BVI News

BVI will reduce vegetable imports in a few years

Junior Minister for Agriculture, Dr Karl Dawson.

Junior Minister for Agriculture Dr Karl Dawson has stated that the BVI will be able to reduce the importation of certain vegetables in a few years, as local production is poised to increase.

Minister Dawson said his prediction is based on certain projects that are underway in the BVI and some that are planned to increase production of certain foods.

“Based on the projects that are underway and the projects that are planned, I can see a reduction in imports. Certainly, when it comes to greens like lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and so on, there’s going to be a reduction because people are interested and moving forward with farming those things,” the Minister stated at a recent press conference.

Food importation remains a problem in the Caribbean and one of the main areas in which the region’s countries spend foreign dollars.

CARICOM countries have committed to reducing the region’s large food import bill by 25 per cent by 2025. To achieve this target, the countries say they will give special attention to priority crops and products such as poultry, corn, soya, meat (Goat, Sheep, Beef), rice and niche vegetables, which are highly imported products in the region.

During the press conference, one journalist asked Minister Dawson how close the BVI is to achieving the goal set by CARICOM. In response, the Minister said he’s unable to provide the answer as the BVI’s agricultural system lacks adequate data.

“Sadly, I cannot give an answer because data is one of the weaknesses as far as the territory is concerned. That’s one of the things we really want in the Department because if we have goals that we are aspiring to, we must know where we are and we must know when we’ve arrived to where we are seeking to go,” the Minister stated.

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  1. Eldread says:

    Dr Dawson I hear news excerpt of you mentioning the fishing industries. But please don’t go be an academic as you guys go out in these international meetings under the infantilism narrative meted out to you all, been told of some high sounding slogan called blue economy. Where they set out the parameters for you to manage god sea water to the detriment of local fishermen.and then large Chinese and other fish consuming conglomerate comes in with large trawler fishing vessels to take it. So you Dr Dawson would have colonized the sea water for white monopoly capital.

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  2. Salty Fish says:

    Look here Cowboy … your grasp on the most basic of things in life seem to have deserted you and to be honest, there is not one thing you have said to date that makes any sense whatsoever!

    Your understanding of agriculture and conservation is terrifying. You allow the sales of lobster and conch by a few during the closed season by either giving permission of just looking the other way! How’s that work? Certainly not conservation, or preservation of a species in desperate need of a rebound! Long term this is devastating for the two industries (tourism and fisheries) which demonstrates your willful ignorance and indifference.

    Second, regarding your vegetables. The importation of vegetables will not cease until (a) the product you produce is sufficient enough and of good enough quality to match that which you import, and (b) the price it is sold for is close to or equally as competitive as those that are currently imported.

    Your endless talk and attempts to let us know you actually have an inkling of what you are talking about is making you look a bigger fool than you already are.

    Further example of our Country putting people in positions of authority and leadership that have ZERO knowledge of what they are talking about or what they are doing! All to our detriment.

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  3. Wishful thinking says:

    No one in the BVI will buy vegetables grown in the BVI that are more expensive than imported vegetables.

    Like 10
  4. Pie in the Sky says:

    Mr Minister, The old men of Tortola working hoe-pick from dawn have long gone and their agriculture gone with them. They were the true men of the soil exporting vegetables to St Thomas as well as feeding those at home. Business suits do not produce crops

    Like 11


  6. LMAO says:

    Where in BVI rice can grow, and where are to cows to get beef, really dissapointed in you, sound like since you get elected, you have lost your faculties.

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  7. VG says:

    Maybe the minister should have a education that matches the ministry!!!! complete nonsense.

  8. TurtleDove says:

    @ Salty Fish

    100% agree with you!

  9. @Eldread says:

    Chinese people aren’t generally white. I know its popular to blame whitey for everything but one thing they ain’t is Chinese,

    Like 4
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  10. Me says:

    What happen to that trailer sloowande/ Andrew put in that parking lot VG?Up to now the door was not open since.You guys gonna meet it stop taking people for granted pls.stop

  11. Imports says:

    Reduce the Twinkies and Cheetos being imported. Not to mention the sugary drinks being pushed on kids and adults to speed up diabetes and bankrupt NHI.

  12. Jim says:

    The only vegetables BVI produces in quantity is weed

  13. Strategy says:

    Dr. Dawson, you need to clean up the Department of Agriculture and make it a functioning department. I am not convinced that its current leadership knows how to bring about your vision. Fix your foundational issues then the rest will be much easier to implement.
    Until then, all you are doing is blowing hot air.

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