BVI’s Anegada ground iguana replaces Lacoste clothing logo

An image of the Anegada ground iguana being used as the logo on one of the limited-edition Lacoste polo shirts. (Photo Credit: Lacoste)
The Cyclura pinguis commonly known as the Anegada ground iguana is among 10 of the most endangered species across the globe that will temporarily replace the iconic crocodile logo on the Lacoste clothing line.
The iguana, which was once found in neighbouring Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, is now native to Anegada and Guana Island in the British Virgin Islands.
There are now less than 500 documented Anegada ground iguanas on the planet.
It has joined the list of the critically endangered lizard species around the world.
The iguana’s habitat has been shrinking largely due to the introduction of cattle breeding and agriculture.

The Anegada ground iguana. (Google image)
Lacoste’s partnership with IUCN
The move to use an image of the Anegada ground iguana in place of the Lacoste’s crocodile logo is the French clothing brand’s way of partnering with the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Save Our Species programme.
Effectively, the programme is geared at raising awareness about the most threatened animal species on the planet and create “frontline projects worldwide to help ensure the long-term survival of threatened species”.
“By buying a polo, you participate in helping IUCN and Lacoste in the fight for wildlife conservation worldwide,” Lacoste announced on its website.
A total of 1,775 polos were made exclusively for the programme, which represented the number of remaining species facing extinction because of poaching, deforestation, and climate change.
Other endangered species
The Anegada iguana, will share a spot on the Lacoste logo with the Vaquita found in the Gulf of California, the Burmese roofed turtle found in Burma, the Northern sportive lemur of Northern Madagascar, the Javan rhino of Indonesia, the Cao-vit gibbon which lives on the China/Vietnam border, the Kakapo of New Zealand, the California condor, the Saola also of Vietna, and the Indonesian sumatran tiger.
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What’s in it for the bvi?
Leave it to a simpleton to ask a simple a** question.
#IEndorseThisInitiative #WellDone
Now why would you be insulting by name calling simply because a valid question is asked? At a time when the territory is in a rebuilding mode and financial assistant is welcome and needed, being able to use such a fauna “trademark” should warrant some compensation. The Lacoste clothing line is international and well worn, it benefits from a very healthy revenue flow. So are you not the one being a simpleton with your myopic view? You should be able to agree to disagree without being insulting….
You are just as silly. The question should have been WHAT IS THE BVI DOING TO PROTECT THE LAST 50 IGUANA? Why should a company that’s bringing awareness to such an issue compensate anyone, especially the country which shows no interest in protecting said species. Its that same entitlement is part of the reason why the UK won’t let borrow willy-nilly, and its that same entitlement why these minsters robbing us blind. Lacoste owes no one, they didn’t have to do this s**t, not when their logo is well known. I’m sure they won’t make much from this.
Thanks to all the GREAT people of Anegada who have worked for years to protect and nurture iguana.God Bless the Great people of Anegada.
@ Bob
Yes “ what is in it for BVI?” These are OUR iguanas and if they want to raise awareness of being endangered by putting them on their Polo shirts ; do you think the shirts will be reduced priced because they want to sell a lot to help “ save” the Anegada iguana ? BVI Government Conservation Department should have secured a patent on this ENDANGERED Species ,even the taking of pics MUCH less a “ logo” being used . That’s part of our problem ; taking hand outs . Why because every one else knows what’s best for us : like destroying goats on Thatch andTobago cays to save sea birds ; Can we eat sea birds ?
Get on board Conservation and protect our endangered species ; BV Islanders included
They bring attention to the cause you donkey! By bringing that attention there is hope that greater revenues will flow into conservation for the critically endangered species! Ignorance is alarming!
On behalf of the donkey population, I would like to take exception to the blasphemous use of our name!
Don’t you mean, what’s in it for the Anegada Land Iguana? The BVI obviously benefits from the exposure of this global campaign to action takers who dedicate their lives to conservation
You should be thankful that an initiative of this global scale and reach brings awareness to the BVI, at no cost. It’s this kind of action that can inspire and motivate passionate people like yourself to take on the challenge at a smaller, more local level and make a real difference.
The Government has enough on its plate and it’s really not their responsibility to launch a successful multinational clothing line for the purpose of providing awareness regarding the endangered species of the BVI/rest of world.
Also, you can’t patent something created by God. The only living organisms that can be patented are genetically modified ones.
Also, goats populations can destroy entire ecosystems if left untended and are not culled appropriately.
Also, this is the last sentence.
@ Hmmmm
At least it takes one to recognize another A$$
Lacoste is charging $185 for that polo shirt!
Seer, shut up. The money raised in using these species should be sent to the countries where these species are to help in protecting them. I am assuming that is the reason this is happening in the first place. I am sick of you ignorant people. Parks and Trust are constantly working on preserving these habitats. Please go and do research before you speak. The BVI should receive some of the aid raised from this endeavour.
@ wellsah. I completely agree with you “ some
Of tjhis money should be sent to the countries where the species are to help protect them “
Im sure that is where “ Question “ was goin with his / her comment : we dont know if ANY ageeement has been signed between PARKS TRUST and LACOSTE commiting funding . All we ask is that we be informed that due diligence was carried out and our interests are protected , with this NDP Government we SHOULD not take anything for granted .
Then there is CW with their derogrotative and SAD comments : this bvi is on a downward slide where TOO many things are going WRONG and no one is being held RESPONSIBLE
The comments are always a great insight into why BVI will continue to struggle for the foreseeable future. Grow up and learn how the world works or get left behind. I see most of you have made your choice already. Your compensation is bringing attention to the islands via the animals. Of course I would never expect greedy people to understand the latent economic benefit over the immediate. This is why the recovery is slow compared to other locations. This is why you have an surge in gun crime. Greedy shortsighted people. One of the most beautiful places on planet Earth with one of the most mean-spirited populations. SAD.
Well put!
A missed opportunity – should have been a wild donkey in honor of the “No Direction party”