BVI News

BVI reopening for tourism on December 1!

The British Virgin Islands will be reopening its borders to tourists in December — nine months following its closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This announcement was made by Premier Andrew Fahie on Monday during the launch of the BVI Tourists Board’s rebranding campaign initiative entitled BVI Love.

He said: “Every country that reopened to tourists and travellers alike faced their own challenges with the coronavirus. However, we can be very optimistic because we are vigorously preparing for our reopening to welcome back our tourists among others on the 1st December 2020.”

“We have two full months to prepare and we must get it right and we must get it done. All of us working together, government, private sector, the public working together with BVI Love,” he added.

Premier Fahie said a number of measures will be used to ensure the safe reopening of the territory’s borders come December.

Presently only approved persons allowed entry

The territory is presently in Phase II of the Restricted Border & Controlled Re-Entry Plan, which allows only approved categories of persons into the territory.

The persons permitted entry into the territory include work permit holders; work permit exemption holders; residing entry-permit holders such as retirees and homeowners; students of locally-based medical schools and the H Lavity Stoutt Community College; persons employed by the government and its statutory bodies, agencies and boards; and teachers in the public and private sector.

Diplomats deemed as ‘business visitors’, dependents of Belongers, as well as dependents of permanent residents, work permit holders, work permit exemption holders, and persons desirous of conducting business in the territory are also permitted entry.

Also allowed temporary entry in the territory for a maximum of five days during this period are aviation crews, maritime crews, healthcare practitioners/medical staff, emergency maintenance, repair and other technical personnel and other essential specialised workers.

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  1. Expat says:

    Yes allowing phase 11 but the cannot enter now can they. Talk about all the certificates they have to get first. D3cember might reach and they cannot get their application processed.

    There are people expecially expat with children too who never get anything from the stimulus package. There are many single persons without kids or family and they are receiving money but who really needs it are not getting it. I would love to see someone shed a light on these issues please.

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  2. Finally says:

    But presumably will close down again when we have one new case…

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  3. Whattt says:

    Place will be full a covid 19 …

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  4. Plan says:

    For those of you who will find fault with this decision, please tell me how you would have done any better with such a fluid moving health issue. I assume that this would happen, that the opening would be set for around the normal tourist season if Covid didnt make that impossible. Some will say this should have been announce earlier cause most people plan their trips in advance, so are you saying wait for the November 2021. VIlanders some of us are so NEGATIVE

    Test arrivals with result in 24hrs or less, require testing before visitors travel. Yes that is more problematic for obvious reason. Visitors may be concern about what happens if they test positive while in the territory so, come up with a solutions- for those who aren’t showing symptoms and yes obviously treatment for those who needs to be treated.

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    • Sage says:

      what could have been done is have persons who are desirous of going on a sailing trip come to the BVI first and we test that and see how it works.
      Opening to international travel before we know what works and what doesn’t with that population is not wise

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  5. Rum belly says:

    I can’t wait to drink

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  6. do better TB says:

    The last two weeks in November have always been busy for the industry. We should be able to get it together by November 15th. The industry will loose much needed income as visitors who are booked will cancel now. Not everyone can rearrange travel plans. Should be November 15 and we should also know what the protocols required in order to properly inform the visitors. Soon come…doesn’t get it. It isn’t professional, and it is inconsiderate. If you are going to announce an opening date say what the protocols are going to be. Stop making every one wait! Shows lack of respect.

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  7. Do Our Part says:

    Let’s not get carried away and let our guard down or 1 Dec would be a date thrown out there in vain.

    We all have to do our part to not have a community spread so this date becomes reality.

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  8. Hope says:

    Hope he doesn’t require 14 day quarantine for a 7 day visit. This should be interesting.

    Like 23
  9. December too late. says:

    They will have to test their Port procedures. Hope they open up in November for regional travel to test their plans and princesses before the December rush..

  10. Well says:

    Then open the borders for work permit holders to return now without all the required hassle. If not they too might end coming in on December like the tourist because they will not get all their requirements needed on time.

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    • Not me says:

      For how that place treated expats, I would like to see who going run back there. The resort where I worked and most that I know of had mostly expat workers, chefs, dishwashers, kitchen staff, house keepers, maintenance, bartenders, waitress you name it and most have left. People made their peace with picking up our lives as youall say, go back down the island. So we did. Now, I will listen out to here all the BVI people working these positions now because with successful tourist industry cones with competent and reliable hard working staff. What youall gonna do now, invite new workers in from Spai and Germany where you can’t tell them go back down the island. Good luck BVI. Who you meet going up is who you will always meet coming back down off your pedestal

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  11. Tongue Fu says:

    Truth is we had 6 months to prepare to reopen and we are still talking about a Plan? We are still talking about all the stakeholders coming together? In order for tourists to plan they must know what they are planning for. Do they have to quarantine? Do they have to test before, after or both? Protocols should have been launched already with a test run in November so we can tweak for December. Stakeholders should have been informed so they could make the necessary investment in upgrading their facilities.

    We have seen how other countries have opened up with protocols in place and have done well for the most part. Too much talk.

    I expected better after 6 months of waiting.

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    • Kong Foo says:

      Tongue Fu you hit it on the head.

      6 months and all we have now is a date?!! December 1st and then what? If I’m a tourist how long should I sit and wait for the BVI to tell me about their protocols? How long is the quarantine requirement? Surely this government should have known by now. And the information circulated in the wider markets. All we have here is a little flyer and a date. How can anyone make serious plans with this piece meal info??!

      Some people really need two Kong Foo kicks.

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    • @ tongue fu says:

      How can any company such as hotel and villas prepare without staff. Most of the workers in this industry were pushed out and told to go back home. I manage several villas for homeowners who live overseas. All the cleaners and gardeners had to leave because they did not have residence or belongers and couldn’t get nobody else to hire them. I dust the villas myself and keep them clean and get a guy to cut the bush now and again. With opening, and no other information, how can I put out the villas for bookings and don’t know what the plan is. I need staff, staff, staff. Even though we don’t have a restaurant, we always provided a private chef for the many people who wanted the meals prepared in their villas. We offered daily cleaning and impeccably manicured grounds. What’s the plan sir premier. How are visitors going to get here. Will ferries be running from St Thomas.

      We need to know more at this point. A nice jingle song and video cannot cut it right now and don’t answer nothing for me as a person in the tourism industry.

  12. Smiley says:

    I can’t wait to see what BVI Love really looks like now.We don’t even love ourselves! Nor our neighbors!! Bunch of hypocrites with this juvenile marketing. How much is this campaign costing us?

    We still have to wait to hear about the quarantine aspect of this? What does that part of the plan look like? Oh that’s right, ‘More information coming soon’. I swear it’s kids running this show. Persons need to plan their travel properly and have to wait to hear what the quarantine protocol would be!?? We had enough time to get our darn act together. How soon is soon? So now we wait some more. Wowww!!

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    • @ Smiley says:

      You can see the shade from a mile at the boastful attitudes of some of our BVIslanders.

      Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” God’s word assures us pride is the root of the rubble in our lives. 1 Corinthians 10:12 warns, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” Psalm 10:2-11 describes the oppressive result of pride, and a plea to God for justice and defense for those caught in its tailspin.

      Pride is at the heart of bullying and entitlement. It’s deceptive tendency leaves a wake of destruction. The very nature of human conflict is rooted in elements of pride. Proverbs 13:10 says, “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.”

      Where is the BVI Love when our people are so quick to attack others ….the same people who attacking can’t wait to get out of here when the borders open.

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  13. Sounds Good says:

    This is music to my ears, and I certainly will not let my guard down while Covid-19 is still on a rampage.

    It needs a concentrated effort, however, from EVERY man, woman and child to spread BVILOVE so that it is felt throughout the Territory.

    One of the areas we can focus on is cleanliness. I was driving through the countryside behind a man in a truck a week ago, and was angry when he casually pitched a can out of his vehicle, and it fell by the roadside. I simply could not believe that in these enlightening days this type of nastiness happens here. Where was the BVIPRIDE?

    Let us all strive to keep our Territory beautiful. That is one way we can share the love.

    Like 15
  14. Anonymous says:

    I am a tourist, and committed to BVI for the past 20 years And hopefully many more To come. but how are other islands in the Caribbean open safely and BVI is not yet? If I were Someone else planning a trip, I would probably go elsewhere. It’s a shame that BVI will loose those people and the revenue they bring because of lack of planning and/or fear.

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  15. Antigen Testing says:

    Make sure the antigen testing is available by then so that everyone can be screened at the airport and the results are available next day.

  16. That's Your PLAN??? says:

    These so-called Government Leaders have refused to process Work Permits, held re-entry of long-term Residents needed to operate tourism businesses HOSTAGE, Exiled many hundreds, separated families for half a year… and now they just announce a reopening date? That’s your Plan?

    There are plenty of places with blue water and white sand, most of which treat business owners and employees with more intelligence, dignity and respect. How am I supposed to reopen without my top staff? I guess a look at USVI is in order for this and future operating seasons. No work permits, easier visa procedures, less arrogance and more appreciation for our services.

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    • Blindman says:

      Well if you feel so strongly go over to the usvi you always had that choice. The problem is you people want government to jump when you all say jump .Everyone have something at stake here but some feel because they are employers that their should be put first.And for those blogging that have left with their negative vibes you will be some of the first to run back.

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  17. Where is the Love says:

    If the BVILove loved its own. Tell us

    Where’s the BVI Love in the roads, that all need repairing?

    Where’s the BVI Love in the internet prices and services?

    Where’s the BVI Love in controlling these exorbitant supermarket prices?

    Where’s the BVI Love amongst its residents for each other no matter where they originate from?

    This campaign is just a farce without a real change in our hearts and attitudes.. Love acts and is not just to be used as a word. I can’t wait to see how we will treat our first set of guests when they land. I hope it’s with a smile and friendly welcome and not assume they are just coming to spread Corona to us. BVILove hmmphf!

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  18. Rubber Duck says:

    Will tourists come? Some maybe but not hordes. It’s still difficult to travel and difficult to get back into their home countries.

    Will the government stick with the date? What if 20 new cases appear? Hard to plan unless you are certain.

    Love is at least better than natures little secrets which really meant nothing. How about some pride to go with the love and an effort clean the place up.

  19. What a joke says:

    bvi love oh please and them hate the expats what the call bvi love
    When can ppl collect there permit without strings attached

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  20. E5ND says:

    This is to late to open December strupes

  21. Goodsense says:

    Awesome observation but by the way the make us wait for information, we should not be surprised of the lack of respect

  22. new permits? says:

    great news about the opening what about new work permits?

  23. question says:

    wouldnt it have made more sense to make this announcement with some sort of initial plan? Yes, we can run and start preparing, but many of us know what preparing means in the service industry. What will be preparing for? Starting with labour, let how many of the local people willing to help to help us to live up to the service we have been dedicated to giving our guests for so many years. This company has provided specialized training, workshops and professional development to our staff for so many years, now most of them are gone. Who do we get. how to we start to get the word out? repeated guests who are anxious about coming back are asking what are the requirements, and my answer is I don’t know. Is other information coming on November 25.

    It’s all about a hype, but when it comes to busines, a hype and excitement really doesnt cut it for us. We need details. More info is coming….when? in a few days, weeks. This whole thing is just frustrating. Also thinking about work permits. Are youall going to accept new applications? So so many questions with no answers in sight

  24. Waiting on the Vaccine. says:

    That’s their plan, hoping the Vaccine will be ready by then…The country is so divided because of no proper forward moving plans… Those who continue to get their full salaries work or no work don’t care for the country… Those with no or little income been calling on Govt to get a plan and open The country sooner…I believe a good realistic plan, with a common sense process can keep the virus out..

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