BVI News

COI pressing on despite Willock’s attempts to bench its attorneys

Inquiry Commissioner Sir Gary Hickinbottom (left) and Inquiry Secretary, Steven Chandler.

The Commission of Inquiry (COI) today (Tuesday, August 24) announced its intention to resume hearings in the next two weeks.

This news follows a separate announcement from House of Assembly Speaker, Julian Willock who’s filed an injunction to stop three COI attorneys from conducting any further “legal work” until October when the court will decide whether to uphold Willock attempts to block the said attorneys from being called to the Bar.

The COI did not address Willock’s efforts of the impending court date during their media release this morning.

Its statement only said: “As envisaged, the COI team will be returning to the British Virgin Islands during the coming week to recommence hearings on Monday 6 September 2021. A provisional hearing programme will be published shortly.”

“In the meantime, in the light of the continuing Covid restrictions, the Commissioner has issued an amended protocol concerning the provision of written evidence to allow for evidence to be admitted in unsworn form, which can be found on the COI website,” the Commission added.

The COI was issued on January 19 to look into whether corruption, abuse of office or other serious dishonesty may have taken place amongst public, elected and statutory officials in recent years. Following hearings, it will make appropriate recommendations as to governance and the operation of the law enforcement and justice systems in the BVI.

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  1. W says:


  2. L Ipton says:

    A tug-of-war has started. Both parties believe that they are above the law or perhaps a law unto themselves. Let the series unfold…starring Speaker Willock, Sir Gary Hickinbottom, Bilal Rawat, Andrew King, Rhea Harrikissoon and Silk Law.

    New episode commences in two weeks… wonder if we will get a snick-pic from Director Gov. Rankin? Will the court interject in the interim? Only time will tell…

    Like 11
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  3. see oh eye says:

    We will show willock who run things

    Like 31
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    • Anonymous says:

      Julian Willock you is a boss we with you on this let freedom ring

      Dislike 24
    • @ see oh eye says:

      the people shall run things. we need a justice system for all not white is right

      Dislike 11
    • Not good says:

      When the law is broken by a local then they are charged by the police but when it is broken by persons from the UK then it is a debate if it is really a violation of the law. This is colonialism all over again.

      Like 1
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      • Ano-nym says:

        It is rather convenient to blame colonialism for all the problems around the world and let the corrupt narcissistic domestic politicians off the hook. Just because ‘they’ are corrupt does not mean that ‘I’ can go and commit looting and expect others to turn the other way.

  4. Wi****k says:

    Can someone please tell this big headed man to lose the ego and sit down.

    Like 33
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    • Hmmmm says:

      So because some of you hate the speaker you are willing to ignore that the people from the UK on the COI broke the law. That is sad.

      Like 1
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  5. Hmmm says:

    You want to swim take that seaweed off your beach. That man will sink VIP. The innocent young politicians will all pay for the ignorance of some.

    Like 13
  6. rastarite says:

    Serious dishonesty? Yes!
    Serious corruption? Yes!
    Serious abuse of office? Yes!
    Serious vote buying? Yes!
    Incompetence??? Yes, Yes, Yes!

    Like 27
  7. Bilal fanclub says:

    Welcome back! we cannot wait to watch you again on youtube..

    Like 26
    • Ano-nym says:

      Bilal is a cool dud.!!
      Go Bilal!!!
      Go and get them all…
      Mr Rawat certainly has raw and roaring talent in getting to the bottom of the problem.

  8. Doh says:

    The British are coming!

    Not soon enough

    Like 20
  9. The Wages of Sin. says:

    Hope they have all the information the COI ask for before they leave. No more excuses. They cant be allow to get away with their behavior.

    Like 14
  10. sea cows bay says:

    hope we block the airport from these racist oppressors

    Dislike 24
  11. Rubber Duck says:

    All kinds of great stuff coming. The barges for one.

    It’s Breaking Bad.

    Like 12
  12. Lol says:

    Let the games begin…

    Like 1
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  13. bvi says:

    Just hope they call N first for lying, then call SC and call back J all 3 of them have things to hide

  14. Bingo! says:

    Hope my brothers and sisters from here can Unite and catch dem tief rather than get the same strupes of race divide bs. Man steal my chicken black or white tasting lead shot. 12 yr+ of every man woman here getting chicken tief. Many more robbed than profited. Time to serve the just dessert. Uk paying for some nice white butlers to prepare the feast for us on their dollar. I don’t look gift horse in the mouth.

  15. Enough says:

    It is clear that this COI has already written their report and just piddling around with us as an excuse. Total advantage being taken of us.

  16. Wait says:

    The COI people seem to be above the laws of the BVI. This is extremely alarming.

    Like 1
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  17. awa says:

    @sea cows bay You have got to be the biggest racist oppressor.

  18. Anonymous says:

    @Hmmmm When the hell you people will stop saying that the COI break the law no law was broken the COI is doing an inquiry there is nothing criminal about that, Willock is out of place using lawyers for something he just can’t win, and Richard Rowe knows better but if he doesn’t go along with Willock he won’t have anything to charge for. I hope when this inquiry is over the government will be made to pay back the taxpayer’s money. Just so you know this the inquiry was ordered by the UK and the more the government kicks up about it the harder they will make it for themselves.

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