BVI News

BVI begins 21 days of fasting, prayer today amid major COVID surge

Premier Andrew Fahie

Starting today, Sunday, July 11, the British Virgin Islands embarked on 21 days of prayer and fasting at the behest of Premier Andrew Fahie.

Residents are asked to join the spiritual undertaking for their safety and protection, and that of the local economy as the territory reels from a surging COVID-19 outbreak.

Speaking during a live statement on July 9, Premier Fahie said the prayer and fasting will run from 5 am to 5 pm for the next three weeks.

“Choose your own time in the day and individually or collectively petition God to continue to keep us all safe and protected from the plans of the enemy,” Fahie petitioned residents.

“We will win this battle,” he added. “I look forward to our people coming together, praying together, and believing in GOD together, as we once again watch GOD work.”

Daily scriptures and encouragement will be shared on the Government of the Virgin Islands website and on official social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube @BVIGovernment.

In the meantime, the Premier said residents can look forward to his administration giving regular updates on how government is progressing with managing and containing the spread of COVID-19 in the Virgin Islands.

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  1. Too bad says:

    Should be 14 days of lockdown. Why no new numbers. Praying ain’t gonna make it go away. In the meantime scripture and words of encouragement are nor adequate. Daily words of wont change things.

    Your rulers are rebels,partners with thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them.
    – Isaiah 1:23

    Like 20
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  2. Whilst we are at it says:

    Can we also pray the corruption away @**tfahie?

    Like 38
    • Doh says:


      Hope, prayer, and fasting will not correct this problem. Action will.

      And fasting lowers the body’s immunity system and its ability to fight off infection.


      Like 44
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  3. VI says:

    Next Jim Jones

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  4. Lmfao says:

    21 days of fasting. What a phony a** move. Anyone think the Foy can fast for 21 days? .. This from a man that wants to lead an independent country. What a *** person you are Foy. The only blessing for you is that the spread of Covid by you *** is that the COI might be delayed. I said might because Sir Gary has more than enough fro the Brits to throw all your useless a**es out.

    Like 40
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  5. Obvious says:

    The only thing to pray for is that you get a vaccine.

    Like 24
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  6. Rubber Duck says:

    Now it’s the Ayatollah Fahie.

    Has the concept of the separation of religion and state ever been explained to you Albert?

    Like 34
  7. V4 says:

    You need to petition your own mental well being if you truly believe any God has anything to do with this or may improve the situation.
    This virus will exploit any hint of complacency and that is what has happened. Zero COVID is a catastrophic fantasy.
    Vaccinate and do not concentrate on cases, the world has moved on and focuses on deaths and ICU and herd immunity

    Like 18
  8. 007 says:

    The BVI begins fasting…..I won’t be that’s for sure. Or praying.

    Only the sadly misguided and desperate believe this hog wash.

    Like 19
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  9. A thought says:

    How about 21 days of prayers and fasting to get these losers out of office. I cannot believe that this is all this man have to give us right now. We need action!!

    Like 29
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  10. Doh says:

    Hope, prayer, and fasting will not correct this problem. Action will.

    And fasting lowers the body’s immunity system and its ability to fight off infection.


    Like 18
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  11. what a disgrace says:

    and when we need to be keeping up our strength as well. Deflectionism at its worst. You were elected to run the country. The people will choose their own spiritual leaders.

    Like 11
  12. Good for him maybe says:

    Lord knows that man can loose a few pounds…..

    But let the rest of us eat! We hungry for some adult help with this mess. The incompetence’s of this government are hard to miss.

    We need to go back to basics. Get you vaccination. Quarantine till we get the cases lower. Wear masks and wash hands and surfaces to keep your home safe.

    God may strike down those that lost these simple remedies that are available for almost no cost.

  13. Sense says:

    It should be obvious to everyone why fasting is important at this time . Many poor people have been out of work for so long they have been spending their little money on feeding their families. With a fast they can save the money wasted on food and be able to pray and tithe properly at the poor suffering churches .

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  14. feasting? says:

    Just so we understand..

    “Choose your own time in the day and individually or collectively petition God to continue to keep us all safe and protected from the plans of the enemy,” Fahie petitioned residents.

    …who is the enemy exactly?

    Like 11
  15. Disgusted says:

    This is the advice of our leader at this time. An utter and dismal failure you are. It is best you go back into hiding.

    Like 14
  16. Lee Keybumm says:

    Nahh.. I’m gonna need that food to keep my immune system strong, thank you very much.

  17. J says:

    You need to pray for all the corruption that went on with the stimulus money. Also tell your District Rep with the office that the stimulus money paid for, to put back the money where it belongs.

  18. Secret Bear says:

    God answered your prayers already: it was called a vaccine.

    Like 13
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  19. PTL says:

    so prayer and fasting is plan A – What’s plan B?

  20. horatio caine says:

    Starve a virus, feed a fever or something along those lines?I always got those two mixed up tbh

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