BVI News

BVIHSA using local data to drive vaccination campaign

Health Minister Carvin Malone

The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) is using local data to drive its new vaccination campaign which was launched yesterday.

The campaign features statistics collected from the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital’s Specialty Care and Intensive Units.

The vaccination campaign is organised by the Primary Healthcare Department and focuses on providing a breakdown of COVID-related hospitalisations during 2021.

The Director of Primary Healthcare Dr Natasha Frett explained the campaign seeks to provide an understanding of how the virus has been affecting persons in the Virgin Islands.

“Being on the frontline, the Primary Healthcare team continues to come face to face with risks associated with the coronavirus. We are also seeing the hurt and effects it has been having on families and the community at large, and we are hoping that by putting this data forward persons would get a clearer picture of the favourable results of vaccination,” Dr Frett said.

The statistics provided are for the period of January to December 2021 and included the number of COVID-19 related hospitalisation. It also related the differentiation between those who were vaccinated, partially vaccinated and those unvaccinated.

One hundred and fifty-eight persons were hospitalised and 19 of them were vaccinated, two partially vaccinated and 137 unvaccinated.

Most of BVI’s COVID casualties were unvaccinated 

The statistics also revealed that all 36 persons who died from COVID-related complications were unvaccinated.

The Marketing & Communications Manager at the BVIHSA Damion Grange said the campaign is bringing to light realities of the effectiveness of vaccination against coronavirus.

“Each figure represents a person, who has a family, and that family has been impacted in significant ways. The BVIHSA and Ministry of Health are committed to the protection of the BVI community, and from our in-house data promoting and encouraging vaccination is an effective way to get this done,” Grange said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health, Carvin Malone is encouraging residents to take advantage of the vaccination drive that will be taking place on Saturday 29 January, and Sunday 30 January at the Festival Grounds in Road Town, between 9 am and 5 pm.

Malone noted that both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines will be available in first, second and booster dose options.

“We will make sure that it is all available. Through the United Kingdom we have been able to get all the vaccines that are required for the entire population,” he said.

And while imploring the community to capitalise on the vaccination drive, the minister stated that healthcare workers have been going above and beyond the call of duty to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the territory.

“We have had the staff at the Health Services Authority – they have been working around the clock, saving you, risking their own lives in making sure that you are comfortable. You must do your part. You have to do your part by making sure that you become vaccinated,” Malone said.

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  1. Sooo says:

    “The statistics also revealed that all 36 persons who died from COVID-related complications were vaccinated.”
    So how does that encourage reticent persons to go ahead and get the vaccine, when it appears to make no difference to the outcome?

    Like 19
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    • Soooo dumb you cannot read says:

      “The statistics also revealed that all 36 persons who died from COVID-related complications were “UNVACCINATED.”

      Like 22
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    • @Sooo says:

      It clearly says they were UNVACCINATED! 36 unvaxed, 13 presumably 1 dose or fully vaccinated.

      Like 14
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    • Question? says:

      You and Dr.George seems to be avoiding the questions.

      Tell us how much reported cases of the common flu we had this year?

      And did the Flu dissapeared?

      How many vaccinated people die from cancer, high blood pressure and other related dieses months after taking your poision?

      Like 12
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  2. LOL says:

    is that a typo? the 36 that died are unvaccinated?

    Like 3
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  3. FACT CHECKER says:

    The 36 persons were UNVACCINATED

    Like 10
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  4. Soon says:

    The BVI will have a 100% vaccination rate because the unvaccinated persons will not be here anymore.

    Like 9
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    • @Soon says:

      Be very careful what you wish for, you might be dead from cancer and other related dieses from the same vaccine and the unvax will here to take you under.

      Like 9
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  5. Time will tell says:

    Who cares about a vaccine that clearly ain’t working? Strupes, before vaccine all was good now these poison here all hell broke loose. Some of you are too blind too see what’s really going on.

    Like 19
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    • ShakesFear says:

      The Minister stats are not the truth, like the pied Piper playing his flute. Constant misinformation he spews out his mouth. Everything he says should give you some doubt.

      When they see it fit they follow the UK PROTOCOLS OR THE CDC. Now he changed from their rules which is puzzling to me.

      Is it his personal Protocol agenda to get paid to persuade.

      Secret bonds on citizens they took.
      While millions perish after taking the jook.

      Testing regime and vax..sin drives
      More submissive as they takeover your lives.

      There is no plan to stop all this crap.
      The chaos created was all a trap.

      The uptick increase in cases
      Was to get all of our DNA in databases.

      Data is big business for the people in control
      Shut up don’t ask questions and do as your told.

      The time will come when all will reveal
      That this whole thing was a massive fraud not sure how you’ll feel.

      Like 16
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    • The Real Truth says:

      Your ignorance is astonishing!

      Like 3
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  6. Lol says:

    They have corrected it. Initially it said the 36 were vaccinated. Glad they have corrected it

    Like 7
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  7. on point says:

    the 36 were vaccinated get the statistics right

    Like 10
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  8. Worrying Question says:

    Why is the BVIHSA or the health minister or Dr. Georges afraid of letting the public know the local data of how many persons that were vaccinated,have died? It is pretty strange that out of the 18786 persons that got either 1 or 2 doses,no one has died but we are seeing casualties in other countries that took the vaccine. We have seen so many deaths in the BVI since the vaccine roll out and is it ok to say that none of those were vaccinated?I Know the message was it will prevent death but did it?

    Like 11
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  9. Tongue Fu says:

    The problem with statistics is that you can manipulate them to suit your agenda.

    First 36 deaths unvaccinated occurred when the vaccinated percentage was low.So if 80% -90% was your unvaxxed rate then it is to be expected that the majority of the persons hospitalized would be the unvaxxed.

    Secondly were the 36 persons without co-morbidities? That is a very important factor in your susceptibility to serious illness from covid. Why no focus on that?

    Thirdly we have had 13 more deaths in the last month alone what was the vaccination status of those persons? It would help in us determining the vaccine’s effectiveness against omricon.

    Finally what about the recovery rate for the unvaxxed? Does anyone know? Especially when study after study has shown that natural immunity is stronger and lasts longer than vaccine immunity.

    Like 9
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  10. Black Fools.. says:

    These Caribbean leaders have Evil and corrupt world health organization deceiving them into believing that their success is base on how high their vaccination rate is..Its all to the Benefit of Bill Gates vaccines have to be bought..its not a free something..

    Like 9
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  11. Don't believe me, do your own research. says:

    For those of you have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The results may surprise you. Then sue your Government.

    Like 10
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    • Lol says:

      BVI news you have now become as bad as the other site. You have to approve posts. Why on earth would you approve this nonsense statement about AIDS. Shame on you. Hope advertisers start to move away from you as well if you are going to allow this nonsense.

      Like 5
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  12. Anonymous says:

    This is a National Security Risk

  13. @ ANONYMOUS says:


  14. The chip says:

    Why is government still talking bout vaccination an the UK going stop wear mask an stop vaccinate cruise stop don’t have to fallow an covid guidelines any more so what’s up with telling people to vaccinate

    Like 5
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  15. SMH! says:

    OMG, the lies that are spewing from the MoH are unbelievable! Playing with the stats to get a payday from WHO/CDC or Big Pharma is absolutely shameful! Talk about selling out your fellow human being!

    Like 4
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  16. Anonymous says:

    These conspiracy theorists are the remaining 35% of the BVI’s unvaxed. And they are spreading lies again on bvinews. The remaining covidiots of bvi. LOL

    Like 2
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  17. Anonymous says:

    I just want to say to everyone taking the vacine or declining from taking the vacine it is a person choice. I was tested positive for covid 19. Was not hospitalized, unvacinated and lastly,has a chronic condition. 99.9 percent of the time a person with a chronic illness will not survive covid.Just want to let the BVI know only God can save us from this monster. He did it for me and he can do it for you. Do have a pleasant day.

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