BVI News

Aqua Design blames sargassum for water woes on VG

Aqua Design, the company that is responsible for supplying water on Virgin Gorda, has blamed sargassum seaweed for the water woes residents experienced this week.

After residents and businesses in the BVI’s tourism capital experienced little or low water supply, the company said sargassum inhibited the operation of the water production of the desalination plant.

The Handsome Bay Water Plant Company, Aqua Design, said due to the overwhelming amount of sargassum, the pre-filtration system of the open sea intake was inundated and partially blocked, minimising the amount of seawater that could be processed.

As such,the company said plant production had to be reduced to maintain adequate pressure to the equipment. Failure to maintain over 30 PSI (pounds per square inch) to the equipment could result in catastrophic equipment failure.

The Ministry of Works said Aqua Design also told them that they will continue to monitor the intake condition and make the necessary adjustments while a long-term solution will be implemented within the upcoming months.

The company also said water production has resumed to normal operations.

The Ministry assured residents that multiple stakeholders are working together to alleviate this water supply challenge.

This is not the first time Aqua Design has experienced problems with supplying the water it is contracted to supply on Virgin Gorda. Residents have expressed frustration numerous times in the past due to disruptions in the service which affects businesses, schools and general day-to-day life on the island.

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  2. Anonymous says:

    Take the intake conection to the water out into deeper water and put weed gaurds aroud the intake supply. Problem solved.

  3. Action man says:

    Solutions to this problem are endless, competency and motivation is the problem.

  4. Ughhh! says:

    No water from Thursday on SCB…what is going on?!

  5. geography... says:

    perhaps Bi Water’s intakes dont face prevailing wind and current directions responsible for bringing the weed close to the East and South facing shorelines

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