BVI News

Better compensation needed for frontline workers — Penn

Opposition Leader Marlon Penn

As the BVI continues to weather the storm of an unprecedented COVID-19 upsurge, Opposition Leader Marlon Penn has called for better compensation for frontline staff in the territory.

“Instead of taking money to pay for political consultants, we need to find ways to support the hardworking front-line workers,” Penn said on JTV’s The Big Story recently.

Penn confirmed that he has received complaints that nurses and other medical staff were asked to work long, extra hours to their own detriment and were not paid overtime for their efforts.

According to Penn, the workers appear to be left out of considerations for proper support and compensation, even as others benefit from the government’s largesse. 

He said Opposition members continue to amplify their care and concern for those healthcare workers and public servants.

“We need to find money to protect those who are in the hospital, who are putting themselves and the lives of their family in harm’s way to protect us, to protect this territory,” Penn stated.

Public servants and health officials, Penn argued, have ensured the country continues to move, throughout both administrations, despite adversities the territory has faced.

He highlighted that, throughout several disaster– the 2017 floods, hurricanes Irma and Maria and now COVID-19 – those workers have done and continue to do a superb job to keep things on even keel.

Penn commended Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronald Georges and his entire team for their tireless efforts on behalf of the territory in the wake of the recent upsurge.

Touching on the thorny issue of recently approved political advisers to the government, Penn said if any funds needed to be re-directed at all in government, it should be in support of the people who are working hard and are mostly impacted by COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Premier Andrew Fahie recently stated that a lot of funding has been poured into the healthcare sector to keep the territory safe and to supplement its health care needs.

The BVI has seen more than 30 deaths, and at one stage, more than 1,600 positive COVID-19 infections during the recent upsurge in cases. Active cases have since reduced to less than 600 persons.

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  1. YOUTH says:

    When he was Minister of health he did nothing to help with the health staff salaries now come talking foolishness. Just be gone Marlon.

    Like 14
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    • @youth says:

      Stop taking P!$$…. Minister of health for 2 months. What have the current minister of health done other than try to bully everyone on social media.

      We frontline workers need additional support at a bear minimum hazard pay. All we get is lip service and empty promise from this administration. So get from here with your B.$. Support this administration with their emptiness.

      Like 6
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    • leave a comment says:

      Exactly. Why didn’t he recommend this when his party was in power?

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  2. WOW says:

    You didn’t think on that when you had our $6.2mill fly off without a trace and without an explanation from you up to this day. You are only hot air.

    Like 10
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    • @wow says:

      Keep on with this tired BVIairways story while this Government killing us dead! Look like the Political Consultants already on the job.

      – fishing & farming Jump from 2m – 6.2m and went to people who can’t put a hook on line or plant wild grass.
      – business grant 8m to the same people.
      – over 1m a year for political advisers
      – housing money 9m gone houses can’t get fix yet
      – church and day care with 4 and 5 people gone with 5m
      – don’t talk about the money a certain minister brother getting to work on the old hospital.

      You still here talking about BVI airways and 6.2. When this bunch ?!$$ing it away by the 40 million. Continue to twiddle your thumbs while BVI burns. Our country is doomed I tell you.

      Like 10
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  3. East End Man says:

    Whether this guy was in the Government or the Opposition he does nothing but complain and blame everyone else but himself. He helps no one in the 8th district other than his family and very close friends.

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  4. Come on says:

    At lest give them one of the many increments that they are due. Police and customs get allowances what does the healthcare workers gets? Nothing.

    Like 9
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    • Really says:

      Police and Customs you say only some of the police got and the Police were they were the only ones out working by themselves when it hit home. So let’s be fair if it goes for some it should go for all not some and this should have include all of the frontline persons not only customs, immigration and some police officers. Health should have been included as well.

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  5. It's crazy says:

    I think all govt workers who’re working during the lockdown and curfew need better compensation. Not just medical, who already make more than the average civil servant.

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  6. @East Man says:

    Dude please you always on here attacking smurf… Why would Distirct 8 continue to elect someone who only helping his friends and family? Da Mek sense! Stop talking trash! I for one know he helps, even outside because I needed help with groceries and got support from him. I live in Towers.

    As the leader of the opposition he has a responsibility to check Andy and his reckless gang. I happy he’s keeping the heat on them before they destroy whatever is left of our country. He was the first to present a plan for the pandemic and we yet to see the Government own.

    Smurf you continue to do your job and don’t mind these haters. Your people will continue to support you it is a pity I can’t vote for you. Thanks for you support always.


    Like 2
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    • At East says:

      You need to get a life only his immediate family he helps in deed…. and taking his Bush bath to stay in power but God don’t sleep talked that … don’t let me go deeper I am a very close family friend ….

    • Styler says:

      At East You need to get a life only his immediate family he helps in deed…. and taking his Bush bath to stay in power but God don’t sleep talked that … don’t let me go deeper I am a very close family friend ….

    • To @East man says:

      Well you prove the point exactly what waa said. So Many people in East end did not get help from Marlon but he took we the people east end money to help you in Towers. This is way he has to go.

  7. Ausar says:

    All things are relative, Honourable Penn.

    You can’t have national minimum wages at six an hour, and expect other agencies to comply with cost of living increases and moral obligations, when the system has made it easy to pay very little for vital services, and get away with it!

    Ya kyanyt have ya cake and eat it too,Honourable Penn!

  8. Hmm!! says:

    Listen, the govt on a whole needs to do better to help the ppl of this territory!! Imagine the amt of ppl that used to try to get to what we have here, now those same ppl are walking our streets and calling this place a ghetto!! SHAMEFUL!! After Ralph, there was no govt that came in that cared about the people!! And I’ll say that to ANYYYYYY politician’s face! Yall don’t care!!! A can of milk at ayo popular supermarket gone from $1.19 to $1.25…..A CAN OF MILK!! WHERE ARE THE POLICIES THAT WERE PUT IN PLACE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE!! Can we still say we’re proud BVI slanders??? The rich gets richer and those suffering are left suffering…Everybody needs help and there’s no one listening to the woes of the people that are actually keeping this place together!!

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  9. 1st district says:

    As a hard working single mother with a dual nationality RN daughter, I will NEVER encourage my child to be a part of this health system. It is our own people who are in charge is who have it dragging on the ground. Shame on we, we are our own problem!

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  10. Frontline worker says:

    The BVI labour code does not work for the shift worker period! Need to recognize shift workers pay them their proper overtime and shift differentials. Its miserable working shifts and not getting compensated properly. We need our increments and retroactive pay! Stop the nonsense!

  11. Issues says:

    One issue has nothing to do with the other. The nation is plagued with financial issues deal it’s what is presently on the table . Stop this blame game . Front line workers are in a crisis deal with that issue and give them more money . They are underworked and underpaid . That has nothing with old monetary issues . That is our problem and injustice will continue to blatantly be displayed by our politicians because of poor thinkers like some of you

    Like 1
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  12. Marlon stop playing politics says:

    You need a consultant not vip
    Hence you forget civil servants dont get paid over time you talking Rubish here !
    Best you mention the government laser on with places like supermarkets and gas station for percents off !.for civil servants .
    You encouraging the wrong things
    Best we make you stay right where you is
    In oposition ,
    You basically saying if nurses,Doctors police or firefighters on duty and emergency arise
    They shoulf go home cause they shift had ended
    And they dont get paid for over time

  13. Ehgd says:

    They need go over police ,port authority, hospital etc pay cause some people pay cant feed them and managers home in bef collecting big. While shift workers getting nothing

  14. looking says:

    so if a lot of money has been put into the healthcare system ,where has it gone too ,why from since many years nurses are not receiving any increments , not uniform ,and no allowances, no hazardous pay for frontline workers , not one cent they received ,where has the money to fix the old hospital to accommodate the covid patients gone to ,now u got the covid patient infecting all others right here in the new hospital now the ceo is on radio saying the old hospital is well equiped to accommodate such patient , PURE LIES COME HAVE A LOOK INSIDE ,they are treating them safe so bad not even double pay they will pay for public holidays much less for overtime , isnt that a blasted damn shame on this management , treat the nurses ,doctors and other staff right and they will work for you , u lucky the cubans came to assist you in this crucial time ,god still loves you , but wait your turn is coming just wait .just a set of lies and make up stories them telling the public

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  15. looking says:

    the public with provide snacks and some food for frontline workers in this long and tying shift but they wont get anything from management of this hospital what a shame , what is p m doing ,not one thing when she took over more staff have left ,now you begging for staff , think like human

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