BVI News

Calls made for national security strategy

Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn has expressed deep concern over the state of crime in the territory and is calling for a national security strategy to combat crime.

The Opposition Member said he appealed for a broader conversation in the House of Assembly on how lawmakers could address the issue of crime in the territory.

Penn argued that the public was feeling unsafe and pointed to the recent gruesome murder of attorney Jamal Smith at his Manuel Hill home.

“People need to understand what is the strategy surrounding crime in this territory and the security of this territory,” stated Penn “All 13 [elected] members, [and] the national security council need to have a proper conversation with the people of this territory on what our plans are to address the issue of crime.”

Penn’s cries found support from Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather and Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull who argued that crime was being normalised in the territory.

Mather questioned where the territory has gone wrong in now having broad daylight robberies, murders, and other criminal acts. “As a people, we have been hardworking and considerate of each other. When we look within our community, many of us still possess these qualities but a disregard for law and life has crept in among us,” Mather said.

He continued: “I am not here to blame anyone but rather state that we are all well aware of what is happening in our country and how things have changed. Today, I am calling for laws on gun crimes. More rehabilitation in our prisons, conflict resolution and more focused programming in our communities.”

He stressed that above all, there was a need for the private and public sectors to invest in creating careers for the most vulnerable and in particular for young boys and men.

“Over the past five years, we have seen how many of our young men have been gunned down or gone missing. And we all speculate as to why it happened,” Mather stated.

He pressed for a more comprehensive and realistic approach to crime deterrence and said past initiatives by police such as community policing, gun amnesty, and other measures have not worked.

“I am willing to do my part and more information as to what I propose will be forthcoming in the coming months,” Mather assured.

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  1. Hmm says:

    This is the best thing ever…the drug would stop following and the illegal people won’t be coming in here or on our sister Islands it’s sickening now! Set of criminals they dropping off in the place!!

  2. U says:

    His brother keyber don’t want to work drive around with the S k killer, these are the people we put in the office

  3. Who condone it says:

    The Drew see where he is . Claude Skelton publicly stated the
    Illegal doings with drugs is the third economic pilliar of the BVI
    It came from the mouth of one of the most powerful, popular religious leader of the territory.
    Are you going to say he has no
    Proof of such a statement ? He is right

  4. ReX FeRaL says:

    Seems like there is much emphasis on “murder” of Mr.Smith because of his status in the community. There are other persons, young black men who were murdered in their homes but the NSC was quiet…you all need to stop.

    Like 1
    Dislike 1
  5. Crime Strategy says:

    is simple:

    1)Allow smuggling to continue by the gansta gangs on each BV island.

    2)Interdict the drugs/weapons/cash/illegals and their fast boats at sea or ashore but let the smugglers escape.

    3)Act surprised when smugglers are executed at home or in drive bys a few weeks after a bust.

    4)According to Darwin the weak will die and the strong will survive.

  6. Blockade says:

    Talk tal…when the national strategy is kissed then the local strategy of elected Govern

    would be to reject…ie the Police Bill proposed by the UK.the rejection of submarines and sophisticated electronic monitoring of sea borders in favor of local barges locally owned monitored by local drug dealers and gun runners..

    The International Community would be doing the World a favor to blockade the Bitish Virgjn Islands.These Islands criminal activities and open borders are a danger to its people and to the
    World at large.

  7. Sana says:

    Maybe the cruise ships will pull out. Then we could have better tourists come back to the island.

  8. Return to Jehovah God. says:

    Guns are made to kill, anybody found bearing arms illegally need their hands chopped off and their eyes blinded. Do Mathers and Penn have the testicular fortitude to support such an Act?

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