BVI News

Best for the job! Fraser now the leader of a one-man Opposition

Newly appointed Premier, Dr Natalio Wheatley said it was in the best interests of the Virgin Islands for there to remain an Opposition and he believed that senior legislator in the House of Assembly, Julian Fraser, was best suited for that job.

Now being the only member of the parliamentary opposition, Fraser, the Third District Representative, will be appointed as Leader of the Opposition.

When asked whether it was Fraser’s decision to not be included in the National Unity Government, Dr Wheatley said he would not say it was Fraser’s choice, but that he believes it was in the best interest of the territory to have an opposition.

“Of course, we value the opposition and perhaps we would have had no opposition. So, we are grateful that he is a senior legislator of the House of Assembly, being very familiar with the standing orders and the constitution, we are grateful he will maintain an opposition and hold the government accountable,” the Premier said.

“I thought he was the best person but of course, that was not my decision. But his inclusion in the government we thought it best if we take two members, one from the National Democratic Party and one from the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement and we thought that was best for our Cabinet,” the Premier said.

Vanterpool crosses to government

In relation to Fourth District Representative and opposition legislator Mark Vanterpool, Dr Wheatley said he has chosen to support the government and crossed the floor to become a part of the new government of national unity.

In the meantime, Dr Wheatley said the move to revoke disgraced premier, Andrew Fahie’s appointment and install a new government was an important step in stabilising the territory and moving forward to a brighter future.

“We had a vote of no-confidence against the Premier and of course, we were damaged badly in terms of our international reputation and even in terms of the confidence of our local people in their governance so that was an important step,” Dr Wheatley said.

“The unity government was an important step as well so that persons can see that we can put aside partisan differences and do what is in the best interests of the people of the territory which is what people are looking for,” he added.

Inspiring confidence through swift actions

The Premier noted the best way to inspire confidence moving forward is through taking swift actions, especially on the Commission of Inquiry Report recommendations. He noted the COI Report revealed a lot of shocking and alarming things, but said those revelations were things the government knew needed to be fixed over a long period of time.

“There must be a real commitment to reform. So, the details of that are being worked out in a proposal that will go to the United Kingdom. Hopefully, they will accept our proposal and we can avoid the partial suspension of our constitution. It is going to take real work; it is going to take real commitment, but this government of unity is committed to doing that,” the Premier Wheatley said.

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  1. MY 2 cents says:

    ALL of you so political leaders are a disgrace to House of Assembly!!!! Everyone. I am shamed to be a BVIslander!!!! This so called Unity Government…. I can say a lot but I’m to angry right now. Is this what the people want? Did you ask the people? Or your selected few whom you think represents the people? Including those who wrote that White Paper on behalf of the people without public consultation. I can talk about this too but I’ll leave all of you to the foot of the cross.

    You say going back into the hands of the UK is a set back to 70 years of progress…. Well my 2 cents is ALL of you for the last set of administrations 20 or so years should have thought about with your self-serving decisions. BOTH VIP and NDP. All of you made decisions in your best interest and that’s why the country can’t move forward. Its like a cancer spreading that wont stop.

    I can say personally, NOT one of you is my government. Not proper English but hey…. You were elected yes but you don’t make decisions in the best interest of the BVI. You make them for yourselves. I pray the GOD of Israel…. EXPOSE ALL of you for what you are even the ones who come in wolves clothing.

    When the judgement of God falls on this country all of us will pay the consequences. God…. I pray that you show your remnant MERCY as we only seek to see your will be done for this country not of these leaders.

    You can hate my post all you like doesn’t matter history will set the record straight. The irresponsible decisions of our elected officials yesterday will bring this country to its knees.

    Like 54
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    • Hmmm says:

      So If the 3M has crossed the floor( Marlon, Mitch & Mark) has crossed the floor, then there are no NDP and PVIM?

      • Mmmm says:

        I think the 3 Ms are who she referred to as sheep in wolves clothing. I endorse her statement. They cannot be trusted. Mitch to some minimal degree but them two other Ms must not be trusted period. Deception, lies and evilness fill their spirit.

        Like 3
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        • Fat Pork says:

          Sir with all due respect, Trust is something we have no the VIP,NDP and no other PPPPPP. They are all guided by evil forces. And Andrew just made it clear as day light.

  2. Political Intelligence says:

    If Natalio really believes Fraser is the best man for the leader of the opposition job, he (Natalio) is really out of touch.

    Never will I forget when it was Fraser and Fahie in the opposition raising all kind of nonsense argument.

    FLUSH THEM ALL OUT (current government and opposition!!!!)

    Like 28
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  3. Rubber Duck says:

    This is the same Julian Fraser that the COI report recommends for criminal investigation into the money that disappeared into Sea Cows Bay.

    The arrogance of these people is Incredible.

    Like 44
    • go from here says:

      You is just jealous of the man maybe because your party cant defeat him

      Dislike 16
    • Correction says:

      I believe the project is being investigated, not necessarily Fraser. What I think would happen is that those contractors who received a payment will end up paying back their deposits to the tax payers since the work wasn’t carried out.

  4. Jim says:

    Ugh. The best?

    We are doomed

    Like 14
  5. hog city says:

    Ain’t none of them in there know the laws like hon Fraser, NONE AH DEM!

    Like 6
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    • @ hog city says:

      Fraser may have his ways (like everyone else) and he may not be the most popular because of some of his previous alleged actions, but what you have stated is facts! Fraser knows the laws inside out and definitely better that all of them in there put together!

      Like 13
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    • Crazy Joe says:

      Knowing the laws and obeying them are two different things.

      Like 17
  6. Jules says:

    Divide et impera

  7. ( )INO HEADLINE says:


    Fahie out, Wheatley in!

    BTW anybody inform the ex-Premier that he’s out of a job?

    Like 15
  8. Sniffn says:

    Don’t get all excited, UK might come in and clean house!

    Like 14
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  9. Wow ting to tell the King! says:

    Everybody fighting for the people but we still have no say about anything. New Premier over night…hmmmmm….Politicians sit and make their own decisions. All of them cr**ked… Governor lead country for the next two years sounds great. Sick of the bullying of the public service workers. And the favoritism. In the BVI you get a job and pay based on who your friend is in government.. it is not based on your Qualifications and years of experience. We need UK to police us because we cannot police ourselves. SAD SAD SAD…I am so happy the wind blew very hard to expose all the corruption. “When wind blow you does see fowl batty” in my Andrew voice. Nature’s Little Secrets…Down with the obeah slang BVILove and take down them green cloth off of the post them. Too many of us working hard and suffering. Your pay low and cost of living ten times high. It I too much. Consumer bill hmmmm where is that? We surrounded by so much water and still water is being rashioned….Sewage system dead. No pay raise….some people still waiting on increments they are owed. Politicians work 4 years and gett full pension and we have to work 33 1/3 years to get anything decent….In this country no balance. Every time you go the doctor NHI stop covering something that you needed all your life…Make it right Jesus…I am sick and tired living hand to mouth. Sick and tired of the disrespect on the job. Public Servant likes matter too! We are tired. For most of us a government job is 24/7 sometimes 25/8. World is round… Treat people better give us better health care and better pay. That include private sector where bosses don’t want to pay their workers and labour refuse to do anything about it… Favouritism at its best. Karma has hit the BVI and innocent is suffering for the guilty. DO BETTER! Take money to build houses and not a school. Hmmmmm. Who going get those Social Security homes not the people who need them because we too brokes to do so. Government renting every private building in Road Town instead of fixing their own…Millions paid to building owners. Money misued and abused. Wow.

    Like 17
  10. the liberator will soon be the savior says:

    Fraser will be the lone voice to save this country for the rest of them on the other side don’t know jacksht about politics

    Like 1
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  11. Irma Chisit says:

    @my 2 cents and most other comments are exact. It’s just Musical Chairs.
    I say you all come out the closet and use your real names on the post face page and stop hiding. Let’s not be scared of reprocussions.

  12. Eyesontheprize says:

    It is democratically il-advised and constitutionally wrong for the Premier to be giving his opinion publicly or otherwise about who is best suited to be the Leader of Opposition.

  13. Fred says:

    Since most of the Opposition has joined with the VIP Government then it means that they too are covering up for the corruption both the NDP and VIP committed while in office.

    It is a united front to oppose the COI recommendations, necessary for good governance.

    I hope the Governor eventually disbands the entire House of Assembly and presides over Direct British Rule.

    Scamps are not easily reformed.

    Like 6
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  14. @ FRED ? says:


  15. Lol says:

    When will the SCB Harbour money be returned to the Treasury?

  16. Caribbean Girl says:

    Don’t forget BiWater.

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