BVI News

Birthday wishes pour in for Fahie

Former premier, Andrew Fahie.

More than one hundred persons took to Facebook to send birthday wishes to former Premier Andrew Fahie, who is celebrating his 53rd birthday as he awaits trial in the United States.

Fahie was arrested in 2022 for conspiracy to traffic cocaine from the BVI to the United States. He’s now on house arrest and this is his second birthday in police custody since his arrest in April 2022.

The birthday wishes that residents left on Fahie’s Facebook page were simple and short. Many simply wished him a happy birthday while others wrote a few endearing words of love and encouragement:

“Happy Birthday, my friend. You are always in my thoughts. Enjoy your day,” one user wrote.

“Happy Birthday, Andrew A. Soldier on,” another post said.

“Birthday Blessings from Nennie Marilyn. Hope you are having a great day. Missing you,” yet another person wrote.

Though Fahie and the elected leaders of the House of Assembly are friends on Facebook, none of them posted birthday greetings on the former Premier’s Facebook timeline.

Fahie’s fate is still hanging in the balance as he awaits trial in Florida court later this year. He’s expected to plead not guilty to the slew of charges laid against him following a months long operation involving the US Drug Enforcement Agents who’ve accused Fahie of cocaine trafficking.

His two co-accused Oleanvine and Kadeem Maynard have since pleaded guilty to charges in exchange for lighter sentences.

Elected leaders and public figures have largely stayed away from commenting on Fahie’s case, despite having a good working relationship with him before his incarceration.

Former Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock appears to be the only one who has publicly commented on Fahie’s matter, stating that the Virgin Islands government should have shown the former leader more support when he was first arrested in the United States.


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  1. BuzzBvi says:

    Guilty or innocent he is probably still entitled to have a happy birthday. Prisoners still have birthdays.

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  2. Truth says:

    As stated many times this case is not a slam dunk. With every development we hear ” that’s it now he gone” ,and he’s is still there. The U.S. justice system operates transactionally, favoring those with resources who can often secure representation to fully exploit legal advantages beyond that of a court-appointed attorney. Irrespective of consensus, the former Premier has a valid claim and merits the opportunity for due process.

    Like 5
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  3. Rubber Duck says:

    He has all the friends money can buy.

    Like 18
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  4. Jim says:

    I wished him a happy birthday and prepare for prison.

    The best thing he can do right now is to practice smiling like a donut

    Like 10
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  5. Pat says:

    I agree 100% with the esteemed former Speaker

    Like 4
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  6. BVI News Agenda in Effect says:

    Why is this news? The BVI News agenda at work once again to support the Governor and a UK takeover.

    Like 5
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  7. NDP Supporter says:

    I was not a fahie fan but he did a lot of good for the people of the BVI and he will come out victorous so the haters can go to hell because who God bless no man can curse. If he was not our leader during covid many thousands of persons, businesses, & churches would have died or gone under and things would be worse than it is now and this is a FACT! He is not perfect but none of us are but his good far outweigh his negatives.

    Like 3
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  8. Action says:

    He is deserving of our well wishes. I supported him, actually thought he was what tola needed. Then I saw his true color and I turned. Yet I never gravitated towards the sl**man but he proves every day to be a lot worst than the fat Albert. Give me a choice I would choice the Hon Andrew Fahie over co**upt sl**man yesterday, today and tomorrow. Lord in heaven if you are listening to us deliver us. You answered our prayers before. You deliver us from the wigged one, from number 6, and from the sheep. Please deliver us from 7,8 and 9. Thank you for hearing and answering. While we are are it can we please have a funeral service for a certain funeral director some where in the world.

    Like 2
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  9. @ action says:

    You are nothing but a fool and I wonder what/who God you are praying to. Here are the facts 7, 8 and 9 are not going anywhere anytime soon. The “wigged one” as you called the esteemed will be back either as the representative of the third district or even as the Speaker. As for the 6 that you say God helped you with, be careful what you are saying, as we might have a bi-election and Alvera could be back!!!.
    Now go pray to Jehovah

    Like 4
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  10. Action says:

    @@action, be careful you don’t wet the bed, get up and go we we, you dreaming.

  11. @@action says:

    Alvera want to come back after all the blows she get? Sit down there waiting for bad things to happen to people. I might very well happy to you. Ayo don’t learn.

  12. August Born. Wow says:

    That’s why he is so stubborn and like war. The Lion in him..Now I understand why he ain cutting no deal. He going down fighting..

  13. UK Own says:

    Fahim Will be Free shortly #A1 Lawyer on Board. Stay Tune to that Movie. Embarrassing UK and USA AMEN!

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  14. @Action says:

    Some obeah coming for you ra** hole. Start digging your grave!


  15. They left him for the wolves says:

    The VIP threw him under the bus

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  16. Life says:

    Make the most of it, this will be your last birthday outside of prison.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday, Fat Albert. No doubt someone has
    sent you a cake with
    a hacksaw blade in it.

  18. rastarite says:

    Prayed to God to help him in his evil endeavors – that’s how misguided he is…

  19. Pumpkin says:

    I for one hopes he gets extradited to the bvi, we will show him a good time up in balo

  20. Wish says:

    Wish he was not so greedy for money . Wish he had more sense

  21. Lock Up says:

    Hoping he gets some time in a US prison fac ility. Real incarceration would promote a possiblity towards an honest effort at regret and rehabilitation.

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