BVI News

Church distances itself from Pastor Skelton Cline

Skelton Cline

As clergyman Claude Skelton Cline continues to receive criticism for past conduct and his statements as the spokesperson for the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), the board of trustees at the New Life Baptist Church (NLBC) has distanced themselves from him.

In a statement issued to the media through its communications director, Zoe Walcott, the Bishop John Cline-led church indicated that its members were disquieted by Skelton Cline’s general behaviour.

NLBC said there have been “numerous complaints put forward by members of the church and persons in the general community”.

In the aforesaid statement issued on Thursday, the Duffs Bottom-based church therefore said: “The board seeks to assure the public that any views, expressions, opinions and reflections of Pastor Claude Skelton-Cline — an active assistant pastor at NLBC — whilst on the radio show Honestly Speaking, on any political rostrum, or in any other public fora whilst on the 2019 campaign trail, in no way reflect the views of the board, members, management and staff at NLBC.”

It continued: “For avoidance of doubt, the board further makes clear that in Pastor Claude Skelton Cline’s political capacity, he is in no way a representative of NLBC. NLBC distances itself entirely from any political behaviour, whether by omission or commission, whether previous, present or future, which causes injury or can tend to cause injury to the life, limb, or reputation of any person.”

Just this week, Skelton Cline was threatened with a lawsuit from Ninth District candidate for the National Democratic Party, Dr Hubert O’Neal, who the clergymen publicly accused of bribing voters.

Skelton Cline was given an ultimatum to publicly apologise and denounce his claims by midday Thursday, February 14 or face legal action.

There were no known public apologies from Skelton Cline up to publication time.

Skelton Cline takes ‘sabbatical’ from pastoral duties after church dissociates

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  1. Hmm tola says:

    J—- C—- your not any different, talk about money you squandered and still not assisting the members of your church in need, pastors and politicians are just wicked

    Like 27
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    • T says:

      Do you see why Jesus did not mix with politics and wanted no part of it? These Pastors are dragging their church to the ground for money and power. The lies CSC are telling to elect the VIP speaks volumes. This is sad

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  2. No nonsense says:

    Let the bishop go rest! When dealing in politics, god always go out the door for the sake of money and fame. The bishop had his turn!

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  3. Observer says:

    New Life Baptist Church never distance themselves from Pastor J—- C—- when he was up and down w—–. While couseling people wife and now ironically is in a relationship with the same woman that — was counseling.

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  4. Shameful says:

    Wow! May God help us all in this land and beyond!

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  5. thing to talk says:

    Claude with c—-l and bishop with m—h…Trouble in the camp

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  6. lol says:

    He is an empty kerosene pan

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  7. Observer says:

    Why no one came out and denounce the photo with Bevis and C—— wife.Bishop J and others calling foul because his group ain’t got no traction..Its just a money game for all the churches especially N—..They need to Ga Sa Down.

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  8. Page says:

    He need to take a page from Mr. Fahie from PVIM

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  9. Me says:

    Again u guys saw the debacle of thid id–t man yet u still callong him bishop.He sirdly will cost.andrew fshie also

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  10. Hmmmm says:

    The entire VIP team should be ashamed of themselves. When he was with NDP he was pretty bad, but now he is totally out of c—–l with his neg—- and div—– behavior.

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  11. Jacob says:

    This looks like a episode of Greenleaf

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  12. Reply says:

    While every person is entitled to his or her opinions, including pastors, relative to events that are transpiring in life or the country, something does not sit well with me when a so called pastor is preaching at the podium on Sundays, and then politicking on radio or a campaign podium by Monday.

    Maybe I am old school, but I personally could not do it. I’m either preaching the word of God on Sundays, expressing my views from a biblical point of view when the need arises at other times in the same vain as lets say the Pope, or being about politics solely, but I could not be out there knee deep in some political campaign all the while preaching.

    That’s would be a little too much for me to juggle. IMO, one cannot serve two masters at the same time.

    By the way, Mr. Cline is not the only so called pastor knee deep in politics. He is just one of the loudest and more visible.

    Truthfully, I think Mr. Cline behaves as if he would rather be in politics as oppose to being a pastor.

    He definitely comes across as if he has an ax to grind with some bitterness perhaps stemming from his non-renewal of his port’s job contract. And if he does, that will be so ungodly. At least that’s how I perceive him.

    Only he and he alone can decide what’s his true calling. IMO, he should figure it out, and stick to what makes him happiest.

    If he want’s to be a pastor, he should do that and do it well. On the other hand, if he wants to be a politician, he should likewise do that as he once did, but this straddling of the fence is confusing, and leading to these reported complaints and headlines.

    Meanwhile, he has to watch his rhetoric on the campaign trail. Calling people as an “empty kerosene can”, or suggesting in some way that people are paying for votes is inflammatory. People are not going to take such comments laying down.

    Well, he has up until midnight to call Mr. Oneal and set things straight because Mr. Oneal has already warned him that if he does not apologize, he will see him in court.

    The clock is ticking Mr. Cline. You should have Bernie’s number given you’re familiar with each other, and clear up any confusion.

    What would God do?

    Like 17
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    • Wow says:

      These PhDs people behind these post. My lord. Are we on the same team?

      • Reply says:

        Education is a good thing…a very good thing. If you don’t have a good one, may I kindly suggest pursue getting one. It can make a big difference in ones life.

        So no apologies for my “PhD” posts. I live a very good life today because of a very good education. My life today is at its best because of it.

        “Are we on the same team?”. I have no idea. I’m certain that there is much we agree on even if we disagree sometimes.

        Like 7
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    • Whats wrong? says:

      @Reply, tell me, whats wrong with a Pastor being in Politics? Every citizen has the right to be in Politics. Tell me any verse of the bible that precludes a Pastor from being in Politics. Many people play dirty with politics but that does not mean that Politics is dirty. As a matter of fact genuine Christians to transform politics as they would be compelled by the Bible not to accept of give bribes or any form of corruption. Daniel was a Prime Minister in Babylon. Joseph did the same in Egypt, What about Moses and Samuel? I call on all Christians to join any political party of their choice. In no time, they would be in majority in most of the parties and could make necessary changes that will better the lot of Christians. Pastors are Accountants, Builders, top public servants etc. You didn’t have any problem with this except politics. Think again

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      • Reply says:

        I believe in the idea of a separation between church and state. Pastors cannot help themselves if elected than to legislate from a religious view point or mindset which I do not share.

        That does not sit well with my liberal to moderate thinking. So yes pastor are free to contest elections despite I personally think its a bad mix, but they cant count on my vote.

        One example. I believe in the right to choose to have an abortion. Thats my choice and personal decision. I doubt a pastor turned politician will share my view, and I will not empower such a person to legislate against what I consider to be a personal and private decision.

        Given that fact, I will never vote for anyone who is working against my interest and I see pastors turned politician being at odds with important things I believe in.

      • So says:

        We will see if it was God intention for him to run. Surely God would cause him to win! Jehovah God may your Will be done on the Earth forever more!

  13. No name says:

    Listen to the rally again. Did he call Hubert O’Neal’s name? NOOO

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    • @No name says:

      You don’t need to call someone’s name to defame them. You only need to do enough to make any right thinking person know that you are referring to them. Innuendos constitute defamation also. And he did say the member for the 9th district. Let the courts decide.

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  14. There you go says:

    Mr.Cline, now you might understand you cannot play dirty. You as a man of GOD, should be promoting peace and love not confusion and drama. Everyone is distancing themselves from you, you brought that on yourself. I am speaking for myself only,the only thing I see is you are carrying around a lot of hatred in your heart and is not fit to stand in any church to preach the word of GOD. Not at all.

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    • Well said says:

      I totally agree. A pastor sowing hate and anger into the hearts of people. I’m ashamed to refer to him as a man of God.

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  15. Without Sin says:

    Ye without sin cast the first stone. Make sure when you are digging a hole for yourself, you dig two. No weapon formed against this man shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against this man will be condemned.

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  16. The haters says:

    The whole Board of Trustee are NDP. What you expect. A certain family will be in church smiling Sunday.

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  17. Yes says:

    The board of trustees did exactly the correct thing. This man is to controversial and that is bad PR for any church. No one is going to vote for a party that Cline is with. Right now Cline is carrying around to much negative baggage.

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    • @yes says:

      Wasn’t he with the NDP and and had the thing going on last election also Myron when he said if Fraser win all thruthy flying out and you guys still voted NDP

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  18. Me says:

    Again u guys here refering to this BOY as pastor.This man is an i—-t and he’ll cost VIP.Detroit is calling

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  19. NO NAME says:


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  20. @no name says:

    He didnot call the man’s name but a blind deaf cat knows he was throwing his rant at Mr.O’neal. Sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut.

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  21. Hmm says:

    You all don’t see this man is problems where ever he goes or into.

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  22. Sad says:

    When he was on the NDP podium some years back, it was ok, but now it’s a problem because he on another party podium.

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    • Nope says:

      It was bad then and it’s horrible now. HE was really — but not this bad on NDP’s podium. Most people in NDP didn’t like him which is why he was never made a spokesperson for NDP especially after the kerosene pan remark. But regardless of what he says, night after night VIP has him at the forefront of their campaign. Anything for power.

      Like 13
      • Good over Evil says:

        Yes, This is the icing on the cake. This party is running a really dirty smear campaign from the very beginning. They are really thirsty. This shows the level of stinking thinking in this place and this camp. I’m afraid to vote for them. Smile in your face while stabbing you in the back. Literally scary to even think of them having power. We would be doomed…

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    • @Sad says:

      Those comments had cost him that election too. Don’t forget

      Like 13
    • Dirty says:

      Yes it is a problem because he’s too d—-!

  23. NO says:

    His Behaviour on the NDP podium is exactly why he lost. He is 100% worst now.

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  24. Confucius says:

    The V.I.P. need to do the exact same thing and ask this man to step back OFF the podium. I refuse to call him by any title or even a “man of God”. His behaviour is unacceptable and has been since he reach.

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    • @Confucius says:

      I got you, Andrew is in to deep. I think him and Andrew is just alike. Cline is to hot and no one wants anything to do with him. Andrew,you should have listened when you were warned to not do business with that man. VIP wins, Cline is going to turn loose on this Country. Andrew, I hope you are proud of yourself. Come on man the people of your District deserves better.

      Like 19
  25. SMH says:

    Its rather unfortunate the man in question is using the VIP podium to tarnish the Candidates. In my book, he is not a candidate and his views doesnot represent any of the candidates. Vote your concience and not by the means of distractions to sway your vote. Vote with an open mind as to who best fit the rejunevation of the BVI. Personal influences cannot and will not run the BVI. Do your research, listen to the candidates and consider the past years! The choice is yours, not your church leader, not your relative, not your friend, but You!

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  26. Hey Cline says:

    Down load CJ Fly Rap song Now you Know. LOL.

    Like 1
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  27. Rastaman says:

    I am not really a fan of Claude Skelton-Cline.
    However, does the views of Bishop Cline reflect the views of the board, members, management and staff of NLBS? Just curious

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  28. SCAPEGOAT says:

    Claude I sorry for you if VIP don’t win the election. They will take out all their frustration on you. Pray hard.

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  29. Old says:

    Ndp is problem not Cline

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  30. Sunnie says:

    ndp spend All the people money plane wall beach cruise ship dock oil nut bay condo any many more

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  31. TurtleDove says:

    Biggest liability I have seen!….VIP candidates needs to step up and ask him to leave.. if not let Fahie run by himself since he seems to be protecting something?

    Like 16
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  32. Or says:

    Unless Cline have something on Fahie. Never seen so much drama between men.And they say women is always in drama. These guys behavior make women look like saints.

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  33. Anonymous says:

    Things to talk get the fact.get it right

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