BVI News

Civil servants must operate at a higher level — Premier

Dr Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has called on the public service to operate at a higher level in the face of ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) recommended governance reforms.

A problem occurred when Civil Service Association members expressed their concerns to the Premier about senior civil servants being added to the updated Register of Interest Act pending approval in the House of Assembly.

The Civil Service Association was informed by Premier Wheatley that they were welcome to express their concerns to him, and he noted that many of these concerns regarding the new bill could be resolved through administrative means rather than through legislation.

“We definitely don’t want to do anything which would be harmful to our public officers,” the Premier said. “But at the same time, we have to ask our public officers to come to the reality that we have to operate at a higher level.”

Meanwhile, Dr Wheatley admitted that more work needs to be done on the bill but said members of the Civil Service Association thanked him for addressing some of their concerns in the bill already.

The Premier further noted that several of the concerns shared in the COI report have been made for many years by many different people about efforts to build good governance in the Virgin Islands.

Dr Wheatley was confident that expanding the Register of Interest law to cover public servants would enhance governance.

Lawmakers were expected to examine the provisions of the bill earlier this week and Premier Wheatley said he expected a better bill by that time.

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  1. Joke says:

    Look who talking? This must be a joke LOL

    Like 25
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    • cutie says:

      Whilst there are a few hard working public servants, most of them are lazy and think their job is to make life difficult for belongers and even more difficult for expats (West Indian and White). We should fire 60% of them and make the rest work hard with specific objectives and regular performance reviews.

      Like 27
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      • @cutie says:

        hush ya razz

        Like 5
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      • @cutie says:

        Stop your one-sided rant! Let me express how it is with the shoe on the other foot: some of those who are indeed belongers stereotype bvilanders and class all the same. There are some hardworking ones amongst the bunch. For the most part it doesn’t matter what you do or say you will always feel a way about us. Since you think we stupid, lazy and have no good sense then go where you would not be tainted by us! Why stay? Just go and free yourself from our class of undesirables. Express yourself, but don’t come on here like you are trapped or there is some restriction placed on you; whatever hardship a few of my people may place on you does not equate to my people of the BVI. We are mostly warm, welcoming and extroverted people. Some have history that makes them express themselves differently, yet is no excuse for said behavior in dealing with people in a public capacity. And just like there are those few, I’m sure of I venture to anyone country I might find a sprinkle of those same type people you speak about. I travel, I have experienced the same and even worse, but no man or woman who is directing that type of energy in my life will stop me while I navigate through this one life I have to live. They going stay right there with it; or go somewhere and kick rocks!✌

        Like 3
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  2. Smith says:

    Why don’t politicians stop playing politics & operate on a honest level!!!!
    Furthermore send a dam bachoe to Virgin Gorda for Water & Sewerage.

    Like 12
  3. hmm says:

    Yall can jump on him but this is progress. He here actually saying that we need to do better and operate at a higher standard; rather than saying how tom dick and harry used to do it too. This a step in the right direction.

    Like 6
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  4. SMH says:

    Pay increments while focusing on improved productivity and efficiency

    Like 6
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  5. A Gestapo State. says:

    It is not jumping on him, it is human deceny; hummman ethics and human rights.

    How can you ask a segment of the population to step up when their moralle is beneath the floor?

    How can you ask civiians to step up when you personally has stepped them down?

    How can you ask civilians, who have been witing for four administrations, and you have set them back another one, to receive what they have worked for over twenty years ago?

    You are asking us to e reasonable humans whenyou and your policies to the civilians are far from reasonable.

    Like 14
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  6. Lmao says:

    Sir, when will you operate at an honest and ethical level and stop blaming others.

    Like 14
  7. Ella says:

    Pay us better, Appreciate us, MOST IMPOTANTLY LISTEN TO US!

    Like 6
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  8. Anonymous says:

    This is laughable.
    Deal with health and education then you have a better quality of service

  9. BVI says:

    Natalio Wheatle you need to operate on a higher level

    Like 9
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  10. PUT UP says:


  11. Enforcement is Key says:


  12. Spanky says:

    BVI politicians only offer the problem..never solutions!

  13. Example says:

    Set the tone and the example for your civil servants as a leader.
    Example is the greatest teacher. Lead with honest hardworking ethics

    Like 2
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  14. Commit to excellence says:

    Fire any full time civil servant that is not putting in 40hrs per week to their job. Fire those who run 3 companies on the side while taking taxpayer money. Fire those who asleep or on their phones all day at work. Those that remain will be already operating at a higher level. Problem solved.

    Like 3
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  15. look all you commenting says:

    the fact that 1/2 comments seem to be from civil staff shows too many. ever hear too many cooks in kitchen? so many joke ass jobs giving we $ away to 5000!! ppl “working ” gov. it is counter productive, and the world been talking 20+ years now (not old days ppl were nice)
    what the tourist saying is we suck. fix it, or watch these tourists dwindle, then only got colombia to trade with.
    culture starts at top, wheatley.

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