BVI News

Beaches to reopen for a limited time daily and under strict conditions

Cane Garden Bay Beach

Starting Sunday, May 10, beaches in the British Virgin Islands will once again reopen to the public; but will only be accessible under strict conditions.

Premier Andrew Fahie made that announcement while giving a local COVID-19 update on Friday.

He said Cabinet decided to open beaches across the territory from 6 am to 1 pm for the purposes of exercise and therapy.

Commenting on the restrictions relating to the access of beaches, Governor Augustus Jaspert said persons must adhere to the various COVID-19 prevention measures which have already been put in place by central government.

“The beaches are opened for exercise and therapy purposes and that is an important part of us all staying healthy as we stay healthy from the coronavirus threat. The beaches, though, aren’t open for large gatherings or events. People must adhere to social distancing and mass gathering restrictions,” he stated.

He also warned that if the measures are not adhered to by residents, Cabinet will not hesitate to reverse the decision made.

“The beaches will be monitored and we are relying on all of us to do the right thing. If we don’t comply, the beaches may be closed,” Governor Jaspert stated.

Certain businesses to remain closed

Meanwhile, Premier Fahie also announced a list of businesses which Cabinet decided must remain closed until further notice.

These include hotels, villas or other accommodation facilities, public swimming pools, cinemas, gyms, bars, night clubs and other entertainment facilities.

The Premier said a subsequent announcement will be made as to when these businesses will be able to reopen and the exact protocols which will have to be followed, as they all attract large crowds of people.

The BVI will commence its new curfew order on Sunday, May 10, which will allow activity between the hours of 6 am to 7 pm for a period of 14 days, in the first instance.

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  1. Poor mankind says:

    I notice people have total hate for expats and the other site is just loving it. All you read over there is “down island” this and that…I need to take a break from reading thr local news.

    Like 33
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    • @Poor mankind says:

      Yes it is terrible to read those comments.
      Their admin need to get a grip on it.

      Like 19
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    • 100% says:

      Look you see the article they put up about school girls and oh how the man complained and turned away because the girls arent from here.

      That other site is steadily playing its part in creating and fueling this island people vs local hatred.

      Wise up people dont take no part in it.

      Like 25
    • Samantha says:

      I find the hate quite disturbing.

      Like 10
    • @Poor mankind says:

      He/she who is totally oblivius to the centuries old tactic of huan division,especially Black divisionk conquer, take and rule will blindly live through life seeing that ill, but not knowing that it is an active and ongoing devide, keep dividing and conqure, it being being a well intentional and organize divisive tactic.

      Keep them fighting each other and we will keep them divided, non-progressive and stupid..

      Not reading the nrws will not stop them, uniting as a people will.

      FFT. Food for thoght. Have you and others ever stop for a moment to consider that maybe it is neither Black locals, Black West Indians or Black Nationals that are writting and posting those divisive tools?

      Like 10
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      • Hodge says:

        Perhaps you are right. These awful people have certainly divided you from reality and kept you stupid.

    • @Poor mankind says:

      I hope you additionally see the hate speech demonstrated on these blogs by (foreign Caribbean’s, Europeans, Filipinos,Chinese,Spanish, Indians etc.)? Namely, anyone who cannot get their way in another man’s country.

  2. Please says:

    Dear Ratchet and loud individuals. Don’t screw this up for us!!!

    Like 16
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    • @Please says:

      I’ m with you 100%. I just want to go to the beach, find a little spot, sit on my beach towel and enjoy a good book.

      Like 16
  3. Back to life says:

    Can we get back to life please.

    Life without freedom is life.

    If you are weak and vulnerable stay inside and hide… The rest should be able to live our lives again.

    Like 6
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    • What? says:

      “Life without freedom is life”
      Deep Man. Deep.
      Also, ” A fridge without a door is a cold box”.
      And “A snail without a shell is a slug”.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Can we go surfing?

    Like 20
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  5. Anonymous says:

    Wen visitors will be able to leave

  6. Awesome says:

    This premier listens to the people. Thank you!

    People, behave responsibly, don’t ruin it for others.

    Salons next!

    Like 6
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    • Lol says:

      Sarcasm right. He does what he wants to do in gods name. Heaven forbid the tail wag the dog.

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      • Dogs aren't allowed says:

        Once again the current regime takes a crack at banning dogs from our shores. Why in hell are the beaches open while people working and you can’t get your dog out for a run? These politicos are no friend to the canine clan, display their fear and social prejudice prodly ignorant and openly.

        • @ Dogs aren’t allowed says:

          Many of you sleeping with your dogs, and kissing your dog on its mouth etc. If you do have something, it’s all over your dogs as well, and there isn’t a mask big enough to cover a dog. Plus, I am tired of you’ll walking your dogs without a leash. I had to call the cops once because one of you decided to walk your two attack dogs on the beach without a leash. I like dogs, but enough is enough. Walk your dogs somewhere else.

  7. Water sports says:

    There seems to be some confusion about the word ‘beach’ in the curfew orders. To date the curfew enforcers seem to read the words ‘beach closed’ as meaning all watersports are prohibited. Therefore if the ‘beach is open’ then all watersports are allowed during the time that the beach is open – Correct??

  8. Barber bvi says:

    Las personas que esperan por las reaperturas de las barberia y salones de bellezas , que será de ellos, como pagaran las renta de sus locales, luz eléctrica,
    comida, ect….o aun usted piensa que con una bolsa de comida la cual ustes suministro ya se le soluciono sus problemas.
    No asi no señor ministro, somos humanos y necesitamos trabajar ya que tenemos familia que esperan por nosotros.

    Like 4
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  9. The Reaper says:

    The beach !!!!!… That’s A no,no..Someone piss ,blow their nose ?poop or even pass stool,watery stool too be exact,,,, in that water.Hmmmmmmmm..You could imagine , what a thing that would be.That infected water u all swimming ?‍♀️ In ,gurgling it., taste that bacteria salt in your mouth ? Only God knows what else……..No Government u sure on this One… U Sure..,but u don’t have To take my word for it

    Like 6
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    • Doh says:

      Don’t be an idiot.

      800 boats at anchor or on moorings around St John. National parks tested every bay and beach and GUESS WHAT? No fecal matter.

      The only crap in the water is coming from shore. Flush twice please.

  10. Big deal says:

    The beach is opened when most people are at work. So big deal. You can enjoy it on the weekend when it will be more crowded..doesn’t make much sense.

    Like 8
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    • hmm says:

      Meaning everyone will crowd the beach Saturday and Sunday 6am – 1pm.

      More correctly 10 – 12 because who wants to get up early on a weekend along with the time it takes to get the kids ready.

      With many people forced to use the beach at the exact same time that means people will be closer together.

      Who comes up with these restrictions, certainly not the health minister?

      No I dont believe it is him. Who else could it be?

  11. Feeling it out says:

    I am going to use my common sense, if there is to many people on the beach, I am going to leave. I was also planning to go to the beach, catch up on some reading and sit 10 feet away from everyone. But for some reason someone is going to mess things up. No loud music blasting or open barbecuing please.

    Like 5
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  12. Secret Bear says:

    Everyone will enjoy clomping around the beaches in a grim preordained pattern while a jackbooted thug points a rifle at them to make sure nobody gets too close.

    Like 1
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