BVI News

BVI needs a vision to work towards

Dr Kedrick Pickering.

Talk show host Dr Kedrick Pickering has stated that the BVI needs to consider how much development the territory has achieved and craft a vision for the future that residents can embody and work towards.

On the May 21st airing of the Eye on the Future of the Nation radio show, guest hosts Shaina Smith-Archer and Bishop John Cline said the BVI needs a national plan that outlines how the territory should be developed. But Dr Pickering said there needs to be something greater than a plan for the country to move forward.

“What is it we want for our country? We have to answer that fundamental question before we know whether we want to build a hotel or race track. We have got to decide what we want for our country. People say we are falling behind, but we are falling behind because we are stagnated,” Dr Pickering said.

The former Minister of government said the BVI has an abundance of natural beauty and can still maximize tourism to create a great future. But he said the territory needs a new philosophy that will define how the people use the resources to create the future they want.

“We need to speak more philosophically because that is what inculcates the ideas. No one gets up and says they want a nice body and just thinks it’s going to happen. You have to consciously say I don’t like the way I am and then do something about it. But it starts with a concept in your mind that this is what I want,” Dr Pickering explained.

He expressed that once the philosophy is defined, residents will eventually buy into it and begin using it to help with nation-building. As an example, Dr Pickering said recycling was a concept that was talked about in the BVI for a long time but residents are finally buying into it and are taking steps to recycle their wastes in order to preserve the environment.

“The thing I’ve seen recently that gives me hope is the recycling thing. People are separating their garbage and dropping them off at the recycling bins. Those bins are filling up. I remember when I (as a minister) tried to do it and it was pushed aside, but we have caught on. What we need to do is set a position from where we are now to where we want to go. Let’s be real and philosophical about it and get people to think and feel a vibe that they can do it,”  Dr Pickering explained.

There has been much talk about the next stage of the BVI’s political and economic development, even as the country battles global threats that continue to affect financial services and tourism — its two main economic earners.

There have also been calls for a new vision for the territory, in light of the strained relationship with the United Kingdom, which has led many people to start calling for a new relationship that gives the mother country less control over the territory’s affairs.

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  1. maria louisa varlack says:

    i wonder if i should consider living in the united kingdom in london england. i a black british virgin islander. i am a black women with dark skin tone and dark complexion and i have always wondered to myself should i use my british passport from the british virgin islands to live in the united kingdom. can someone who is born in the british virgin islands with a british passport be granted full uk citizenship in the uk? is there any form of human rights in the uk? how are blacks treated in the uk?

    Like 3
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  2. Salty Fish says:

    I agree with their basic sentiments of this thought – however it is the three mouthpieces that have no right to retrospectively act as though they know anything!

    A former NDP Deputy Premier who should have done what he’s talking about now, many years ago! But instead, too wrapped up in one’s own advancement than that of Country. The current head of the CCHA that has guided an unmitigated train wreck for years of an entity that should be the advocate of private sector advancement and once again has done nothing but focus on her very own pollical advancement.
    Lastly, a Bishop, a spiritual leader of the ‘flock’, once again, only interested in their own enrichment and advancement over the Country’s general well-being. Government contract after Government contract, feasting off the taxpayer, and your humble flock. Dare I say, a convenient double dip by the Bishop!

    I am sorry, but none of the three of you have any right to tell us now what we should be doing, or what should have been done. That ship has long since sailed.

    Your message is right, but why, oh why, have none of you ever practiced what you preach? Just retrospective critics!

    The last question would be …. if indeed any of you ran for office, and any of you get elected, would you then follow through with what you just lectured us on? Would you be disciplined enough to put Country first?

    My inclination is to believe, not!

    Like 16
  3. Stay away says:

    People of the BVI, we have made to many mistakes with elected leaders in the past. I beg you please to leave Dr. Pickering where he is. He was in government for 20 years. Eight of those 20 years he served deputy premier. Can anyone put even their little finger on what he has done for those years? Kedrick enjoyed wining and dining with rich white people. He would sell us out at the drop of a hat just to be in their good graces. We made enough mistakes already. Leave Kedrick Pickering where he is! Why is he so obsessed with coming back into politics? Think about it. It can’t be to help local people because he didn’t care to help us before. We have more than capable younger people who could make a far better contribution than him. Give them a chance.

    Like 12
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  4. Really says:

    What we want for our country. The way it looks to me for the last few governments after H.L.Stoutt the question has only been what can we get out of our country. I am not familiar with the exact figures of the greedy bill but who can calculate for me what it will cost us the tax-payers paying retirement benefits to every one of them? For example a young person now in Legislation receiving thousands every month until they pass at what age 80something. Is that amount going to be in any way representing the the service provided to the country?

  5. unhonestly says:

    wooow O woow ,listern sir with no hard feeeling but u were in there for so many many years, what u were doing, were u blind are lets us assume are rather yet sleeping and u just awaken

    so ur telling us this years after, what are the percentage that we should believe you

  6. Why? says:

    The only ‘vision’ the BVI needs now is to implement all the CoI recommendations by 31 Aug. 2024. If that happens then talk about vision but don’t distract the HOA from their ONLY goal this year!!!

  7. E. Leonard says:

    The Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll says: “ If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” The Ministerial System of government was ushered in 1967 , some 56 years ago, providing some measure of partial self-governance , so by know the (British ) Virgin Island (VI) should have had a guiding vision, and mission. If no what has been happening for the last 56 years? If there is no vision, mission, who to blame? The blame falls on the shoulders of both(1) the UK, the Administering Power, which was tasked by the UN to aid the VI towards a full measure of self-governance, and 2) local governments, along with the PEOPLE. If there is no vision, mission, there is a fierce urgency of now to get to work. For starters, the government needs to launch a SWOT ( Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis.

    Moreover, I always was of the opinion that the VI should adopt an official codified national development plan (NDP) which would be approved by a majority of the electorate/voters. Incoming governments would be permitted to tinker around the margins but the core of the NDP would stand. Any major changes would have to be approved by a majority of voters. Every government coming to power and starting over, making wholesale changes, sets back national growth, development, and progress.

    The growth and development window is closing. Nevertheless, there is an opportunity now to chart a new course, resetting the compass. Charting that new course requires effective leadership, organizing, planning……etc. It would require national collective,,cooperative, and collaborative efforts.

  8. @E. Leonard says:

    @E. Leonard, on Maslow Hierarchy of needs this vision and mission thing is at the self-actualization level while high cost living is strangling us, violent and property making prisoners in our abode, etc. No one is feeling you at the high level deep dives when they are struggling at the basic level. Nevertheless, these guys are green and are at different level. What is the difference a vision and mission? Are they one and the same?

  9. King Obstinate says:

    Everybody in this country all of self and none of thee. I wonder if Dr. Pickering remembers his reaction when I asked Dr. Smith that same question upon NDP coming to office in early 2000s.

  10. Global warming says:

    The source of global warming is all the hot air talking. Reduce global warming. Reduce the hot air talking. The place burning up already. Recycling is good except in this case. Please…

  11. Simple says:

    Power,water, sewage,Health,roads,education and honest civil servants / politicians chances 0%

  12. Swag says:

    Lol lol lol ayo don’t have no vision….never did…clearly never will

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