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Bvi honours six centenarians

Some say age is just a number.

But in the presence of a centenarian, age becomes an accomplishment worthy of celebration.

It was in that spirit that six of the territory’s centenarians were recently honoured by the Minister for Social Development, Vincent Wheatley and staff of the Social Development Department.

The stalwarts were honoured for their collective resilience, wisdom and resourcefulness, having experienced life’s joys and sorrows for a century and beyond.

The honourees were: Mrs. Enelle Smith and Mrs. Emogene A. Creque both 104 years old and Mr. Evelyn Hodge age 100 residing on Tortola; Mrs. Betty Yates age 101, Mrs. Floresa George and Mrs. Iris L. Harrigan both aged 100 of Virgin Gorda.

Minister Wheatley accompanied the team to the homes of the six honorees as part of the day’s activities. The minister distributed gift baskets and shared well wishes and messages of love, hope and blessings with the territory’s most senior citizens.

“It was an honour and privilege to be in the presence of these centenarians, three of whom I know personally and who live on Virgin Gorda,” Whealtey said. He added, “We cannot underestimate the importance of our elders. They are the shoulders on which we stand and for this, they deserve our love, admiration, respect, assistance and care.”

Chief Social Development Officer, Annie Malone-Frett said the centenarians were celebrated with gifts carefully curated to include a selection of their favourite items that reflected admiration and respect for their longevity and coping capacities.

Malone-Frett said: “This is but a small token intended to celebrate their collective resilience, wisdom and resourcefulness having experienced life’s joys and sorrows for a century and beyond. As a territory, we extend heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering faith and resolve to the socio-economic and political developments of the territory through their differing roles.”

National Centenarian Day is observed annually on September 22 and celebrates the remarkable lives and contributions of individuals who have reached the incredible milestone of living for a century and beyond. It is also an opportunity for societies to show collective gratitude and respect for their wisdom, experience and cultural legacy.

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  1. Fire one says:

    I will drink to that

  2. Men says:

    still don’t live as long as women!

  3. Resident says:

    we have to do better for our seniors they need more from social security

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