BVIPA rebrands as plans advance to reopen to visitors ‘very soon’

Premier Andrew Fahie has hinted that the territory will be soon be reopening its borders for tourism as the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) undergoes a comprehensive rebranding initiative geared towards facilitating the rebooting of the economy.
The Premier gave that indication on Friday September 18, during the unveiling ceremony of the BVIPA’s rebranding initiative.
He said maintaining the territory’s port services is a key part of reviving the BVI’s economy.
“The British Virgin Islands Ports Authority is of critical value to this economy. It helps to facilitate business continuity through ports and shipping which are an essential part of our socioeconomic environment of this territory,” Premier Fahie stated.
“The director and his team continue to push forward, plan, and get ready for the new regular as visitors prepare to return to come to this territory when we open for that category of persons which will be very soon,” he added.
Can redefine the potential of the ports
Fahie further said the initiative presents an opportunity for the territory to market an enhanced port brand which he believes is an exciting chapter for the agency, once executed to plan.
“Though the process may present various obstacles to overcome, an effective brand transformation can completely redefine the business’ future potential, because a brand is how we connect with our target audience, how we represent ourselves and our consumers,” he stated.
Deep cultural change to come
BVIPA’s Acting Managing Director Dean Fahie said the modern and updated look of the organisation will allow it to stand out from other regional counterparts when marketing its services.
He said: “Our brand migration is not just cosmetic change of logos and products, it is underpinned by a deep cultural change both within the authority and by global markets. As we pursue our strategy by leading regional ports, this refresh brand is evidence of our commitment to keep the BVI moving.”
“As we turn 30, we need to reinvent ourselves in order to remain relevant in a rapidly changing COVID era and marketplace. It is this realisation that has driven our brand migration. Our new corporate identity is intended to inject that values that drive us, that represent us as the BVI Ports Authority,” he explained.
Why the anchor symbol was selected
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Board of Directors at the BVIPA Kelvin Hodge outlined why the decision was made to use an anchor as a symbol in the BVIPA’s new logo.
He said the anchor is the best symbol of the ocean which ideally represents the territory’s ports and it also depicts the ports’ stability which is laid on a 30-year foundation.
“It is symbolic of hope when it is lifted from the waters of the port, it represents adventure, a new voyage or journey…The anchor encourages us to follow the plotted course and carry on with our plans, to stay steadfast with our vision for the new dreams we have ahead of us,” Hodge explained.
He added: “The symbolic steadfastness is a representation of the process of our decision making. It says to the world this is where we stand and these are the roads that we are governed by.”
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Don’t forget to rebrand the human h**s that works at Port Authority in Road Town and the security at the Virgin Gorda Port.
The Foy thinks that he will open the borders to visitors and the tourists will flood in. Perhaps someone needs to tell him that tourists PLAN their vacations far in advance. With no announcement of an opening date there is no planning by tourists and THERE IS NO PLANNING BY THE FOY. Please Foy remove your head from your …
Not true!
There are the very rich, who can afford to travel at anytime!
Most of the rich do not work, therefore, their ideas about travel always remain fluid!
You’re and idiot. The ultra rich are going to Barbados and St Marteen that are open and welcoming. They are not waiting for Foy to jump on a plane. Stay closed up and die!!!
@Hmm and the other fools.
What do you propose!!! Some of you are just freaking negative for being negative, how well are you running your life. I made the assumption that the VI would attempt to reopen for the tourist season if Covid didn’t make that impossible. Just a little common sense, and not every one plan months in advance. If they do what is the different the world close down in march with no one knowing for sure when things would change so please tell us how things could have been done differently.
I am so glad we are spending time and money on this when we still have not said when we will open our borders to the very people who use our ports the most, the tourists.
Yes, a new logo and branding is very important for all those visitors.
Read the sarcasm.
I hope the advertising gets rebranded as well and is a reflection of all the people of the VI and the world as a whole. Hopefully the advertisement is not just targeted to white tourists, but to all potential visitors regardless of color, creed or sexual orientation.
What utter drivel, complete incompetence.
Hello…Please tell us how much was paid for that logo and also how much was paid for the BVIAA logo….
Something is really wrong with their priorities…
I am trying to get excited about this but I can’t..
I am sure there are a million more critical things to be getting on with in the Territory right now !
This rebranding is like putting lipstick on a pig !
The chief and one of his stooges
We want Nathaniel Issac back. This new logo is a disgrace. Sure Mr. Issac would have come up with something more catchy. The board members need to be changed just for this siding with this nonsense.
Is there a reason our Premier isn’t wearing a mask? Indoors and less than 6ft from another person, the rules are pretty clear, looking forward to hearing what his $100 fine is spent on #leadingbyexample
If you’re on official government business, doing a photoshoot or are a member of the cabinet then you’re exempt from wearing a mask…oh wait, no, absolutely none of that is true. Get your mask on Fahie!
This is all you can think of to do in these critical times. How about spending that LOGO money for people that are hungry! You are acting like a kid in the first grade now! Focus on what is important.
a logo costs like…. $150-200…..
I hope this one was free lol. I would be embarrassed to unveil that!!!
But rebranding, signage, stationery etc costs $$$$
I know that but how much did the ones for BVIAA and BVIPA cost???? the cost will spin you around ten times……
My 5 year old could have designed a better logo.
Seriously y’all have your priorities all wrong. Open our dang borders so we can get back to work and living in “the new normal”.
Some of you people are so stupid that you wouldn’t know left from right. If a country wants to rebuild and provide services it will have to spend on upgrades and advertisement to let the world know that they are ready for business. Every other countries are using this time to get ready. Staying idle is not an option anymore. Spend a few thousands and get a few millions in return is a good investment. I say keep the good work up BVIPA.
You are such an @#$ kisser. So sit down somewhere.
And you’re obviously a negative person …please have a seat
Negative to BS!
With a logo like that give me a break, you can copy that from google, just type in ship anchor vector, and you will see that exact image. Who are these people fooling. They are just ripping off the taxpayer money, my niece that’s 6yrs old can design a better logo than that. That artist should be ashamed of themselves, no creativity no vision. I guess you can’t only perish with the sinking ship of fools.
The base image is called.
Break Anchor – UX Design for Startups
Worst logo ever….And minister Wheatley …ports off need to go and replace with locals.
Mr.Hodge looks like u need more training by the way you reading that speech.
Why don’t you go read it for him? He spoke very well in my opinion. He is doing a good job thus far. Give jack his jacket. You people are envious in this place…
By your assessment what has he done since he’s there that you consider a good job? I’ll wait…
Stevie Wonder? Did the Board and Andrew really approve this?
Yup! Designed by Stevie Wonder, vetted by Ray Charles!
Modern and clean, way better than that vigilate in bright yellow chains
This logo looks dumb!
So the slavery chains on the logo was better? Lol what a joke some of y’all can get out your old ways . Move on
Yes the slavery chains symbolize the slave master type mentality still being used by the present board members!
Why is so much money being pumped in to a rent for a building owned by a board member which can not properly accommodate the staff?
Wouldn’t have been wiser to rebuild the internal infrastructure first before going public with this embarrassment of a logo?
How disappointing… I expected to see elements of a “whale” incorporated in to the design.
This is so much better than that ridiculous 1980s thing they had for 30 years ….now fix up the ports …modern times get with it
This is dull, boring and lackluster just like the minds of the Ports Board Members!
Can you imagine this bland and boring logo in any international release leaving a lasting impression!?
If this was the winning submission i would have hate to see the competition! Was there a subcommittee comprising of upper and lower management or was this dictated as all other things are?!
Yes this new logo will be sure to have tourists coming in droves on February 30th when the borders reopen.
Is the anchor strong enough to keep the whale down under?
Was this done on the house ?! If not, please seek a refund!!
That money you all waste for that boring logo . Try pay the front line workers ayo cut pay. Doing s**t with money and staff can barely survive on that pay you all giving now.
So wait who design this??. Like really, really this needs to go back to the drawing board.
Must have been one C****s consultancy contracts that came up with it. Meanwhile can we have some a little further away from w****r.
There so many issues at the port and all they are doing is investing money in marketing. Tell me all that glamor is not going to hide the real issues. GWH still a mess, hours cut until with no explaining when it will go back full, at least talk to us, we will feel better knowing instead of not knowing, paying high rent for a building with no accommodation for staff parking, but forcing the regular customer to pay one cent on storage, but when they family and friends have bills… that’s a whole next topic lol or have their family using the government vehicle common man fix the internal issues first, p.s that logo look like s**t and does not represents the port. Major changes like this and you would think they would involve the staff. Hon. Fahie I like you but I cannot support you next election because that mean nothing will change. The board at BVIPA is a waste and the DMD too. Worst mistake was to let Mr. Samuel go through that door.
I totally agree with you the timing for rebranding the Ports is totally off in my opinion. How can you rebrand when there are so many internal issues that need to be address. Rather than fixing the problems at hand they are trying to cover it up. The culture of ports need to be fixed, employees morale is at an all time low, there is no confidence in the board or the DMD. You have employees salaries being cut, but yet new employees are being hired.
The Ports internal affairs needs to be addressed first then market and rebrand. The BVIPA name has been stained for years and it’s only getting worst… Instead of the Ports move forward they moving in reverse.
Let us strive at some point in the future, Premier, to rebrand the aesthetics of the ports.
Newer, and much modern facilities are necessary for the continuity of an enhanced tourism product!
Also, let us us not forget to rebrand the attitudes of the staff.
Friendly, smiling faces do an bring an extra plus, to the tourism product!
Truly, it is time for a comprehensive rebranding of all aspects of the systems of Port Authority!
On with the “rebrands”, Premier Fahie!
Their staff attitude needs the biggest overhaul , let’s hope this is the first step in an overall enhancement from their physical ports to their human resource.
If the staff aint happy what do you expect. They can be better but they are just affected by the way they are treated by management. I being business at the ports a long time and I can see the change in some especially the ones who does go over and beyond. Meno ijs. Could be wrong
standard font and free clipart wow good job hope you didn’t pay for that
Boy Andy you are known by the company you keep. This is utter rubish! With that caliber of Directors no wonder this is an epic fail.
Just remove the B when we go independent, next year. Oh, wait.
WTF kinda nonsense is this? Can’t come up with a plan for the country but can “rebrand the port”?? Whose lame brained idea is this?
Many Caribbean islands has open it boarders to visitors. I believe its time that BVI open it boarders with a reasonable and logical plan in place. See what is working for the other islands and what’s not. Right about now the BVI just looks extra ordinary in there approach.
Many Caribbean Nationals cannot wait to come to the Virgin Islands so they can make a dollar.