BVI News

Another policeman charged in largest drug bust in BVI history!

A second law enforcement officer has been charged in relation to the 2,300-kilo cocaine that was seized in the BVI last month.

This second accused policeman has been identified as 32-year-old Emile Jimenez.

A media release from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) on Thursday, December 3 said Officer Jimenez is to appear before the Magistrate’s Court at the next available court date charged with “one count of being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug to another, three counts of unlawful possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply, one count of keeping a firearm without a licence, and one count of unlawful possession of a prohibited weapon”.

“This arrest is as a result of ongoing investigations in the cocaine seized in Balsum Ghut in early November. Inquiries are continuing in the matter,” the RVIPF stated.

In the meantime, the other persons arrested and charged iare 41-year-old police constable, Darren Davis and his 40-year-old brother, Liston Davis. Officer Davis has been a law enforcer for more than 20 years.

The drugs in question have an estimated value of a quarter-billion dollars and were seized alongside multiple guns while police were executing a search warrant at a property in Balsam Ghut, Tortola on the evening of Friday, November 6.

USVI captures alleged kingpin linked to BVI’s recent cocaine bust

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  1. Wow says:

    Two down and a lot more to go this is our bvi police force dat we supose to let protect us police force here really need a shake up too much going on dats hidden its like all of a sudden our police men in d news alot lately. Oh well lets keep looking to c wats next

    Like 32
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  2. Shame says:

    These down island officers

    Like 8
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  3. Wow says:

    From time I see he driving that new Audi i knew something wasn’t rite!!!

    Like 30
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  4. Guest says:

    Only 2? .

    Like 14
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    • @only 2? says:


      Like 26
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      • Volkswagen says:

        So he couldn’t go the bank and get a loan to buy the Audi?? I never saw said Audi but I’m sure it was used. A lot of them cars don’t even hold value like their name lol

        Like 4
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  5. Reply says:

    A darn shame. Those responsible for upholding the laws are being accused of breaking the law in such a significant way.

    The streets have been talking about bad cops for some time now. Looks like the streets were right.

    It’s time to clean house and round up all the bad cops who are given the other cops a bad name. This kind of alleged behavior cannot be tolerated.

    The rest of us are expected to abide by the laws; cops who disgrace the badge they wear should be no exception and must be held to a higher standard simply because they know better.

    What other shoes are there to drop?

    Like 22
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  6. Lol says:

    that’s why i do not trust them at all

    Like 8
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  7. The truth says:

    Proud of ayo, RVIPF. You an example to all of us. When those in your household doing wrong, you arrest them and tell everybody bout it. Respect due!! Who in the BVI gonna put dem own in jail for doing wrong. Don’t mind the talk. You cleaning house. Keep on swimming.

    Like 22
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  8. In the meanwhile says:

    Bvi need to sell that stuff and use the money to make their roads.?? dont dump millions in the sea the fishes will have a ball.

    Like 6
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  9. Rubber Duck says:

    Another Indian. When do we get to the chiefs.

    Like 22
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  10. So ashame says:

    You sure bet it have a chief, but when he or she get exposed alot of we will be surprised might even get heartattack,and let us not point figures becaues we don’t who is who that all i have to say

    Like 5
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  11. haha says:


    LOL have a nice day yal!

    Like 8
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  12. Anonymous says:

    This was bound to happen eventually. A high percentage of police officers only set foot in the BVI when they came to work in the BVI. Some of those guys may have only become officers in the BVI to get access and knowledge of police whereabouts to further aid in their criminal intentions. They see it as easy money.

    Like 5
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  13. @ Anonymous says:

    Your comment is cute but they are all long standing officers and residents of the BVI. Dnt get it twisted sweet child!

    Like 1
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  14. Truth Be Told says:

    Some of these officers have records from their country that has been wiped away…hmmmmmm. How are we going to respect these officers. Wow!

  15. Money and Corruption/Husband and Wife. says:

    The drug world is the huge and quick money world. And, wherever there is money of any amount, the human mind will be there seeking to satisfy its lust for it.

    On two separate occasions had the opportunity to observe and evaluate so called raid in the Ghetto.

    It was so evident that the purpose was not about law enforcement, but using the guise of law enforcement , the weapons’ and uniform to search for and confiscate materials for purposes other than law enforcement. The body language was speaking volumes..

  16. Pancake says:

    We will soon hear the names of the ppl in government
    This is not a small man business it’s a big man thing
    That’s why the want to get raid of the governor

  17. West says:

    After the police, clean up customs from the top down then those frequent trailers chauffeurs

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