BVI News

Call me when you have issues, not the media

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley. (GIS Photo)

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley recently stated that he prefers if restive civil servants contact his office instead of the local media when they have issues.

The Premier made the statement last week as he spoke to the media about a sit-in staged by teachers at the Elmore Stoutt High School.

Premier Wheatley said he supported the teachers’ call for improved work spaces but asked them to contact him instead of the media when they are facing issues on the job.

“One thing I addressed to the teachers, before you call JTV, ZBVI and BVI News, and before you take any type of protest action, call me. If you feel like your grievances are not being heard on the level you’re addressing them, call me and get me involved,” Premier Wheatley said.

“I’m going to sit down and bring everybody around the table and see how we can get these issues resolved, because people take these types of actions when they feel they don’t have a voice and they feel as though their voices aren’t being heard.”

The Premier said he recently gave airport workers the same advice after they became restive some weeks ago.

The teachers were protesting issues they say make their work environment uncomfortable. They also said the issues were affecting their mental health amid a plethora of targets they are required to meet as educators.

After the protest action, Premier Wheatley said he was hearing of the issues for the first time. However, the teachers maintain that these are issues they have been bringing to the attention of the government for some years now.

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  1. Shhhh says:

    “Hush, don’t tell the media ntn, let’s keep it a secret, we don’t want the world to know about the bad conditions we have y’all working under.”

    This guy is always afraid of the truth coming out, just like when he wanted all the names of the covid grant be redacted.

    Like 27
  2. Well Said says:

    As a people we need to learn to exhaust our options through sober dialogue and not drama.

    Like 4
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  3. Ignorance says:

    Why “ Nature Little SECRET “ Dont expose the short comings of thr system . Keep it covered
    That is why we have
    COI and
    Andrew saga with millions going down the drain and cannot be accounted for

    Like 16
  4. Ok Sir!!! says:

    They are within their rights to contact the media if they so choose. Stop trying to control the media.It is only here that you guys try to control the media. IE… what questions they should asked and who should be shut out of press conferences.

    Like 18
  5. VG says:

    Call you for what.Your four voters are the ones to call you not us who cant vote in your district you ARE NOT A LEADER. So take a seat back.

    Like 7
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  6. Action says:

    Really now, sl**man. So are you saying that we should bypass the line minister and come directly to you. What then is the purpose of the minister. These issues were around since you were the minister Hon sl**man. What make you more qualify to handle them now. Furthermore don’t you have cabinet meetings where these issues are addressed. We know the lady minister is over her head and if you say you are hearing these issues for the first time maybe the hon minister of education believed these issues are also over your head. Maybe you should direct them to notify the governornator. Who do we call when we have issues in finance that been brewing a while now. Sl**man you are definitely over your head. You got your position by default on both occasions default premier.

  7. NAH says:


    Like 12


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  9. Out side says:

    We on the outside knows everything that is going on in Tortola even the things that is hidden. Stop trying to control the media. If they choose to contact any media house it is within their rights to do such. That is not your call to tell anyone if they are having issues to call you and not the media.That is a form of dictatorship. So in other words, come to you so things can be covered up and be swept under the famous rug? PLEASE STOP TRYING TO CONTROL THE MEDIA.

    Like 12
  10. NOW!! says:

    Everybody, whatever grievance you have with this man and his circus, CALL THE MEDIA NOW!!! We need to understand the full scale of the nonsense that is going on! Keeping it hush hush will not help. REPORT THEM ALL! CALL THE MEDIA NOW!! Plaster notices all over. Put up billboards. If you do not make use of the media, the country may go down faster than the titanic. You have the power.

    Like 13


  12. Styles. says:

    A country leader trying to keep matters out of the media?

    Sounds like a dictator to me…..

    Although, dictators usually get more stuff done than this u**less guy.

    Like 11
  13. LB says:

    I agree that ain’t everything people need to run go to social media or main stream media about. But we also cannot come to you with everything. There is a structure in place and protocol to follow. Additionally you don’t answer when we reach out to you nor do you provide any real assistance when you do answer. Just empty talk and no real action. So it is pointless to contact you. You drag your feet on everything and are afraid of your own shadow. You can never pick up the phone and demand to get things done now! It is always that you will look in to this or that and get back. But you never do. So wha we calling you for? Only when the media gets involved does anything happen!

  14. Oh says:

    So essentially he has confirmed what we knew all along, that the Minister of Education is a complete waste of time. Ok!

    Like 11
  15. LOL says:


  16. Oh says:

    Yes, sober dialog, like sweep it under the rug, and forget about it.

  17. So look here says:

    Don’t go to the media? Really? This all came up because your golden MINISTER OF EDUCATION EMBARRASS YOUR BEHIND? I don’t care if you and the golden MINISTER OF EDUCATION IS BESTIES, she needs to get going STAT!!!!. YOU ARE ONE BIG JOKE PREMIER, THE NERVE OF YOU!!! CALL ME WHEN YOU HAVE ISSUES, NOT THE MEDIA. BOY PA LEEZE!!!!!!

  18. People Need to Begin A Rebellion says:

    See how all ah dem looking since they beccame were elected?

    How come present and or former govenors can’t catch their corruption?

    As was stated, they principle goalwhen elected was to enrich themselves through looting the peoples purse and other. They said it. They said they would

    Therefore, no trust can be placed nor any confidence canbe placed in that entire government.

    They are busyly enriching their bank accounts, living high and shi**ing big.

    Yet, no increments for active nor retired are forth coming, no wage increase are coming and no abatting of the constant rise in the daily gouging of food prices and other necessary commodities.

    But the greedy bill is active and filling many pockets. What a shame.

    The greed is a constant deminator in this country, from top down, and from government to business to the average man/woman in the street.

    There will be no relief for the public, voters notr the needy.

  19. M says:

    I just want to make myself clear on this boi’s area.You don’t represent me you represent your four hundred plus voters.The more you open your mouth the lunacy in you come forward.Your dictator style is the same s**t as Andrew so don’t come here crying fowl

  20. Agreed 00 says:

    The Premier’s Office needs to shut down. Everything that goes there dies.

  21. Call you? says:

    How can we the teachers call you when you have neglected us for years. We come to you for every situation that still remains unsolved. You give us $300 and thought that would keep us happy. It will not. By time we are done with classroom supples, fans and basic printer and paper the 300 went theu the door. Not even a damn expo we have gotten for the new term. Things can only get done when the media is involved. Dont come on here acting like you resolve shit.

  22. Hmm says:

    People need to remember that the reason natalio seems like another andrew is because he is controlled by the same string pullers that controlled andrew. He sold his soul to become a puppet and in Exchange he has access to spoils. In the long run, it’s his own ppl who will destroy him for his ignorance and lack of faith. As long as yall think yall need the government as it stands now then all yall are slaves. But that’s a conversation bvislanders are too weak to have. The people who are in control enjoy working from within the darkness, that’s why you all are being told to stay away from the media and come to him directly. It sounds nice and in good faith but it’s the light that will shine bright to expose them that they are running from.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This guy is such a r**ard

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