BVI News

Aren’t BVI’s water problems more important than CSC audit?


Ninth District Representative and former Labour minister Vincent Wheatley has questioned whether the territory’s water and sewerage problems were not more important than the government’s contracts with Claude Skelton Cline.

“Somehow I feel that we have kind of cherry-picked a little case here to make a point, and I will have absolutely no part in crucifying somebody who is already severely damaged in the public eye right now,” Wheatley said in the House of Assembly.

Skelton Cline was paid in excess of $365,000 for contracts which he reportedly never delivered on, but Wheatley suggested these pale in comparison to the annual loss of some $20 million by the Water and Sewerage Department which he suggested was not being given sufficient attention.

“We saw in Standing Finance [Committee deliberations] where Water and Sewerage Department loses on average, about $20 million a year. Isn’t that more important for us to look at and report to the governor?” Wheatley asked.

He continued: “We have people’s lives being affected all over the BVI and we’re gonna come here and just single out one person. Are we saying that these other things aren’t important? What are we trying to prove here?”

Wheatley, who was part of the Andrew Fahie administration’s Cabinet that approved the contracts, called the debate over the contracts ‘unusual’ and said persons reputations should not be played around with.

According to Wheatley, future generations will look back and question why lawmakers were wasting their time debating Skelton Cline’s contracts while serious issues needed to be addressed.

He suggested that politicians should instead be focused on addressing what he described as a broken system.

“We all know the system is broken. Let’s find some good solutions for addressing these kinds of things. We saw what happened before with our plane for $7.2 million,” he argued.

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  1. Honestly Speaking says:

    Wow,what a jack….over $300,000 stolen under the guise of contracts,and now caught,it is ok, because you approved it, and should be charged with breach of trust. And now want to be elected again!!. Boy, wheel and come again.

    Like 69
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  2. Really says:

    That man understand what he just said what a mess.

    Like 40
  3. Margaret Thatcher says:

    The BVI water problems are due to the problems highlighted in the COI.

    Like 45
  4. Reason says:

    And a very big one (jack)

    Like 22
  5. Accidently disliked says:


  6. Here goes... says:

    @honestly speaking, totally agree. You have to wonder though at his intellegence when he says ignore over $300,000, we actually are so incompetent that we lose over $20,000,000 a year in one department! That is an impressive kind of stupid…

    Like 37
  7. Johnny Walker says:

    Never trust a dr#nk

    Like 17
  8. @Honestly Speaking says:

    My take is simple;

    Throwing someone under the bus is easy to do but there were many flaws here and because it’s an election year poppy show Marlon forgot all that he approved got his district smelling stink of sewage for 12 years.

    Please take several seats Marlon because the pot is calling the kettle black and nothing blacker and stinker than where we all live in the 7th and 8th district.


    We voting Allan cause Marlon stink a ?

    Like 4
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  9. LB says:

    This man is insane! For sure you won’t be getting back in. We should ignore large scaled corruption because of water woes? This is exactly the type of stuff the ahead Coach would try to sell us.

    I guess we can’t walk and chew at the same time.

    Like 40
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  10. Eyes wide shut says:

    If you don’t think something is wrong with the 300 thousands it’s the 20 million you will fix? Help that make sense

    Like 33
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  11. LOL says:

    he seriously said that? He should not get one vote in the upcoming election.

    Like 37
  12. Rubber Duck says:

    Another one who knew exactly what he was doing when he approved it.

    They are all guilty.

    Like 46
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  13. Mad Max says:

    Whataboutery at the highest level of Government. How can this bunch seriously expect to lead going forward.

    They should all be facing criminal charges.

    Like 27
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  14. Guest says:

    In my humble submission, that was not a sober response.

    Like 21
  15. VI Gyal says:

    I know many may be vex with Marlon for what he allowed years ago when funds were diverted. What I would not sit and allow is to knock him down and praise Allen.

    Marlon along with his then NDP team started the sewerage project which was being done in phases, from Chapel Hill come down. Many youths were able to have jobs through Walwyn’s apprenticeship programme. Many small businesses got a little work to do as well. That phase was to lay the groundwork and connect our people. However some of our people do not construct what they need from having the shit run in our roads and when you try to have them correct it they still want government to fund it. You can not make it seem like no work was done. Plenty more shitty water ran on our roads.

    Some of the funds budgeted for the project had to go into the Pier Park, yes it was over run but also to many contractual and design changes caused that. What do many of us use today or are most greatful for….A cruise Pier most welcoming than what we had before.

    Allen, is a son of our soil of whom I respect…well respected. From time Allen got in trouble years ago with B.S. under the then VIP government, I think he lost his way. Mentally and emotional he had changed. Not one VIP including BS reached out to Allen for him to get back to the Allen we all knew. I do not understand how he can associate with them. BS got all kind of board appointed positions and so on. Allen is hurt and disgruntled and is quick to curse at any and everyone. We talk bout Cindy, but Allen does not have the right attitude at this time that is needed to take us out of the whole the BVI has gone into. My advice would be to put him back on the corporate scene gradually….board or council or department head.

    Do not down Marlon for what he tries to do a member. Infrastructure always falls under the Ministry, it would be for him to push and fight for his people and he does that if you do listen to HOA.

    No politician is perfect…nobody is but if you feel Allen is your answer, so be it. God help you and them.

    Like 14
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  16. VI Gyal says:

    These figures hurt my head.

  17. Crazy Joe says:

    Lets understand this folks.

    Wheatley and the rest of the rat pack gave Skelton Crime a crazily lucrative contract.

    SK produced next to nothing for the money.

    So what did these criminals do? Fire him? No…

    They gave him another contract.

    And again he produced nothing but some meaningless generalities you could read on the internet.

    So what did they do?

    They gave him another contract.

    Banana Republic politics.

    They are all unfit for office and should be barred from positions of power for life.

    Like 45
  18. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Hopefully we can walk and chew. So we should be able to criticize all of the relevant issues at the same time. There is one common denominator throughout all of these issues, terrible management.

    Ministers Sleep (I mean Sheep) At Large and Cousin Vinny for the Ninth sounded like gangsters at the last House of Assembly rather than honorable members of counsel. Sl** Wande sounded like a p**p. Listening to everyone I was embarrassed.

    The ppl we vote for as a whole (VIP NDP etc) can’t be trusted and shouldn’t be managing a pack of gum much less for the public purse. Every department needs an active representative / oversight of the Audit department

    Like 13
  19. sense alone says:

    I’ll be looking forward to hear what he’ll be saying on the EZ shipping report.

    Like 13
  20. idea says:

    What a disappointment, you turned out to be!

    Like 13
  21. YES TO UK says:

    Vincent Wheatley You have just proven to the people of the Britsh Virgin and the UK what kind of person you are, after that statment how can you think about running for office again, you showed us how all of you think.

    Like 21
  22. Shame says:

    There are no righteous corruption –

  23. Shame says:

    There are no righteous corruption –

  24. Below Zero says:

    Zero Accountability is what appears to have been proffered for your X. Deflection of self wrongs are best pushed under the carpet is what some people have garnered.

    Expressing that the caca in the streets are more important and take priority over Fraud De Klyne. PRICELESS!

    Now that’s talking SHI# about someone. LOL

    Like 11
  25. What an absolute a**.. says:

    Covering for his stealing buddies? Throw him out of the country

  26. Naaaa says:

    Skelton Crjme must have something/s holding over the heads of some these Gov duly elected.

    No way could this man come out with such brazen idiotic and unconscionable verbage, I am hoping not only that there is or Jail time for some but that there will be secrets revealed which were used as leverage for obtaining signatures al o ng with blind eyes deaf ears and poor memories.

  27. report says:

    Down in the 3rd,are we going to get a report on that project that the Rep:was involved with.?

  28. When will dis says:

    Claude S**nt-Cloth aka CSC be arrested??

  29. Cut and paste says:

    This don’t make sense

  30. Eccles 8:11 NKJV says:

    Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Rein in ALL the alleged con artists, scammers etc and let them have their day in the people’s Court.

  31. Hello says:

    Please friends and country men and women, let us see to it that this man Wheatley is NEVER allowed in office again. No one could have his kind of thinking unless there was something in the whole cline affair for him. Any wonder why he’s now on the outside looking in..

  32. Really? says:

    …and if the Government keeps throwing away millions by continuing with corrupt activities and awarding contracts that are of no benefit to the people, there will no money left to do anything about the water and sewage issues. There are long term issues that need to be fixed in BVI immediately. These can’t just be ignored!

  33. WEW says:

    Now why would you say that. Are the Wheatleys getting nervous ? Maybe they’re tied to CSC circus.

  34. Anonymous says:

    This ma. Needs to go sit down. No sense in that brain. He self had the immigratio. Department turn up with racist injustice against persons that have over 20 years in bvi.

  35. Truth says:

    The BVI water problems are because of poor managers and the government’s continued installation of clueless managers.

  36. Island Man says:

    The nerve of this representative to believe the public can’t crew and walk at the same time. We can be upset with more than one problem at the same time Minister. Both of them Water &Sewerage and Mr Cline are government created problems. But we know what you doing you’re trying to deflect our attention from Mr.Cline. Let’s see how it work for you in the election.

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