BVI News

BVI’s legislature too small to serve territory — Fraser


Opposition Leader Julian Fraser has contended that the composition of the House of Assembly (HOA) is much too inadequate to properly facilitate the needs of the territory.

Fraser made the claim as lawmakers debated the merits of the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) which was laid in the HOA yesterday, February 2.

Fraser said he felt the executive –  the governing body of the territory – was already overwhelmed and overworked in the execution of their duties. He then questioned how other lawmakers in the HOA were expected to get things done with the scant resources at their disposal.

“The first thing I would say also is that the House of Assembly is too small. The legislature is too small to serve the territory. You’ve got a House of Assembly as it is right now with five ministers of 13 members,” Fraser argued.

In holding the executive to account – a task he deemed as critical and one of the legislature’s main priorities – Fraser suggested that the HOA was stymied by its meagre means.

“What about the rest of us? Where are the resources that we do need in order to fulfil the obligations of the House of Assembly?” Fraser asked. “Without resources, how can you [hold the executive accountable]?”

Fraser also pointed out that there are even committees set up in the HOA that never meet.

Reports gathering dust in HOA

“I’m sitting here [in the HOA] and it’s just me,” he said. “I don’t mean, I don’t have any other members in the Opposition. I mean, it’s just me when I look back and there’s nobody [assisting] me.”

The lawmaker argued that a look at any other developed legislature would show that they have staff serving in legal, accounting and administrative capacities who help with research and advice.

“We don’t have that. Without that, the government public service cannot function properly. The government public service will never ever be any better than it is,” he argued.

Fraser asserted that it was the duty of lawmakers to act as the government’s conscience and said without the necessary focus placed on resources, this could not be achieved.

The lawmaker shared that reports are compiled and sent to the HOA, and instead of being scrutinised by lawmakers as they should, they are instead left to sit on a shelf and gather dust.

“Our committees are supposed to call those public servants in and have them know their shortcomings, and hold them accountable to it,” Fraser said. “Because if they don’t live up to their responsibilities, when the budget comes to the House, the monies they’re asking for, they wouldn’t get it.”

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  1. resident says:

    no it’s not to small, you guys are just too corrupt to serve the territory

    Like 53
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  2. Oh Dear says:

    So now we need a bigger mess!

    Like 28
  3. STOUTT says:

    stoutt ran this country with with integrity didn’t make all the noise these set of wannabe super stars are finding to complaining about

    Like 26
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  4. LB says:

    Take away the post of governor and give those funds for HoA staff we do not need a white uk governor in 2023

    Like 5
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  5. What says:

    But I can’t believe he says something like that. One of the problems is that it is too big and the budget is still small and inflated and too many ministers don’t have anything to do. Frazer, I thought u were smarter.

    Like 23
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  6. no says:

    he wrote the playbook

    Like 6
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  7. Anonymous says:

    @stoutt,You say that Stoutt ran this country with integrity but what all you Stoutt fans are forgetting he almost give away Anegada and part of Road Town to Bates and just so you all know Patsy Lake didn’t have a hand in saving us.

    Like 29
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  8. BuzzBvi says:

    LB. Didn’t you read the COI?

  9. 2023 says:


    Like 2
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  10. Common sense says:

    Yes, when all else fails and you run out of excuses through desperation, play the race card.

    Like 5
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  11. Small? says:

    The HOA is too small? The BVI is too small. It is not possible to hold people to account when the people involved are all the same family, friend circle, school alumni and church congregation.
    Rules go out of the window when family and so is involved. That’s all the old school BVI population is – family and so, looking out for each other.
    So when all you talk about independence you have to ask independence for who? For those same families to just own every part of life here for themselves with no one to stop the most greedy and ruthless?
    Does that sound good to you? Not me.
    I don’t know what the perfect solution is but maybe, for once, Fraser is correct?

    Like 7
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  12. LOL says:

    You cant make this nonsense up – please vote him out, time for someone new

    Like 19
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  13. ReX FeRaL says:

    When Fraser done its close to a million dollars he will collect. So keep talking shook.

  14. Anonymous says:

    1. Overworked
    2. Inadequate staff
    3. Overwhelmed
    4. Legislature too small to
    Serve the country
    5. House too small
    6. Scant resources
    7. Attempting to avoid
    8. Committees that never meet
    9. Nobody assisting me
    10.public service will never
    be better than it is

    Not one word about the national sustainable development plan about which the meeting was about. What good is this gentleman? Collecting a salary just to complain. Absolutely useless.
    A dire call for new blood in the house.

    Like 15
  15. Pls. Stop it. says:

    13 legislator for 35,000 population cant be too small or inadequate. Time to focus on Brain Power and not man power, not how you do its how you do it…I am sure if Britain take over they can run this country good and Properly with 7 people…These people we have as politicians and Permanent secretaries just need to work and produce.. We have reps more than most caribbean countries twice our size and population..

    Like 18
  16. Suggestion says:

    Maybe it’s time for a “citizen legislature” – double the size of what we have, but it’s only a part time job for the non-ministers, thus half the pay.

  17. Reality Check says:

    We can’t afford the ones we have, let alone any more!
    The ones we have are basically on the “dole”, paid for little or no work, and we would be better off reducing the number to five and using the savings to support the people who really need it, like our senior citizens. The savings would amount to millions when you consider each of their office spaces, the money they get to give away, travel, vehicles, money they fritter away on contracts to their cronies, etc. Put it to better use to improve our quality of life!!

  18. @LB says:

    you sound like a racist

    Like 4
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  19. I've down voted your comment says:

    I’ve down voted your comment for thinking Fraser was smarter.

  20. MD says:

    13 legislators for how many voters?? What nonsense is this. The small voters roll is a handicap and the cause of this mess.

  21. Finally says:

    Finally one of them has publicly spoken what we have all known for years – that they are a set of incompetents who don’t know squat about running a country and have FAILED us miserably through the years.

    And to add insult to injury they are continuing to rape us, using our tax money to line their pockets, family members’ pockets, and setting themselves up by passing laws with benefits so that they can live happily ever after they are voted out by us, or leave after they have appointed themselves to be ‘statesmen’ when their battery power runs out.

    Who doesn’t know that the bulk of them sit and talk utter rubbish and say that they are representing us? They have succeeded in fooling absolutely no one. Power hungry.

    So – what’s next? Should we fire the whole bunch and start all over again?

  22. Rubber Duck says:

    Fraser is typical of the grubby little self servers who have run the country into the ground. He needs to be gone and he needs to be investigated for the numerous shady deals in which he has participated..

    We need a totally new start.

    We need someone with a proven history of achievement, a history of honesty and who demonstrates that they care about the country and not about enriching themselves.

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