BVI News

BVI-USVI Vaccination Bubble initiative officially launched

The following is a media release from the Ministry of Health on BVI residents seeking to get alternative COVID-19 vaccines in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI).

Residents of the Virgin Islands who wish to receive the Pfizer or Johnson and Johnson vaccines can now do so with the introduction of the BVI-USVI Vaccination Bubble initiative.

The BVI-USVI Vaccination Bubble initiative was designed to enhance the current COVID-19 response and mitigation efforts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, by providing further options and adjusting entry protocols which would support persons wishing to participate.

Interested residents will be required to travel to St. John, US Virgin Islands to be vaccinated as part of this initiative as due to logistical and regulatory requirements, the named vaccines cannot be brought into the territory.

Minister for Health and Social Development, Honourable Carvin Malone said: “We have collaborated with the Government of the USVI to reduce some of the challenges that are preventing persons from vaccinating against this deadly disease. Some persons did not want the AstraZeneca vaccine and other persons who were not able to be vaccinated for other medical or logistical reasons can now protect themselves with access to the Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson vaccines through this initiative.”

Prospective applicants should note the following: ·

• 12–17-year-olds will be given priority Individuals under the age of 18 MUST have a parent or legal guardian accompany them.

• If a parent or legal guardian is not travelling with the child, a notarised letter by the parent allowing the person to accompany the child must be presented.

• An official birth certificate must be presented at the time of vaccination to the USVI Department of Health for each child.

• You must have a valid passport and ordinarily meet immigration requirements to enter the USVI You must be able to fund all costs associated with getting the vaccine including transportation and logistical costs.

Interested persons can register today by contacting 852-7525 Monday to Friday between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm.

Honourable Malone said Cabinet has made several adjustments to facilitate the process and lower the cost for persons who wish to participate.

These decisions include:

• Persons going to and from the USVI, specifically to receive vaccinations, or to accompany minors for that purpose, under the agreed protocols with the USVI authorities would be exempt from the applicable quarantine requirement for the partially vaccinated persons.

• Persons going to and from the USVI, specifically to receive vaccinations, or to accompany minors for that purpose, under the agreed protocols with the USVI authorities would be exempt from the requirement to register on the entry portal and from payment of the associated fees.

• Persons going to and from the USVI, specifically to receive vaccinations, or to accompany minors for that purpose, under the agreed protocols with the USVI authorities would be exempt from payment of the relevant fees on exit of the territory.

The community is encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to be vaccinated through the BVI-USVI Vaccination Bubble initiative. Please stay healthy and safe! Remember we will get through this together.

The Government of the Virgin Islands is committed to improving the health and well-being of the people of the Virgin Islands.

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  1. Wow says:

    Be careful, most country don’t accept two different vaccine

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  2. Crazy says:

    Unless parents taking their kids between the age of 12 to 17 years old to go and get vaccinated it doesn’t make any sense for grown adults to go to st Thomas for their jab and we one of the best vaccine in the world here in the bvi.

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  3. @crazy says:

    What you haven’t taken into account is the fact that there are some incredibly gullible people here that for reasons even they don’t understand don’t want the AZ vaccine. It certainly makes no sense but you can’t fix stupid.

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  4. Anonymous says:

    At least they appear to have been listening. Much a bit late, as some have succumb, out of fear, to taking the Astra, but did not want to. Would rather the Moderna than any of those, but that isnot being offered either.

    Wondering now if it wise to have , as a second, shot, one of those instead.

    Anyway, health ministers and others, your efforts in this regards are appreciated immensely. Just wish it was revealed two weeks ago.

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  5. ABC says:

    We want to have an option and thanks for it.

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