BVI News

Bad intentions! Premier rejects Opposition’s plans of disruption

Dr Wheatley

A promised disruption to the work of the newly elected government made by members of the political Opposition is not being taken lightly by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Even before Opposition members set foot in the Fifth House of Assembly (HOA), Opposition legislator Julian Fraser has already promised to bring multiple motions of no-confidence against Dr Wheatley’s newly re-elected Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government.

But Premier Wheatley, while speaking at his first post-elections press conference yesterday, hit back at Fraser and the Opposition for what he described as their bad intentions. 

“We’ve heard things from, who they have described themselves as a united opposition, as saying that they’re going to have votes of no confidence without anything even coming to the House. So, in my opinion, that shows bad intentions on behalf of the Opposition,” the Premier said.

Dr Wheatley said he welcomed, as part of the democratic process, an Opposition that was willing to hold the government accountable and provide greater transparency and also one that will challenge ideas that need to be challenged.

However, Premier Wheatley added: “What I don’t welcome is ideas that they’re going to seek to disrupt the work of the government for the people of the Virgin Islands.”

In responding to suggestions that the Opposition is seeking to establish shadow ministries in the House, Dr Wheatley shared that he had no issues with the way that Opposition Members choose to organise themselves. However, he questioned their motives in telegraphing their intention to derail the government’s work.

“I would ask myself, are they interested in supporting the work for the people of the Virgin Islands or are they interested in power?” Dr Wheatley said. “Are they just wanting to try to make the government look bad or are they willing to cooperate — all 13 of us — in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands?” 

Now that the elections are over, the Premier said it is time for lawmakers to work on behalf of the people. 

He added that it is important that the 13 elected officials work together in the best interests of the people of the territory and forget ‘about trying to capture power’.

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  1. lol says:

    Them man is sore losers is all. Is their own fault for not being able to reach no agreement in time. Listening to them ask what was the rush in the press conference was funny cause that mean they didn’t grasp the situation properly because VIP just needed one more… If knowing that their opponents only needed to convince one more person then they beat you don’t spark no urgency then stay lost… talking about last time VIP took 2 days to form government… They wasn’t in the same position as you they had that luxury; that was a stupid point. Lorna do the right thing and leave ayo there deliberating.

    Like 18
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  2. Nun ya says:

    Nun ya understand what the job is:

    “What is the purpose of loyal opposition?
    In many Westminster-style parliamentary systems of government, the loyal opposition indicates that the non-governing parties oppose the actions of the sitting cabinet while remaining loyal to the formal source(s) of the government’s power, such as the monarch or constitution.

    Like 8
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  3. Fed up Taxpayer. says:

    “We’ve heard things from, who they have described themselves as a united opposition, as saying that they’re going to have votes of no confidence without anything even coming to the House. So, in my opinion, that shows bad intentions on behalf of the Opposition,”
    Bad intentions of poor governance should not be tolerated by anyone in our government!!!!

    Like 13
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  4. GET TO WORK says:


    Like 14
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  5. LB says:

    Hope they get a strong speaker times like these we need wiggee

    Like 3
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  6. A child says:

    Why they put a child to deal with grown people business, I do not know. Grow up and get to work please. The opposition is my voice to prevent you from making all them stupid mistakes you keep apologizing for and crying over. What do you call your mistakes? Fraud? Incompetence? I can’t believe another 4 years with this level of assinninnity…steupes.!

    Like 12
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    is saying )> this is very serious , I haven’t done them anything but they are ganging up to hurt me , pure evilness ? and my people

  8. OH YEAH says:


    Like 10
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  9. Comfortable on the Plantation says:

    It is quite funny how we have totally forgotten our reality even to the point of denying our ancestors. We are a disgrace to our race. Our highest achievements show us up for the clowns we have become.

  10. the owl says:

    I must say, a new level of maturity has laid down on this man’s shoulders. Perhaps he’s shed the shackles of the crooked old boys club, now that he has ascended to the top, by vote.
    It is known of this man, that he is intelligent and well educated, his brother as well. That is unique amongst the 13, but for his deputy.
    What he has said here is that which I have hoped to hear of our leaders for years. I am not anyone’s booster. What I may see here, for the first time in print or voice, is a BVI premier uttering what mature democracy should sound like. pray that those words are full of substance and follow through.
    president ford hurt no one

    Well said mi son.

  11. Uhuru says:

    You should have reject the urge to buy your way thru the election. The envelope them done so let we see your next move. You should be ashame of yourself. You are the real slave master and you have no shame

    Like 3
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  12. @oh yeah says:

    THANK YOU! No runaway train! No gravy train! I feel safe with the opposition. Sowande is not competent for the job, the country knows it and HE KNOWS IT TOO. He should be thanking the opposition for being the eyes of wisdom that this place so desperately needed. In fact, we don’t need him to do anything. Go and see the king. Go back to taking photos. The opposition can take it from here.

    Like 3
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  13. Empty Threats says:

    This is nothing but a threat of a tantrum from Yosemite Sam. Any opposition member who joins him right now reveals themselves to be just another Looney Tunes character.

    A vote of no confidence is an important and necessary tool to be used with careful consideration by adults, not for foot-stomping flounces by disappointed toddlers.

    HEY- YOU- Opposition! Yeah, I’m talking to you! Except for Fraser, you work FOR US. So work for us; get it together, make yourselves relevant and figure out how to BE a robust working opposition; we’ve never had one before. Figure out how to support the best interests of the Territory and appropriately question what is not. Recognize that your people need you and need you functioning now more than ever.

    Like 4
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  14. Dont Care says:

    For sure you Mr. Wheatley don’t care about your 7d you wanted power the people who you had given plenty money before and during poll day you was sooo wanted the 7d if you can’t take care of your district how you’re going to take care of the nation wow!!!!!!

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