BVI News

‘BVIEC worked miracles — I didn’t have much faith initially’

Works Minister, Mark Vanterpool. (Photos from Premier’s Facebook page)

While admitting that he did not believe the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) could restore power quickly, Minister for Communications and Works Mark Vanterpool has joined the list of persons who are now congratulating the team.

BVIEC employees worked seven days a week alongside electricity workers from across the world to restore the power to the territory following last September’s hurricanes.

Premier Dr D Orlando Smith and his wife treated these BVIEC workers to an appreciation dinner at The Moorings over the weekend.

“I honestly have to say I did not have so much faith in them the day after Irma. When I saw what was there, I didn’t believe they could do what they had done. But they have worked miracles,” said Vanterpool while giving remarks at the event.

“I am happy that the Corporation hunkered down, and in a couple of months, we were back on track … Everywhere I go even those who were complaining at the beginning said what a marvellous job they had done, and I feel very happy for that,” the minister added.

Heroic work

Meanwhile, Governor Augustus Jaspert also expressed gratitude towards the BVIEC employees.

“I have overused the word ‘hero’ when I thank people but BVIEC are complete heroes and you should have been incredibly proud of what you achieved,” the governor told the electricity workers.

“The life of the islands has come back and got power and … what you’ve done has got us to where we are. Thank you and well done.”

Governor Augustus Jaspert and Premier Dr D Orlando Smith at the appreciation dinner at the weekend. (Photo credit: Premier’s Facebook page)

Premier Dr D Orlando Smith also had some kind words for the BVIEC team.

He said despite the difficulties faced with getting additional linesmen to help complete the job, the country’s power was restored in “record time”.

“We know that the country was devastated but we are a people that are very resilient and we got back into getting our country fixed back, and leading the troupe was the BVIEC as usual,” he said.

“I want to congratulate you for your effort in getting the grid back up because … we all recognized the importance of having the power back up for the regrowth, rebuild, and the rebirth of the economy of the BVI.”

Scene from the appreciation dinner at the weekend. (Photo credit: Premier’s Facebook page)

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  1. Angie says:

    Kudos to BVI Electricity. It is true that they did a wonderful job.

    The minister responsible should now support other departments such pwd
    And wsd so that they too could get one of with the people’s work. By the way port also need support

  2. Albion says:

    Really proud of our BVIEC guys. I think we all remember that moment of joy when the current came back on in our homes. I hope they know how grateful we all are.

    My big remaining worry is that a lot of those poles don’t look too firmly embedded in the ground. I hope that they get a chance to come back and strengthen the poles before next season gets here.

  3. Heartfelt Thank You says:

    I would like to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to the BVI Electricity Team both near and far. Those in the BVI who were called back from retirement, those who flew in from overseas, the Electricity Office Staff, and the ordinary resident who went out and assisted in whatever way they could. YOUR HARD WORK IS MUCH APPRECIATED. Thank God for keeping your families safe while you all worked hard to restore the BVI. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

  4. ok NOW says:


  5. Mr.T says:

    Thank you BVIEC

  6. Eagle eye says:

    Let it also be known that bviec was’nt giving a raise in 15 or more years

  7. East End says:

    Thank you BVIEC. God bless you and your family

  8. Concerned says:

    Having been involved in & with he BVI for over 0 years, I have to say I have never seen anything work so efficient and go so well as bring the power back. The crews ALL worked long hard hours and it was a incredibal job!!

  9. Of course says:

    Of course he did not believe BVIEC could do it, given the huge amounts owed to them by the government. Busy throwing away the territory’s money on one plane n ting. BVIEC for government!!!!!… raaaas

  10. Concern says:

    Thank you Guys. God’s blessing to you all

  11. Bow tie club says:

    A plate of food for all the hard work. Well sah!

    This is like the minister of education dinner for educators instead of giving these hard working people a raise. While he raising the money in … Ayo better wake up and see wah going on.

    Then he want to say he is giving back by telling other members to donate part of their salary. You can donate because most of what was made was … Not to mention a t—g WALL.

    No hard feeling BVI electricity but tek just like the —- minister and put it where the sun don’t shine. That might be your belly!

  12. More Than Word could say says:

    I truly appreciate the work of the the BVI Electricity Cooperation. I remembered the evening when the hurricane was just about over, the wind was still strong but there they were in the area with protective clothes and helmet already assessing the extent of the damages. Therefore I join the rest in saying a heartfelt THANK YOU to the team and their families locally and aboard.

  13. shame shame says:

    They took too long and should be flanked for not having spares

  14. JAY says:

    cudos to bvi electricity and all expertrateswho came to render assistance to reinstate the power to almost 90-95%. God bless.

  15. Jan says:

    Cudos to BVIEC for all your hard team work through out the Territory and for your foresight to hire outside help to strengthen your local resources. We appreciate that some customers were not ‘connectible’ when the linesmen were in their areas, but we have every confidence that once their properties are safe you guys will be on the job and hard at it. In the meanwhile, it is so good to see clean up teams out and about.

  16. @shame shame says:

    Unless you got some crystal ball and knew what was gonna happen, nobody else on earth could have predicted and prepared for the total devastation caused to us by Irma, the vast devastation to Puerto Rico by Maria 11 days later and the need for enough electricity cable to get to the moon.

  17. Many Thanks says:

    Everyone here acts as they ‘did not’ have to restore power. It is their jobs, and they’re getting paid.

    Do you guys thank doctors for saving lives everyday? …if you get where i’m getting at.

    • Nonsense says:

      You don’t thank Doctors for saving lives everyday however, if there’s a school bus filled with kids that went over a hill, with many suffering life threatening injuries and our doctors were able to save all of them then YES, we would thank them! We are not thanking BVIEC for showing up 9-5 to do their job, we are thanking them for rebuilding the ENTIRE GRID along with their counterparts from other countries in 6 months. That deserves rewarding!

  18. Diplomat says:

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Wel sah! The MCW clearly didn’t know the capability of the BVIEC and had neither faith nor confidence in it restoring power ahead of schedule, exceeding expectations. Though the MCW probably had no ill will in publicly expressing his lack of faith in BVIEC, it probably did nothing to boost morale or motivate the workers. He probably should have just expressed thanks and gratitude to workers for their exceptional work and leave well enough alone. This was one of those ready-fire-aim moment. Here is a news flash for the MCW. In a crisis, workers normally perform in a Herculean fashion, exceeding expectations.

    Moreover, workers work at burnt out level and beyond, spent little quality time with their families and had little down time for their health, morale and welfare. As such, proposed a meritorious monetary bonus, an additional paid two weeks vacation, letter of commendation from Premier ………..etc.

  19. Tallfat says:

    Didn’t bother to read the article must echo the headline though. AWESOME JOB BVIEC, SIMPLY AWESOME.

  20. Rubber Duck says:

    Excellent work when you consider that Puerto Rico is only about 60% restored even now. And the most pleasant gentlemen you could meet too. And the new poles are better than the old ones.

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