BVI News

‘Apologise or I’ll sue’, says O’Neal after Skelton Cline’s ‘bribery for votes’ claim

Dr Hubert O’Neal

Following a series of statements that can be described as damning, spokesperson for the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Claude Skelton Cline is now being threatened with legal action.

This threat has come from National Democratic Party (NDP) legislator seeking another term as the representative of the Ninth Electoral District, Dr Hubert O’Neal.

Dr O’Neal’s threat of legal action is in response to Skelton Cline’s statements that he (Dr O’Neal) has been engaging in bribery to secure his electoral seat after the upcoming general elections.

“They open up a chequebook for him (O’Neal) giving $200,000,” Skelton Cline had said while addressing a gathering in Virgin Gorda on Sunday, February 10.

‘Take the money’

Skelton Cline, a clergyman, further encouraged voters to accept the bribes.

“I want you to take the money. If he ain’t come by you yet you, go by him … you track him down from wherever he is and just tell him: ‘I come for my envelope’ … We done seen some of them envelops,” Skelton Cline said, adding that persons should vote out the NDP after accepting the so-called bribes.

“I want you to take the money. If he ain’t come by you yet you go by him” — Skelton Cline

In a subsequent statement on Tuesday, Dr O’Neal denounced the clergyman’s claims and categorically denied ever engaging in the bribery of voters. He said such practices are ‘beneath’ him, adding that bribery is a clear violation of local election laws.

He then demanded a public apology from Skelton Cline. He also demanded an apology from his VIP opponent Vincent Wheatley, at whose launch Skelton Cline made the comments. He suggested that Wheatley ought to have denounced the comments then and there.

“I demand both apologies to be made verbally on ZBVI and written on Facebook, from where these utterances were broadcasted to the public, by 12 noon on Nomination Day 14th February 2019,” Dr O’Neal said.

He added: “Receiving no apology by the prescribed deadline will result in legal action for libel and slander.”

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  1. Peaches says:

    What a messy election!

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    • How now brown cow says:

      The VIP are plagued by Claude O (for Overspend) Skelton Cline, and his connection to the party is its biggest problem. Andrew Fahie successfully distanced himself from the Esteemed and now needs to do the same with the Overspend.

      Like 22
      • present says:

        How is the esteemed distanced? I’m sure I see the esteemed plenty of times on the podium. As a matter of fact the last thing I heard came right from the esteemed mouth VIP D4 Launch,was something about Tanty Merl. Correct me if I’m wrong. smh
        Not sure why Fahie see them fit to take center stage but It’s not looking good at all.

    • ??? says:

      Yes, what CSC said was terrible especially coming from a “pastor”.

      But Bertie has a lot more to worry about than CSC, he is losing the PR and may ultimately lose the race.

      He should stop letting CSC distract him and concentrate on what is important.

  2. Youth says:

    Get him Doc! that was very low of him.

    Like 49
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    • VG says:

      It is time someone put this MR CSC in his place he want to be on every Rally Podium with his nasty rhetoric.Claude Skelton will be the downfall of the VIP

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    • Bertie says:


      When you know you want to be in politics, have a broad back. Stop whining. Like a baby and try to win your race. You have bigger problems to be worrying about cause Wheatley is for the win

      Like 27
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      • Not2Sure says:

        A broad back is one thing.

        But those accusations cross the line.

        At some point right thinking people are entitled to say: Enough! Politics is one thing, but that is just slander.

        Like 22
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        • ACCUSATIONS AND LIES says:

          so why you don’t tell the people why you all lying on the trail about how you get to VG after the storm. You didn’t hire no damn helicopter and pay for it. Two citizens abroad arranged and YOU AND MYRON DIDNT PAY A DIME. YOU DID N——–G FOR THE DISTRICT AND NOW YOU WANT A VOTE. YOU THE SAME ONE WHO DEMANDED THAT VGROC CLOSE DOWN CAUSE YOU B—–E OPENING YOUR OWN RECOVERY CENTER> WHERE IS THE HUBERT ONEAL RECOVERY CENTER????? TELL US WE DEMAND TO KNOW!!!!

          Like 3
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  3. Lordie says:

    Bertie mehson for God in heaven sake go SID DUNG!

    Claude did not call your name out so even though it could have been perceived as it was you he as talking about you have no case.


    Like 43
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  4. Reply says:

    Loose lips sinks ships or get you sued. Would there be a love offering by Valentines Day?

    Like 17
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  5. Terms says:

    Dr Oneal you right

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    • @Terms says:

      I agree Mr.O Neal is a really nice dude. He is just a quiet humble type of guy. Go after Cline the legal way. Cline,you stepped on the wrong toes this time. Double shame on you Cline for stooping so low.

      Like 32
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    • Strupes says:

      Then all other politicians need to sue too. Try do sit down. Are you g—– Bertie?

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  6. Resident says:

    All this talk about white envelopes and I have yet to meet someone who said yes they received one.

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  7. Joke! says:

    I am not a Hubert fan but what was said is out of line without proof of such actions. I don’t doubt it goes on, and sure as the sun will rise tomorrow political parties here are no strangers to such white envelope actions either.

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  8. jack says:

    please play the game clean take him to the laundry fast

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  9. Know it all says:

    This man claude is the d***l himself. What a shame this is. This man uses the church et al to spread his assishneess. When is this going to be enough. Where is andrew in all this. Be a darn leader and bell your frothing cat

    Like 40
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  10. VG Class Mate says:

    Bunch ah cold blooded set ah possessed christian bedevilled demonic infidels.

    God does not make to many gentle, kind, reserved, soft spoken and quiet minded personalities of such that go about their daly business and mind their own business.

    The type of personalities such as the Doc., who does not need politics, its salary or to buy a single vote, or the friendship of a single mortal for that matter, yet there are morons who find it respectful to throw disrespect at him.

    So, in his defense, do go sid dung and take the dung out the cavity of the head!

    Like 18
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  11. Apology says:

    IF the man didn’t call a name then simply rephrase the statement made in an apology without any name. And who the cap fit, let them wear it!

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  12. vip heckler says:

    What about the one who called baldhead tauntie merle?

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  13. LOL says:

    Mehson the man didn’t call your name, yo is a cry cry baby

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  14. But wait says:

    He didn’t call Dr O’Neal’s name and yes last year i got $600:00

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  15. Yes says:

    Hubert finally got balls.This frothy mouth boy Cline should be ashame.of himself.People refer to him as clergy & yet still he here telling.people to go &accept bribes Cline ur nothing but DISGRACE.Hubert stay firm run a clean campaign don’t stòop low like these scum. Butch u too should be ashame u promised ur mom a clean campaign now what

    Like 27
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  16. No words says:

    CSC has proven that he has no sort of values or principles just anything for money and power. All of the candidates for VIP should apologize to the voters for the behavior being displayed at their functions, it is just horrible and tasteless. How can they come into our homes seeking votes and claiming to be decent people while condoning and cheering on this nasty, ghetto behavior. They should all have to apologize to us for the foolishness.

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  17. Bertie says:

    Don’t let this fraud of a person get away with this. He feel that because you are the quiet humble one he is going to pick on you. Quiet humble people bites very hard. Bernie for real,don’t let him get away with this.I watch this fraud man like a hawk watching unhatched eggs. He is a manuplator, trouble maker and a dangerous man.Mark my words, he is going to be the VIP DOWNFALL.That man is trouble with a capital T.

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  18. Bush Tea says:

    This person Claude need to get from in front of the VIP. He is bad news and they cannot see it. Lies after Lies after Lies and people are starting to notice what is taking place.

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  19. Anonymous says:

    Tell the p—-r what did not get his contract renewed to carry back the 18 millions to the port

    Like 16
  20. VINO says:

    I have not gotten the INFO YET!!!

  21. VG says:

    Listen Cline, don’t come up here on Bertie turf starting the drama. If that is the deal with you, don’t come back up here with the drama or you will get pelted with a few rock stones. Take your drama down Carrot Bay.

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    • Carrot Bay says:

      leave Carrot Bay out of this.

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      • @Carrot Bay says:

        The blogger is right. How are you going to go in the man’s District and try to set him up like that. It is the same as you sitting at my dining table in my house and you disrespect my house. It is no secret Mr.Fraud and your D1 leader is in bed together.

  22. Oh boy says:

    This Politics thing is not for little Boys. If you can not stand the Heat get the Hell out of the Dam kitchen. Please, you feeling the pressure, so you are like a drowning man grabbing at a straw. NDP supporters you all are too dam bias. What about when he was the Mouth Piece of NDP. Get up and fight like a man. We don’t want no Cry Cry Baby.

    But quiet my foot. So you all NDP supporters believe he will change. Not for hell. People take out your heads in the sand like Ostrich. Please

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  23. Drama says:

    He dun feel them licks he want talk about sue

    Like 1
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  24. Weir D. Playne says:

    Forget about the deadline and sue him right away because you stand a Waaaaaaaaay better chance of winning the lawsuit than another election.

    Like 8
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  25. And says:

    Andrew sat there lost in translation and allow shady to throw his shade. Oh, I forgot, Cline is the leader of VIP. He is the ring master. Cline crack the whip and Andrew jump. ohhhh Andrew he is going to destroy you.

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  26. Voter says:

    For years I keep hearing about white envelope and never ever gotten one. Who do I need to see or talk to about my envelope?

    In need of a white election envelope????????

    Like 8
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  27. brother b says:

    well well well c—— you want them to do like what you did to A—- with the hundreds f thousand dollars he give you for a——- program that nobody know about

  28. TurtleDove says:

    Let’s see if the VIP has leadership….This needs to be addressed NOW. Shut this mess down.This is just as bad as his empty oil can remarks years ago.

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  29. Opinion says:

    Desperate people do desperate things (in desperation). I hope the powers that be in the U.K. are keeping a close eye on this election.
    What I see is a co-mess. The electorate does not want one leader (a dictator); two leaders appear to have questionable baggage attached to them, and the fourth one, although he does not have a noose around his neck, is being blacklisted by his opponents.
    An interim takeover by the U.K. may be the best bet at this juncture.

    • @Opinion says:

      We do not want or need no Uk, colonial or Neo-colonial interference in our political domestic affairs.

      Isn’t bad enough that “you” are associated with under those not so glamorous historical terms, such as slavery, plunder, work without pay, occupation of lands not bought or paid for, etc, etc, extermination of entire races of people, murder, rape, torture and other human brutalities?

      No, we do not want no “an interim UK take over”. Do so and there will be revolution. Plain and simple. We do want re-colonialization all over again!

      Do so at your own peril. We have work to long; to hard; have sacrifice to much for you to come back and take it all away now.

  30. The General says:

    I hope the police launch an investigation into CSC. Incitement to voters to solicit bribes.

  31. Get Him says:

    I would sue his behind for slander if he does not issue a public apology. This man is starting a whole lot of contusion and making a whole lot enemies. As the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield said, NO RESPECT.

  32. I See says:

    The Fake Pastor is trying to break NDP anyway he can so he try to lay the bait thinking Bertie would bite because he is the quiet one and he would drop for the bait.I often wonder why people always think that if you are quiet you are dumb and soft. You see two dogs sitting under a tree, one is raging and all loud,the other dog is quiet minding his business, people is afraid of the raging and loud dog because they think that dog is going to attack,nope, the quiet dog minding his business is the one to be afraid of. Never for a moment think because a person is quiet and humble they are dumb and soft.

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  33. Observer says:

    Sue him for sure Bertie. Let him put his money where his mouth is

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