

    – Pockwood Pond Incinerator Issues, open burning

    – West End Ferry Terminal non existent

    – Police Dept. funding issue. First time a governor has ever intervened in our finances to seize funds to assist law enforcement.

    – Fire Station neglect

    – Where is the millions supposedly donated by other countries after Irma???

    – Over $20 million spent on consultancies in the last 6 years.

    – Over $23 million and counting lost in lawsuits against Government.

    – Banks and Airports closed on sister islands

    – Schools begging for toilet paper and stationery

    – No water / major water delivery issue for many residents even in 2019… ridiculous.

    – No financial audits

    – Failure to complete over 80% of their 2011 and 2015 manifesto

    Like 117
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    • Economist says:

      The Economist summed it all up by highlighting the NDP’s fiscal mismanagement and corruption.

      Why did the NDP refuse to inact whistleblower laws? Do they have something to hide? Why didn’t they release the annual audits. Why didn’t they release the financial audit from the Pier Project? Why didn’t they ever explain their logic in investing $7.2 in BVI airways and even more on the nearly empty airport.

      They have mismanaged our country for too long.

      Like 57
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    • Well says:

      And how much of these was problems under the VIP?? Nothing in life just crumbles one time all these and more was starting to fail under the VIP.. It was just the passage of Irma that helps speed up the process of some… agriculture was always on the fall under the VIP that’s why the green house came into play…

      Like 15
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    • Ndp says:

      Lol will my friend do what you need to do if your party gets in we all will see the outcome in the end

      Like 3
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    • voiceofthevoiceless says:

      You need to add the lack of transparency on numerous issues and MVW’s blatant disregard and disrespect for democratic institutions such as the Press and the Auditor general. On numerous occasions they have banned arguably the best News Source the Beacon(No disrespect BVINEWS you all do a great job) from their press conferences and then MVW leaking a AG report before it could go through the proper processes. Not sure if he is behind the leaking of the 571k Claude Cline report but would not be surprised but the Beacon did a great Job on that already and that is one of the reasons why I cannot understand why VIP is harboring this opportunistic, selfish Dude.

      I know one thing for sure is that I can not support or vote for NDP. I am looking at all options but anybody but NDP.

      Like 37
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    • Bossman says:

      Thanks for remix and improvements! I approve this message!!!
      There is only One Option – VOTE THEM OUT!

      Like 39
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    • Oops says:

      Am not sure if it’s a ploy to lay the burden of NDPfailure on the back of the new leader but am happy that you took the time out to highlight the failures. Just to ensure that the blame squarely lay where they aught to I’ve taken a small time to attack a ministry and minister.

      This is a refix of an earlier post of Dr. Smith’s NDP’s accomplishments:
      – Missing plane $7.2 million ——- Finance Minister > Dr. Smith’s
      – $8 million for East End Sewerage project diverted to Pier Park.——– MCW > Vanterpool
      – Destroyed Agriculture (Farmer’s week cancellation and poor support previous years) —– D. K Pickering (Deputy Premier)
      – Green Houses never used just because it was a VIP project resulting in millions wasted. ——- D. K Pickering (Deputy Premier)
      – Brandy Wine Fake Beach over $2 million wasted project apparently abandoned. —– D. K Pickering (Deputy Premier)
      – Over $1 million spent on widening Georgie Hill road. ——MCW > Hon M. Vanterpool
      – Pier Park millions overrun and millions spent on a few kiosk. —–MCW > Hon M. Vanterpool
      – Road Town Sewerage issues including today in peak tourist traffic. –MCW > Vanterpool
      – Hospital millions overrun and years to complete. —- Hon. R. Skelton (former minister of Health and Social Services) (and Former Deputy Premier)
      – Fake Culture Dress/Song no song or dress can instill pride when sewage flows in town and garbage burning causes the USVI residents to angrily complain. — MEC > Hon M. Walwyn.
      – High School Wall issue, millions spent on a wall
      Trump would be proud. ——-MEC > Hon M. Walwyn.
      – Cane Garden Bay Sewerage near popular tourist attraction. ——–MCW > Hon M. Vanterpool
      – NHI operating at a massive loss despite being established to save money (how ironic) from paying for a few people that had no insurance to go overseas for treatment in emergency situations. — Hon. R. Skelton (former minister of Health and Social Services) (and Former Deputy Premier)
      – Pockwood Pond Incinerator Issues, open burning— Hon. R. Skelton (former minister of Health and Social Services) (and Former Deputy Premier)
      – West End Ferry Terminal non existent—- Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Police Dept. funding issue. First time a governor has ever intervened in our finances to seize funds to assist law enforcement.— Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Fire Station neglect ——-MCW > Vanterpool
      – Where is the millions supposedly donated by other countries after Irma??? – Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Over $20 million spent on consultancies in the last 6 years. – Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Over $23 million and counting lost in lawsuits against Government. – Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Banks and Airports closed on sister islands. – Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Schools begging for toilet paper and stationery. —— MOE > Hon M. Walwyn
      – No water / major water delivery issue for many residents even in 2019… ridiculous. —-MCW > Hon. M. Vanterpool
      – No financial audits. —– – Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF)
      – Failure to complete over 80% of their 2011 and 2015 manifesto. —— Dr. D. O. Smith (Premier and MOF).
      It is wonderful when one check the list properly to get a clear picture of who overspent the finances. As a matter of public service Let’s keep it real for real. Oh and do ask all the aspirants who were part of the NDP who has become independent or change parties to give account of their stewardship.

  8. BLOWING SMOKE says:

    Stay focused, We Moving In One Direction, FORWARD.

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  9. Know it all says:

    Thank you Hon MVW. I have followed every campaign and you are by far the best. I have voted VIP for the past 3 elections, this year I am voting for you and your team. You are very poised and you are an articulate speaker. My other siblings and I have sat and spoken about this in detail..we are all voting NDP this time..all 7 of us. We are in the third by the way. Aaron you have already won…I wish you guys the best.

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    • Know ENOUGH says:

      I voted religiously for NDP the last 3 elections and NO other parties have never made me as ashamed to be a BVIslander like NDP 1 and NDP 2. The majority of the electorate cannot in their right senses vote these people back in. They were BLATANT with their reckless spending and has NOTHING much to show for it. What took the cake for me was our tax payers money of SEVEN POINT TWO MILLION DOLLARS that’s gone with the wind and NOBODY cares to tell us where our money disappeared and if we will get it back. These people should be made to PAY US BACK. This seems to have been an elaborate plot to pocket $7.2 MILLION DOLLARS. This was the turning point among the other reckless run away projects. 90 % of the electorate (including my family of 9) have sat and can’t catch themselves as to what really happened to our country. I cry for my country! NEVER in the history of the Virgin Islands. I wish every last one of them get voted out for their disregard of the people of these beautiful Virgin Islands.

      I do not know it all, but I know ENOUGH!!!! AND WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

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  10. Wow says:

    Shame on the person that actual paid to print and put up something like this. God don’t like ugly that person shall be touch with God wrought.

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  11. I agree says:

    The sign reads absolutely right

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  12. Ever Thought Of says:

    Reverse Psychology? If you can’t beat them one way, beat them a next way …

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  13. Old says:

    We need a change no more ndp ,we can t eat the same food for 8 years they must go.

    Like 57
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  14. rastarite says:

    Plenty candidates smelling the cookie jar. It takes a lot of research and investigation to find the RIGHT people for the job

    Like 31
  15. Ask the company says:

    Ndp ppl pay for that billboard for sympathy from the public

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  16. From outside looking on says:

    My goodness this behaviour is at a all time low in the BVI. From the outside looking in,it looks horrible. Is people in the BVI that evil? Everyone on the outside is watching. The behaviour that is going on in the BVI, is going to cause the destruction of the BVI. People is taking it upon themselves to put up signs to sway votes. How is that legal? That is some low,disgusting, sick dysfunctional behavior. Then there is the sickos on line condoning this type of behavior as normal. Something is seriously wrong and abnormal in the BVI.

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  17. Reality says:

    Very very poorly reported BVI news . You make and print an assumption as to what the poster means. This reporter is making a political statement hidden in the report just before an election .

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  18. Anonymous says:

    90% of them got into politics just for a chance at the cookie jar, prestige and high life, truthful and sadly.

    In the end, the greatest losers are the country and the rest of the people.

    Like 28
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  19. Coalition government says:

    I think I see a coalition government which is good in it own way,people will talk more instead of one government doing what they want .

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    • Ting to talk says:

      If we do get a coalition government who will be premier and minister of finance? Will they be willing to work together?

      Like 7
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      • Well says:

        They have to or call a bi-election to vote all the reluctant ones out

      • #@@ says:

        @ Ting to talk
        If we vote and get a coalition government, these persons need to realize, we put them in there to do the job for us using our tax money. That is what they signed up to do. However, if they cannot work well with other people, this would mean that they applied for the wrong JOB. Party all the way, got us to where we are now. And, we don’t like what we see. They thief our money. We have yet to lock someone up for it. Time to change how we have been doing things. Unless you want to continue to receive the same sh-t.

        Like 14
  20. *Shrugs* says:

    It’s true.

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  21. Expat says:

    If I was able to vote it would be for NDP!

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  22. Concerned Individual says:

    Listen my people. If it wasn’t true I would have defended them. But as harsh as it may be, it’s the truth!! Ayo going really Vote for NDP again?!! No sah, not with everything that has happened. We wiser than this. And Especially not after that last minute road paving stunt!!! That thing had me so furious. That’s even more money wasted and for what!! Rushed, messy, poor job. It was obviously a politic stunt, we not fools!!

    Like 48
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  23. Just Curious says:

    I am wondering whatbis what with the Billboard and the words that it depicts? I have heard all the opposing party used the same words in their political campaign that the BVI cannot afford a third term of this NDP government. All the Billboard is doing is telling the message in a stationary position so that voters whether VIP NDP PU PVIM or those willing to vote for an Independent candidate can read and make an informed decision. This is politics and if anybody thought that political campaign will be clean then they need to check themselves again. It is a dog eat dog world in politics.

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  24. Amazed says:

    How is such a solid detailed structure erected in the middle of town with neither approval from the R***** or Town and planning !! Oh yes.. I know …. there are no cameras or street lights so no proof !! Some one approved this !! Police do your investigation because this “swaying “ billboard needs to come down ! Police , Governor , do your investigating. This cannot be allowed nor can this hateful sign be left up !

    Like 6
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    • Just wondering says:

      @ Amazed

      How did you come to the conclusion that it wasn’t approved?

      Like 22
    • @Amazed says:

      I think the cat people dem put up this billboard too LOL.

      Same MO. no body knows who it for, nobody claiming it and Town & Country did not approve lol, lol.

      Will the Good Samaritan take it down? lol

  25. Haha says:

    The truth sounds like hate to those that hate the truth.

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  26. Anonymous says:

    But how comes the billboard is place above A&B sign.. And the A&B owners have not come to clear the air? The funny thing is only the negative of the NDP is coming out and we as a people always quick to run with stuff no realizing it’s a damaging effect on the territory on a whole and not just a party… defaming any political party is defaming yourself and family because the end of the day we all will be represented by these individuals locally, regionally,internationally so whatever is been said and done now will always be lingering for a very long time… Remember the bad will always remembered in people’s minds not the good..

    Like 9
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  27. :) says:

    Anytime your reason for voting for NDP is what other choices do you have?, they did it too or blame parties that got voted out almost a decade ago you are an enabler of corruption, financial mismanagement and a plague to society.

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  28. What!’n says:

    How can the sign be anoymouse when the board it is on is owned by A &B ???

    Like 10
  29. Anonymous says:

    “anoymouse”??????????? LOL.

    Lord have mercy. You are slaughtering the English language.

    Hey, there is something called spell check. Use it before you murder another word.

    The word is anonymous. My God.

    Like 5
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  30. Reality people says:

    You all are behaving like spoil children in this place.go to the the other caribbean and you will see and know how to run a campaign .its nasty .so please relax your selves it will soon be over nothing aint wrong with the billboard.

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  31. My PSA Anouncement says:

    I’m from down D3 way and I am rolling with NDP.

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  32. Son of the soil says:

    The White Bvi islanders need to come together and form a Party. Then the Bvi will move forward. VIP and NDP will be the end of the bvi

    Like 19
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    • Hmm !! says:

      Son of the soil… There are white BVI Islanders? But those so called first generation with patents from the other Caribbean Islands are referred to as island people, island man, garruts and the list goes on. The blatant hypocrisy around here. Papa God!!

      Like 1
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    • Hmm!!!!Whattttt????? says:

      @son of the Soil!!!

      It is ignorance like this that is the foundation of our electorate???
      Go sit down with that brainwashed madness.

      Focus my people!!!!!

      We have four parties . The track record of the leaders and their demonstrated competence is what should speak.

      They say the work you have done speaks for you. When you seek a job you are asked to Bring a resume to see if your past experience indicates you can handle the job.

      Now. Let’s go through them?

      VIP leader – Has done nothing to improve his district and has been a minister for a number (8) of years , schools were falling apart and he was sharing out large sums of money for programs with no tangible results up to today. His family’s holdings has been depleted and rented out since he entered politics.

      NDP- 70 contractors on one wall. UNDER INVESTIGATION. Starts businesses with no accountability and move on when failing. Shuns taking responsibility. Partnering to undermine BVI ‘s interests even in business startups and transactions . Has disqualified himself since he have publicly stated that they as a legislator cannot protect the best interests of the BVI and its people. Not much more needs to be said. Except that tells us that they are in the wrong profession since that is the purpose (to protect the best interests of the people of the Country) of a legislator.

      PU- Leader is willing but has an attitude and reputation problem. Don’t seem to understand that the entire BVI must work together. District 3 is not the entire BVI and it is not ok to dole out government money to friends and family (by the way all of them needs to learn this).

      PVIM- Has a bit of a problem with his thinking that government can take care of every body with a bit of a socialist approach. But is the most pragmatic. He gets things done and is no one’s puppet. Has demonstrated through his public professional resume and his private business track record that he is competent and understands how to make sense out of nonsense to look out for the BVI’s and its people’s best interests.

      Last week people!!!
      FOCUS, then vote sensibly, please.

      Like 4
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  33. No nonsense says:

    @Outside looking in, who in the kitchen feel the heat. We still don’t have enough lighting,constant water supply, electricity still going off at random and damaging your tax free appliances and s**t in streets and on and on. You still looking in….I still have more…!!Dem got to go, speach is still free and we live in a democracy society….still looking, I have more….!

    Like 12
  34. Anonymous says:

    Can we please add how insulting the NDP have been by covering our roads with temporary and expensive tarmac just days before the elections. They are mocking us as the people, enough is enough.

    NDP Out. The poster and the long long lost of huge errors is more than enough to sway anyone of sound mind to vote for someone else.

    Myron can’t build a wall, how can he build a country?

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  35. Ausar says:

    And why is this even news..

    It’s political season, for Gods sakes..

    ALL is fair in love and war!

  36. Anonymous says:

    The ones that cripple our economy as left the ndp,forming there parties,if your a crocodile you can walk upright hide your tail but at the end your still a crocodile.

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  37. Bram Stoker’s says:

    That Man Is A 7 Foot Vampire Try Get Him To Take Off Those Black Shades You’ll See (Prayers For This Nation)

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