BVI News

Banco opening on weekends!

Banco Popular

Banco Popular is now operating on weekends in the British Virgin Islands.

Starting April 3, the financial institution will be open for four hours on Saturdays.

“The Tortola branch will resume Saturday operations from 9 am to 1 pm — both the lobby and drive-thru,” Banco Popular said in a Facebook post this week.

Banco’s Saturday operation does not apply to its Virgin Gorda branch which already only operates three days per week.

The bank’s branch on the sister island is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 9 am and 4 pm.

Banco had opened a branch on Virgin Gorda back in 2019 to restore banking services after its competitors CIBC First Caribbean and Scotiabank consecutively fled the island.

Government agreed to pay thousands of dollars in subsidies to Banco for the next few years to ensure the sister island has these services.

A number of Virgin Gorda residents switched over to Banco Popular after it set up shop on the sister island.

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  1. Wonderful says:

    Other Banks should follow this lead. It’s perfect for people like me who don’t have time during the week to do banking simple because of my working hours. Maybe I will switch to Banco !

    Like 15
    • Hype says:

      I love the way this is news. They even have an exclamation mark in the title to make it exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      We raelly have such a small minded society.

      Like 3
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    • Other businesses in general says:

      DMV, water and sewage maybe…

    • Wonderful indeed. says:

      Not really. This Bank needed to do this as the service people take one day today, one day tomorrow to assist you. They were slow from morning, now they have Covid reason to go slower. No sense of purpose AT ALL!
      SMH. Quite frankly, they need to open all day Sunday too.

  2. Gowa says:

    what is banco opening to bank. No work, no money. When they should have done this, they closed it.

    Like 2
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  3. Okay says:

    Thank you for extending your opening days. Your major problem are you arms, just make sure they are working before, during and after the holidays…thanks again.

  4. @Wonderful says:

    Tis true. I really appreciate this at this time. During the week at the drive thru is really tough in terms of time keeping.

  5. Awesome!!! says:

    This is needed! Thank you so much Banco! Not everyone gets to change their checks or do their banking week days due to work, this is very much appreciated ! now the next part would be to have all 4 tubes to be in full operation so customers don’t spend hours waiting on a Saturday!

  6. Can you says:

    Have a small branch at the airport, like seriously it will help the East End and VG community. The main Branch in town will not be so busy and you be more efficient. The BVIAA can collect rent and users can stay at the airport Resturant to dine. The food is very good and affordable.

    My opinion.

  7. Yes ? says:

    This is how you respond to customers. This bank is always busy and yes you will see how busy your Saturday will become. Good move

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s really a good news,because lots of people don’t have time to do banking on working days,so Saturday now everyone can come to bank.

  9. Great News says:

    I only hope that the other banks would follow.
    While you are at it can you improve your online system and your remote customer service which sucks.

  10. Local says:

    Banco is always busy because they torture their customers with a lack of sufficient tellers daily. That’s why the lines are always long and rediculous. So they definitely needed to do something.

  11. Hmm says:

    They were close on weekends? WOW!!

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