BVI News

Another Recovery & Development Agency needed?

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr Natalio Wheatley has suggested that there may be a need for an agency similar to the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) after the organisation gets dissolved in the near future.

He said a similar agency could assist government ministries with developing formal project plans that lending institutions require before they give loans to the BVI.

Premier Wheatley made the suggestion during a meeting of the Standing Finance Committee because he said many budgeted projects are not executed because ministries find it challenging to develop project plans needed to approach lending agencies.

But he said when the RDA takes on projects, they move more quickly so a similar agency could help ministries with project planning so government can get loans.

According to the Premier, while that agency is focusing on planning projects to meet the timeline of lending agencies, the ministries could focus on their operational needs.

It’s the Finance Ministry’s job

But Opposition Leader Julian Fraser was not in favour of the Premier’s idea. He told the Standing Finance Committee that it is the Finance Ministry’s responsibility to ensure that the projects get rolled out, and they should not rely on the other ministries to do so because it would not happen.

He also said the Finance Ministry needs to take charge so that loans are received and the territory can move forward with development.

The RDA was formed in the aftermath of the 2017 hurricanes and was tasked with specific projects aimed at rebuilding the BVI.

The agency has completed many projects to date and the initial plan after its formation in April 2018 was for the agency to be dissolved after five years. However, Cabinet decided back in October to extend the life of the RDA for an additional two years and eight months.

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  1. talk that! says:

    What we need is a real premier…One that was voted for

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  2. BuzzBvi says:

    Great idea. With a bit of tweeking and the right appointments the corrupt moneygoround could carry on.

  3. Public Works says:

    Is public works Depart now defunct?

  4. Truth says:

    We do NOT need more “consultants” who are friends of the politicians. We need professional project managers with expertise in infrastructure development. If there are fully qualified BVIslanders with these skills, then great, but I doubt we have enough. For our future, to be built upon firm foundations, we need experts to assist us, from wherever we can find the right skills.

    Like 11
  5. lol says:

    An actual Government is what is required.

    Like 10
  6. Anonymous says:

    Yeah right… All yo really think people, BVIslanders, Tolians stewpid.. All yo figet the comment, ” dem who went befo me did so i goin i to do the same thing so shut yo mouth? In essence, thieving government money was doe by the fore runners so they going in to do the same thing. Now seeking another agency for what? Another source for pilfering? Now maybe nothing of the sort is going on, but having read the statement, the thought was planted in the mind.

  7. @talk that says:

    May I remind you that at no point in time of the history of elections in the BVi have we EVER voted for the premier. Usually once the leader of a party that has one the majority seats also wins his, they become premier. So unless the constitution is amended to pave the way for the premier to be an elected post, the status quo will remain

    Like 2
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  8. @ ANONYMOUS says:

    It’s called the script , and it was written by saint andrew , their coach

  9. FYI to the person answering "Talk that" says:

    Parties are not voted in at times because of who the leader is….Example, the NDP lost because Myron was the leader…The majority didn’t want him as premier so you will see what will happen to the VIP next time around with Shownde as leader

  10. WEW says:

    Can’t lay anybody off. Have to keep the cronies and relatives collecting a paycheck. Note I didn’t say that four letter word WORK

  11. @@ ANONYMOUS says:

    No it wasn’t.

  12. Hard working citizen says:

    You all should work on your reputation before someone is willing to get involved.

  13. Whatistrue says:

    We need leaders who understand government and proper governance, public sector execution and how it is not and should not be private sector profit mongering. How to tell good advisors from nonsensical unwise ideas. How to stand down mischief makers. How to guide everyone including UK and local colonialist lovers seeking self advancement at the expense of the BVI. The RDA has set back the advancement of the BVI Government/public services management improvement for a very long time. OL is making some sense here.

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